Scott Mccloud Reinventing Comics Rapidshare Download

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Scott Mccloud Reinventing Comics Rapidshare Download Average ratng: 6,2/10 1820votes

Old News 1999-2002 News from the old site blog. Many links may be out of date. Note that from late 2006 through 2008, my and the became our primary news outlets. 1999-2002 2002 12/28: My two favorite T-Shirts: The Camouflage shirt that says 'Ha! Now, You Can't See Me!' And, of course, the ever-popular. I'd tell you where to buy them, but I'm not sure.

May 22, 2017. Reinventing Comics How Imagination and Technology Are. Page 45 after the 45th page of Scott McCloud s UNDERSTANDING COMICS. Hegre gislane rapidshare Scott.

Possibly Hot Topic for the first one. 12/26: a 24-hour comic like no other. 12/26: If you were interested in joining us for the MIT Seminar, that one was for students only I'm afraid (and sold out to boot). If you'd be interested in a Boston area Seminar in the future, let me know. 12/25: Survived another one! 12/20: We're going to -- unofficially. Catch us wandering around if you can.

12/15: Here's a with an interesting approach. 12/12: If you're thinking of making a few charitable contributions this holiday season, and the are two great comics-based organizations to consider. 12/10: (Script by Yours Truly) just solicited in Diamond Previews, shipping in February.

It's an all-ages story that I was strangely fond of. Be sure to pick one up. 11/28: I was updating my to finally include The-Four-Who-Must-Be-Named-For-Easier-Linking and was reminded of what a big, funny, wonderful comic Dylan Meconis' is.

If you haven't read it yet, do yourself a favor. Andrew Taylor, who created, also wrote about me in the Las Vegas Mercury, prior to my talk in Sin City on November 2nd. Thanks, Andrew. 11/26: Interesting day.

Scott Mccloud Reinventing Comics Rapidshare Download

11/20: Nowhere Girl is Back! 11/19: Thank you to everybody who stopped by for my talk at It was a blast..

11/14: The fabulous Diana Schutz sent me this picture of Frank Miller (right) and I at SPX in Sept. Check out Frank today on NPR's 11/05: Uh-Oh. 11/05: Two new sites are now on my morning reading list each day: Dirk Deppey's and. 11/02: Meet me. Also appearing Saturday are Gilbert Hernandez, Bill Griffith, Steve Gerber and Steve Darnall. 10/30: Here's a by Kenn Minter.

10/29: Michele Salvador of Italy has put together a great flash version of 'Carl - Original Recipe' (see Online Comics). 10/23:, Merlin's at it again! 10/21: is live – Subscribe today! 10/20: One of my students at Maine (6th from the left in the photo) just happened to be Mr.

Josh Roberts, creator of the excellent index! Check it out, and if you have an online comic you'd like to be listed, let him know.

10/17: Back from my 8-day trip to Depauw University in Indiana and the 5-day seminar at Belfast Maine's Hutchinson Center. Thank you to my hosts and to all my wonderful students. It was a blast. 09/28: Here's a cool use of comics. What the Minnesota Historical Society put together.

09/26: in Belfast, Maine -- part of the University of Maine system -- is going to be hosting my 5-day storytelling seminar over Columbus Day weekend, Friday to Tuesday, October 11-15. 09/25: The suspense. The 09/20: Gotta, gotta, gotta love 09/19: courtesy of Phil Rittenhouse. Pal Pal Teri Yaad Sataye O Piya Mp4 Video Download there. Also check for a cute Understanding Comics in-joke.

09/13: Check out this great Carl-style Jam, 09/10: I'll try to post a brief account of the show soon. 09/09: Back from SPX. I'll try to post some thoughts on the show and a bunch of photos soon (would've been sooner but my laptop screen gave out on the flight out). Meanwhile, the continues to chronicle my later years. 09/03: Toc Fetch's Comics. Toc Fetch's comics.

Toc Fetch's comics. And when you're done with that, check out the latest 08/29: Matt Brady has just posted about my 1986 uber slugfest Destroy!! At Newsarama. 08/26: Visit the 08/24: about Ninth Art's 24-hour comic event.

