How Much Do World Rally Drivers Earn To Die

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It's not the pay you peanut brain! And writing articles like this is part of your day job??— Clayton Rushgreen (@claymanrush7911) why keep going on about money? You people are just not listening to the right people!! It's NOTHING to do with money!!— Tony hamilton #Actor (@fraggle101) This, of course, means the RMT must be misleading Londoners by telling them in their leaflets that their members' '. The RMT wants pay to go price growth, equating to a. Other #TubeStrike supporters preferred to get personal, with many obsessed about how much I earn.

Ironically, many of these transparency warriors preferred not to show their face, and instead tweet behind apparently funny names like 'Norbert Knobswizzle'. Remington 600 Serial Number on this page. How much do piss poor journalists like you make being a tory troll.— norbert knobswizzle (@nobbyswizzle) how much do you earn? What service do you provide that has more value to us than a tube driver?— oneofthethree (@oneofthethree) The backlash after I pointed out the raw numbers behind tube drivers' pay reached a new height when 1990s TV presenter Terry Christian waded in. You may remember him. 'Gosh disgraceful, they should work 24/7 365 days a year for a fiver a week,' the former Celebrity Big Brother contestant sniffed. ' Gosh disgraceful, they should work 24/7 365 days a year for a fiver a week— terry christian (@terrychristian) He then, telling his 64,000 Twitter followers that I was 'whining' (read: pointing out facts) and that: 'I bet his public school cost about £30,000 a year.' Some on Twitter expressed bemusement at his vitriol, but Christian bizarrely tried to link me with Jeremy Kyle, mocking our supposed attendance of 'one of those wargames and W****** establishments', and suggesting that I am somehow the son of.

Sure if you get into WRC, otherwise problably not. Only people that drive for m sport, vw, citroen, hyundai will get paid. People like martin prokop won't get paid as they are privateer. Normally they don't get paid because most of rally drivers are on individual groups participating on rallies.

How Much Do World Rally Drivers Earn To DieHow Much Do World Rally Drivers Earn To Die

' He went to one of those wargames and W****** establishments - his dad was Queen Mother's Private Sec— terry christian (@terrychristian) Mr Christian's invective clearly managed to excite his followers, with one of them modestly claiming that I cited tube drivers' pay because of my 'Nazi racist views'. But Asa,your numbers are biased towards your Nazi racist views— Andrew Mann (@MannMikkismeeta) Does that mean I'm racist against Nazis? This Terry Christian fan wouldn't clarify, but was adamant that I am ' [sic]'.

'You really don't want to push Christian to the point he may bring the darkness,' warned me. Terry Christian indicated why he seemed so nonchalant about tube drivers' pay, and why he preferred to resort to personal abuse, when he let slip that he thought £50,000 was 'not a lot really'.

' It's not a lot really and few of them get that— terry christian (@terrychristian) This may come as a surprise to civil servants in the Treasury, with their latest analysis showing that an income of £49,673 a year would put you among the richest 20 per cent of Britons. Even if a Tube driver lived in a household with another adult who doesn't have any income, their household income would be well above average.

How does a tube driver's salary compare? Rather well actually. Median gross income of households in decile 1 adult 2 adults Top decile £60,200 £88,200 Ninth decile £39,900 £58,500 Eighth decile £31,300 £46,800 Seventh Decile £25,100 £38,200 Sixth decile £21,100 £32,400 Fifth decile £17,900 £27,600 Fourth decile £15,300 £23,300 Third decile £13,400 £20,200 Second Decile £11,400 £17,300 Bottom decile £8,800 £13,400 Mr Christian's pronouncement that 'few' tube drivers actually get a salary of around £50,000 is similarly ill-founded.

When I put his claim to Transport for London, a spokesman responded: 'Not sure where he’s getting that from'. The official continued: 'You’re absolutely right – most drivers receive around £49K, and not a ‘few’.' As Londoners suffer further travel chaos, the Tube strike's Twitter supporters pile on anyone who offers the facts. When they calm down, drop the slurs, and read the figures, perhaps the #TubeStrike debate will move on.

World Rally Championship officials have imposed a one-race suspended ban and fined driver Jari-Matti Latvala after he ploughed into a spectator during the Monte Carlo Rally - then continued to finish the race. Footage of the incident, which happened during stage 11 of the rally on Saturday, shows Latvala racing round a bend before losing control of his vehicle, spinning into the spectator zone, and colliding with a photographer.

The Finnish rally driver and his co-driver Mikka Anttila have been jointly fined £3,800 by the FIA World Rally Championship. Scroll down for video. World Rally Championship driver Jari-Matti Latvala (pictured) has been given a one-race suspended ban and fined after he hit a spectator during the Monte Carlo Rally A spokesman for Volkswagen said the man, who was knocked into the air, was not believed to have been seriously injured. In a statement Latvala claimed he had not seen the photographer because mud and water was obscuring his view. However, after reviewing footage stewards argued on-board camera footage suggested Latvala would have seen the impact.

The Hollies Evolution Rar Files there. They also maintain he was aware of the collision - claiming he asked his co-driver after the race to 'check the spectator was okay'. Rejecting Latvala's claims, the steward's report adds: 'it would be hard to believe that the driver and/or co-driver had not realised that they had hit a spectator as the body could be seen quite prominently on the bonnet and right in front of the windscreen. 'It is not plausible for the Stewards that the crew did not even consider the possibility that they had hit a spectator. 'when the car was on its way to rejoin the stage, people were running away to the left and to the right. 'In such a situation it would have been the obligation of the crew to stop at the venue of the incident and check if a spectator was affected.' Latvala later said he was 'sorry' about what had happened, stressing he was not aware he'd struck a spectator Latvala said he was 'sorry' about what had happened, stressing he was not aware he'd struck a spectator: 'I would first like to stress that I am very sorry about what happened. 'We came off the very slippery road after a right turn, skidded into a ditch and came out in a field.

'My visibility was hampered briefly by thick steam from the engine and mud that had sprayed up from the ditch. 'I saw a spectator jump to the side and drove slowly back to the road. 'The team contacted me after the stage and informed me that I had touched a spectator. 'As I said, I am very sorry about the whole incident.'