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Do you want more from your life? More happiness? Better health? Deeper relationships? Increased productivity?

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What if I told you that just one thing can help you in all of those areas? An Attitude of Gratitude What the heck? Is this a Christian blog? I’m not even religious.

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When I first started looking into gratitude, I wasn’t expecting much. I was wrong: Seriously? This list of benefits was compiled by aggregating the results of more than. Gratitude makes us happier.

A five-minute a day gratitude journal can increase your long-term well-being by more than 10 percent. A1,a2,a3 That’s the same impact as doubling your income! A4 How can a free five minute activity compare? Gratitude improves our health, relationships, emotions, personality, and career. Sure, having more money can be pretty awesome, but because of we quickly get used to it and stop having as much fun and happiness as we did at first. Gratitude makes us feel more gratitude. This is why a five-minute a week gratitude journal can make us so much happier.

The actual gratitude produced during those five minutes is small, but the emotions of gratitude felt during those five-minutes are enough to trigger a grateful mood. While in a grateful mood, we will feel gratitude more frequently, when we do feel gratitude it will be more intense and held for longer, and we will feel gratitude for more things at the same time. In five words – gratitude triggers positive feedback loops. After repeated exposure to the same emotion-producing stimulus, we tend to experience less of the emotion. Put more simply, we get use to the good things that happen to us.

This also means that we get use to the bad things that happen to us. Those who have been disabled have a remarkable ability to rebound – initially they may feel terrible, but after months or years they are on average just as happy as everyone else. Hedonic adaptation gives unparalleled resiliency and keeps us motivated to achieve ever greater things.

It also kills our marriages – we get use to our amazing spouse (or kids, or job, or house, or car, or game). We stop seeing as much positive and start complaining. It is a psychological imperative to fight hedonic adaptation if we want to maximize happiness. Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools in our arsenal.

In all relevant studies, changes occurred slowly. It took several months of continuous practice for the largest benefits to appear.

This is for two reasons: • Cultivating gratitude is a skill. After three months of practice, I now have the ability to self-generate slight feelings of gratitude and happiness on command. With more time and practice, I expect the intensity and duration of the generated feelings to increase. • Gratitude is a personality trait.

Some people have more grateful personalities than others. Daily gratitude practice can change our personality, but that takes a long time. Gratitude makes people like us. Gratitude generates social capital – in two studies with 243 total participants, those who were 10% more grateful than average had 17.5% more social capital. B1 Gratitude makes us nicer, more trusting, more social, and more appreciative. As a result, it helps us make more friends, deepen our existing relationships, and improve our marriage. B2 Bonus question: Is that first picture actually of me?

Obviously not. I’m a handsome, healthy, and popular young man. I would never be working alone in the dark on my computer writing a blog post.

Gratitude makes us healthier. Check it out: There is even reason to believe gratitude can extend your lifespan by a few months or even years. F2,f3,f4 4. Gratitude boosts our career. Gratitude makes you a more effective manager, c1,c2 helps you network, increases your decision making capabilities, increases your productivity, and helps you get mentors and proteges. B1 As a result, gratitude helps you achieve your career goals, as well as making your workplace a more friendly and enjoyable place to be.

A2, b2 Do you think this is effective? I’m not suggesting that criticism and self-focus don’t have a place in the workplace, but I think we’re overdoing it. 65% of Americans didn’t receive recognition in the workplace last year. Gratitude strengthens our emotions.

Gratitude reduces feelings of envy, makes our memories happier, lets us experience good feelings, and helps us bounce back from stress. B2,d1,d2,d3 6. Gratitude develops our personality. It really does, and in potentially life-changing ways. A2,b2,d2,e1,e2 If you’re a man, don’t worry; gratitude won’t transform you into a woman.

Convinced of the benefits? Sign up for, the course I created with the sole focus of helping you live a happier, more grateful life.

Not convinced? Want to know the details or explore the science that backs up these claims? Click below to go to the specific category or benefit that interests you, or just continue scrolling.

Click to jump to the comments section. Gratitude is strongly correlated with optimism. Optimism in turn makes us happier, improves our health, and has been shown to increase lifespan by as much as a few years. F1,f2,f3,f4 I’d say a 5 minute a day gratitude journal would be worth it just for this benefit. The act of gratitude is the act of focusing on the good in life.