Read it all when you get 20 minutes free. 08/23: We're finally done with the move to the new apartment (smaller *and* more expensive, who could ask for more?). Here are a few items from the last couple of weeks: Ninth Art is sponsoring a new 24-hour comics competition. Read about it And speaking of 24-hour comics, my daughter Sky (age 9) did her own 24-hour comic without any prompting from the old man last week. Ivy and I were bowled over by her dedication, with only one and a half hours of sleep, she finished her comic with one hour to spare. Final total: 29 pages plus a written account of the experience. I swear to God, I didn't put her up to it.

Patrick Farley has released TWO great new comics. Read 'em now. Derek Kirk that Dylan 'Bite Me' Meconis and Erika 'Coffee to Go' Moen could use our help on the bandwidth front. Check his Aug 11 entry for details.

August 10 I may not be able to update while we move to the new apartment, but for more great San Diego news and photos (including me showing Chris Claremont some webcomics! -- forgot to mention that great conversation in my own write-up), go to Jim Zubkavich's SAN DIEGO WRAP-UP! The hall was even bigger this year and the lines even longer. How this can continue to happen year after year in such a small industry is a mystery to everyone.

Artists Alley was in the new section of the hall and re-unified into a single section. (Last year we were scattered confusingly all about). Most of the convention was the usual blur of old friends, fans, acquaintances and meals but here a couple of notes on each day. Thursday August 1 Hurrying past the throngs to catch the panel at 5:30 pm, I walked in about 5 minutes late to 'speak of the devil' comments from the podium.

Joey ran a good entertaining panel. I was particularly impressed by the succinct, honest and non-confrontational way he fielded the inevitable Scott Kurtz question. Here's a snap: (Click to see a bigger versions of any of these.) That night was Winter's 7th B-Day so the family and some close friends went to Buca di Beppo's with her.

Here's a truly weird photo of us in that truly weird restaurant. Then I hooked up with the Modern Tales guys at a little bar in the Gaslamp district. We were sitting outside talking when one of our gang came running out to tell us that had taken the stage inside. We bolted in to hear great renditions of 'Tits in the Morning' and another song sort of like 'Monkey vs.

Robot', but now I can't remember which one it was. Then took the stage and did 3 really great songs on the guitar, (at least one of which he wrote) one was a duet with the lovely Merrilie (sp?). Didn't get any shots that night, but here's another cool MT shot from the floor. Friday August 2 Friday highlights included a wonderful CAC panel with Will Eisner, RC Harvey and me.

Though hyped as a debate between RC and me on definitions, everything was extremely cordial and good-humored.The little room was packed and the audience participation was first-rate. I don't doubt that we could have gone on for hours; it was over much too fast. We're very lucky in comics to have such elder statesmen as Will and RC looking after us. Dinner was yet another web-centric affair with some incredibly talented artists joining us. Panda Inn at Horton Plaza played host to a great meal and peering faces huddled around laptops.

I love introducing artists to one another. After dinner, we gathered in the lobby of the Westin and Ivy grabbed this great picture: Click to get more info on who was there that night. Saturday August 3 Got to have lunch up on the sail pavillion with some of our message board brethren. Thanks to Greg Stephens for arranging that one. A quick dinner at Pat and Oscar's with the hometown gang. I hooked up with Kip and Jenn at Horton Plaza where I met a frighteningly talented group of young artists who really should have a nice snappy group identity so I can plug them more easily, but in the meantime, you can read all about them on San Diego report. Jenn and Kip and I took in the CBLDF auction then got directions to the annual bonfire beach party.

Could only stay for awhile on the beach but was happy to see old friends Heidi MacDonald, Jason Lutes, Jason Little, Megan Kelso, and many others. Also met Jason (just Jason) of Hey, Wait fame, and had a great talk with comics' number one mole, the mighty Calvin Reid of PW. On the way back to the parking lot, we (being Kip, Jenn and I) hooked a ride with Jim Lee, Heidi, Peter Milligan and one other whose name I only sort of caught (sorry about that). Tight fit with much lap-sitting, but Jim got us home in good shape. (Thanks, Jim!) No pictures of that ride I'm sad to say. Sunday August 4 Breakfast with Kurt Busiek, signing at the Comic Art Museum, saying goodbye to ten thousand of our closest friends and a quick round at the dead dog party.

From all four days, here are just a few of the pictures I took: 08/01: Winter's Birthday! (though the *real* celebration starts Monday). San Diego begins. Look for me in Artists' Alley all four days and on a panel with Will Eisner and RC Harvey on Friday.

Might also be signing at the CBLDF and Cartoon Art Museum Booths. And I'll be in the audience, front row center for the Modern Tales panel (and so should you!).

I may not be able to post as regularly during the con, but I will be taking lots of pictures and will post some of them here. 07/31: Just an hour and a half from San Diego on 8. The trip is almost over, but the Convention is about to begin. 07/30: New Mexico and Arizona today. A billboard promises 'post office popcorn sandwiches' but we're in too much of a hurry to exit and try these amazing new cullinary inventions of which they speak. Approaching Flagstaff, with hopes of staying with friend Toni and son Nicky in Phoenix tonight. 07/29: Back on the road at 3:00 pm.

Going to have a lot of catching up to do. Snapping a few pictures of Kansas plains along 54 and thinking about the young Clark Kent. 07/29 So here we are, sitting in a Pep Boys in Wichita, Kansas at 9:25 am with the whole family. Ivy's doing paint-by-logic puzzles in Games Magazine. Sky and Winter are contenting themselves with a GameBoy and Tangrams.

Something blew out last night as we rolled in from Ames, but with luck, we can still make our journey from Minneapolis to San Diego in good enough time to hit the convention floor early Thursday. (I'll be in Artists Alley and on a panel with Will Eisner and Bob Harvey on Friday.) The two Minneapolis seminars were tremendous fun.

For two weeks, six hours a day, I taught forty students (about twenty in each class) everything I could about making comics. My sincere thanks to the MCAD students and out-of-town learners who stuck with me and made my first extended teaching experience both rewarding and enjoyable. (Click for a larger view) For the weekend in between seminars, it was Canoeing with the Gaiman family, (and if that sounds a bit surreal, you don't know the half of it.) It was Michael G's birthday and we all had lots of fun on the water, despite an ample supply of mosquitos, sun and exhaustion. Our Sky (9) and Maddie Gaiman (8), every time they approached mildly rapid waters, would chant in unison: 'We're going to die!

We're going to die! We're too YOUNG to die!'

(Neil's version of the chant in his was a bit different, but Sky assures me I have it right). Been reading David B.' S Epileptic on the trip. Great, great stuff. 07/11 Stopped at Mount Rushmore with the girls.

Checked out Lincoln's plaque: Apparently the Civil War was started as a way to celebrate Sky's birthday! 07/07 The road trip to Minneapolis begins! 07/03 Found a new place. More money, less room, but at least they take dogs. *sigh* Might be out of commission for a while as we scramble to get ready. 07/02 I just love it when they put it that way. 06/29 Great new 24-hour Comic from!

An early preview of 'Solitary Confinement' that coming in July. 06/28: *Gulp* Need to find a new apt.

(Ours is being sold) I might be a bit distracted this summer. McCloud Parody alert! Both PVP #5 and Dork Tower #18 have some pretty funny send-ups of Yours Truly. Not surprisingly, both Kurtz and Kovalic draw me better than I draw me. 06/24: Okay, I'm not even going to *attempt* to be impartial about this one. My wife and I have known Jenn Lee -- now -- for about 15 years. From Day One, I thought Jenn's artwork and writing were worthy of publication and deserved a wide audience, but the print comics industry in all its hidebound idiocy never had a place to slot her work because it didn't fit into any of their narrow categories.

Now, thanks to the Web, you can find out what we've all been missing for over a decade. Is Jenn's new comic and it's absolutely terrific. 06/23: One of our best online cartoonists was recently hit with a big bandwidth bill following a memepool link. While his situation may not be as dire as Bill Loebs (and I'm sure Derek himself would send you to Bill first) please consider also making a Paypal donation at the above link. A New Seminar? Couldn't make it to Minneapolis for the seminar? We might have some good August news for North-Easterners soon.

Please do what you can to help out this pioneer of independent comics. Over 30 artists are signed up so far! Patrick Farley's mind-blowing new webcomic is absolutely huge (4 MB) and will take awhile to load, even on fast connections, but even if you have to download the thing overnight and read it in the morning, you'll be glad you did. This summer, in conjunction with the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, I'll be offering TWO 5-day seminars in comics storytelling.

For six solid hours each day, I'll do my level best to teach you everything I know about the art of making comics (after – *gulp* – 18 years in the business) through short lectures and extended hands-on exercises. June 14: And.

(the that is). June 7: Looks like I'll be on a panel at the, Friday June 7! May: As noted earlier, an is underway to create a broad-based online comics award, but in the meantime, the closest thing we have is Register today for the 2002 nominating rounds! Out of left field: My 2-page comic for Nickelodeon Magazine last year has been nominated for an for best how-to article for a children's magazine (under 'print publications,' click on 'Periodicals--Editorial' and scroll down the pop-up box until you get to 'How-To Feature, Children.' ) April: MIT's Technology Review has by Henry Jenkins.

Site Update: Over 60 more artists added to the 24-hour Comics Index. (Sorry for the delay!) Site Update: Newly updated Top Ten in the section. There's now a for discussing The Morning Improv. Stop by and say hello (and thank Greg Stephens for setting it up.) March: Thanks for the great reception at The Game Developers Conference in San Jose! The onstage chalk-talk with Will Wright drew about 1,000 people and was a lot of fun. January/February: Travel, travel, travel. (see for details).

2001 December 1: to Art Spiegelman, Chris Ware and myself on 'The Odyssey', a radio show from WBEZ in Chicago (recorded at The Chicago Humanities festival -- Click on the November 16th show). Also, a monthly one-page comic begins in the Jan issue of Computer Gaming World. November: The Chicago Humanities festival features Will Eisner, Art Spiegelman, Chris Ware, Neil Gaiman, Ben Katchor, Michael Chabon and Yours Truly.

Also out in November: The December issues of both Wired Magazine and Computer Gaming World contain original 6 page comics by me! October 6: The San Jose / Silicon Valley Business Journal recently feautured The Morning Improv. Click to read it on the Web. September 23: to Joey Manley on this week's episode of Digital Comics Talk! September 12: scheduled for September 14 -16 in Bethesda MD has been cancelled due to Tuesday's tragic events. Our condolences to any of our readers who may have lost loved ones this week.

September 7: Site Update: I've added a bit more info to my Top Ten page in September 6: Check out Thursday's co-hosted by me and Jason Thompson. Our guests were John Barber and Patrick Farley. August 31: Site Update: debuts in the Online Comics section. August 18: have both been nominated for an for Best Online Comic to be chosen at this year's in Bethesda, MD September 14-16. Download Petrica Matu Stoian Coace Doamne Prunele Fisierulmeu more.

August 13: from San Diego's Digital Comics Panel! (taken by Zack Weinberg, with comments by Zack and comics scholar Shweta Narayan.) August 11: give on the Groth-McCloud debate in a front page feature. There are a few odd mistakes (Tycho's June 20 attack piece was linked to without any reference to his later for example) but it's a surprisingly lengthy treatment and worth a look. July 26: to Scott on the Web, along with Steve Conley, Indigo Kalleigh and Ted Deiker of Jambooks on the Internet Talk Show 'Wild Takes.' July 25: I'm back from San Diego and I have of the participants in the 'Art of Digital Comics' panel! July 19-22: is almost here!

I'll be in Artists Alley and. Saturday July 21 at 2 pm, I'll be moderating a very cool 'Art of Digital Comics' panel featuring,,, and!

Three out of the five panelists are coming to the Con *because* of this panel (Demian is coming from Zurich, Switzerland even) so maybe you should too. Immediately following, I'll also be on a 'Business of Digital Comics' panel moderated by with,, and a rep from.

AND be sure to buy Comics Journal #235, out at the show, to read my 8,400 word RESPONSE to Gary Groth's 10,000 word demolition of The Great Debate is definitely under way. I'll also be appearing on two Comics Arts Conference panels at San Diego: Friday 10:30 am CAC Session 3: Understanding Web Comics. 'Comics scholar Scott McCloud and cognitive scientists An van Dienderen and Shweta Narayan (University of California at Berkeley) explore the mystery of how comics readers go about the complex task of creating an integrated understanding of language, images and narrative. The conceptual structuring of standard comics is compared to the metaphorical structuring of McCloud's web-comics.

Room 13' I'll also be on hand as respondent for Friday 1:30 am CAC Session 4: Responses to Scott McCloud's Reinventing Comics. 'Davin Heckman (Bowling Green State University) argues that McCloud fails to address the relationship between technological change and comic book collecting. Justin Colussy Estes explains how McCloud has adapted the definitions and theories established in Understanding Comics in order to extend this understanding to cartoonists creating on the digital canvas. Room 13' July 8 - is a new subscription-based ($9.99 PayPal) online magazine. The second issue has an embarassing number of references to me, but it also has cool short profiles of,, and among others. An interesting experiment — let's wish 'em luck. July 3 - Site Update: All is now online in the section.

June 27: Last week's is cooling down finally. Time to get on with some more meaningful debates, I hope. Thanks to Tycho for turning things around with June 27's. June 26: The Unbreakable DVD is out with me as one of the interview subjects on disc 2. Eisner, Miller, Chabon and others also appear. Very cool stuff. June 25 - Site Update:: All Zot!

Original Art is now online in the section. June 19: Uh-oh. June 15 - Site Update: Complete site redesign and update, a brand new ICST at and just published 2 pieces on Online Comics, Reinventing Comics, and Yours Truly. Try and May, 2001: Updates to 'Frequently Asked Questions', the RC info in Links and The 24-hour Comics Index.

April 16, 2001: Guest appearance on 's 'The Screen Savers' with host Leo Laporte for a short discussion of Online Comics. Leo was dynamite and seemed to genuinely get what I was talking about, even in the dry run. He especially dug 's pull-focus technique and the falling panel in Thanks, Leo! April 16, 2001: Guest appearance on 's 'The Screen Savers' with host Leo Laporte for a short discussion of Online Comics. Leo was dynamite and seemed to genuinely get what I was talking about, even in the dry run. He especially dug 's pull-focus technique and the falling panel in Thanks, Leo!

April: The April issue of includes my 2-page comic about making comics. Check it out! March/April: #232, a special Internet Issue, features an interview with Yours Truly, a mostly positive review of and the first half of a scorching two-part assault on by legendary industry muckraker Gary Groth.

Rick Veitch, in his account put it best: 'While some see the glass half full and some see it half empty, Groth tends to smash the glass against the bar and start slashing with the jagged edge!' February 25: Choose Your Own Carl is Complete at last!!

See the Comics section. February 19: Reinventing Comics and Scott are profiled on February 8: Zot! Online 'Hearts and Minds' has won the for best online comic! February 4 - 25: 'Choose Your Own Carl' is ending!! Get in your suggestions for the LAST PANEL by Saturday the 24th! Details in the Online Comics Section.

February: Calling all WebComics Fans! If you're coming to, arrive early for the Internet panel -- Saturday at noon! January/February: The Feb, Issue of MacWorld is now on the stands with the McCloud Q & A feature. 2000 December 10: The Zot! Online Limited Edition Print is at CBR. November/December: Watch for an upcoming issue of Macworld, where you'll find an interview I did. November 17: 'Zot!

Online' First story is now complete and viewable at August 25: THREE interviews with Yours Truly hit the Web this week!: July 7: 'Zot! Online,' a 16-week feature begins at today! June 25: Buy My Mother-in-Law's Paintings!

June 7: Reinventing Comics (see right) released in comic book stores. My new monthly comics column 'I Can't Stop Thinking!'

Debuts at site. May 2: Links Section opens with my 'Personal Top Ten.'

April 28: Reinventing Comics is profiled in The Wall Street Journal. April: Two page preview of R.C. In the 'May' issue of Wired Magazine follows. January 20th: Online Comics feature on Morning Edition featured Yours Truly, Stan Lee and Art Spiegelman. 1999 November 14: 'Choose Your Own Carl' Section 5 is now open. September 17: 'Frequently Asked Questions' debuts now in the WELCOME section.

Various minor navigational changes (including this page). August 26: I've just contributed to's 'Come Draw with me' feature. Stop by and take a August 8: 'Choose Your Own Carl' Section 4 is now open.

July 18: Thanks to Yahoo who once again made a 'Site of the Week.' (now if only they could get my index listing right.) July 2: Understanding Comics finally has an Index. Go get it in the U.C. Section of OBJECTS.

June 20: INVENTIONS is now Open! Including: - The 24-Hour Comic - The Story Machine - The Creators Bill of Rights - 5-Card Nancy - The Big Triangle April 16: Stop by your local comics store in early May for a copy of Comics Journal #211 featuring a 50 page section of critical responses to Understanding Comics. I've already posted my responses to the responses – get the Journal and find out where! April 5: 'Choose Your Own Carl' Section 3 is now open.

January 29: 'My Obsession with Chess' concludes in the Online Comics section!