If we perceive our current life to have more good, we will also believe our future life to have more good. Optimism is correlated with gratitude because those with an optimistic disposition are biologically more likely to focus on the good (gratitude) than on the bad (personal disappointment, anxiety, etc). Materialism is strongly correlated with reduced well-being and increased rates of mental disorder.

G1 There’s nothing wrong with wanting more. The problem with materialism is that it makes people feel less competent, reduces feelings of relatedness and gratitude, reduces their ability to appreciate and enjoy the good in life, generates negative emotions, and makes them more self-centered. The pursuit of wealth and power has been shown in dozens of studies to be a highly inefficient method of increasing well-being and happiness.

To be sure, if your income doubles you will be slightly happier. But how much effort do you think is involved in doubling your income? How many sacrifices are required?

Motivational speakers will tell you that the money is worth the sacrifices. Applying that same level of energy towards strengthening one’s relationships, cultivating compassion and gratitude, and so on much more reliably creates positive, transformative change. Said differently, material success is not a very important factor in the happiness of highly grateful people. Materialism flows from two sources: role models and insecurity. • Americans are inundated with materialistic role models every day: from advertisements which highlight materialistic themes, to celebrity culture which glorifies the rich and frivolous, to business culture in which we are told our dreams should be to be rich and powerful. Gratitude helps by reducing our tendency to compare ourselves to those with a higher social status.

• Those who are insecure, that is, those that have not had their basic psychological needs met (e.g. Those who lack confidence, come from a poor background, or had unsupportive parents), are more likely to be materialistic. Gratitude is an effective strategy for reducing insecurity. A grateful emotion is triggered when we perceive an act of benevolence directed towards us. Those who are dispositionally ungrateful are therefore less likely to perceive acts of benevolence, even if they are surrounded by a loving environment. Flipped around, those who cultivate an attitude of gratitude are more likely to perceive an environment of benevolence, which in turn causes their brains to assume they are in an environment full of social support, which in turn kills insecurity and materialism. Those who are more materialistic are more likely to relentlessly pursue wealth.

So while gratitude won’t make you lazy, over your lifetime you may end up earning less money. You will instead re-focus on other things. You may, for example, spend time with friends, family, and your hobbies. That’s a good thing. ) Regret #2: Working too hard. Gratitude has caused me to focus less on things that don’t matter, like making money, and more on the things that do, like my family and this blog. I think that’s a good thing.

Is highly correlated with feelings of gratitude. That is – the more spiritual you are, the more likely you are to be grateful. This is for two reasons: • All major religions espouse gratitude as a virtue. H1 • Spirituality spontaneously gives rise to grateful behavior. I believe the opposite to also be true, that gratitude spontaneously gives rise to spiritual attribution, helping one feel closer to God or other religious entities. I am irreligious, and have found gratitude practices to make my spiritual position difficult – those moments when I feel intense gratitude make me want to believe in a benevolent God. My solution has been to re-direct my feelings towards Lady Luck.

Many of the sub-traits associated with spirituality are the same sub-traits associated with gratitude. For example, spiritual individuals are more likely to feel a strong spiritual or emotional connection with others, and to believe in inter-connectedness. Both are prerequisites for feeling gratitude – someone who feels weak connections with others, and who believes in the illusion of self-sufficiency is unlikely to feel gratitude. I’ll be totally honest, I’m a self-centered twat.

I’m a lot better now that I’ve brought gratitude into my life, but I still spend way too much time thinking about myself, and too little thinking about others. I expect this to change – because of my compassion and gratitude practices I am starting to have spontaneous urges to help others. This is because the very nature of gratitude is to focus on others (on their acts of benevolence).

In this regard, gratitude practice can be better than self-esteem therapy. Self-esteem therapy focuses the individual back on themselves: I’m smart, I look good, I can succeed, etc. That can work, but it can also make us narcissistic or even back-fire and lower self-esteem. I1 Imagine a world where no one helps you. Despite your asking and pleading, no one helps you. Now imagine a world where many people help you all of the time for no other reason than that they like you. In which world do you think you would have more self-esteem?

Gratitude helps to create a world like that. Gratitude does this in two ways: • Gratitude has been shown in multiple studies to make people kinder and more friendly, and that because of that, grateful people have more social capital. This means that grateful people are actually more likely to receive help from others for no reason other than that they are liked and appreciated. • Gratitude increases your recognition of benevolence. For example, a person with low self-esteem may view an act of kindness with a skeptical eye, thinking that the benefactor is trying to get something from them. A grateful person would take the kindness at face value, believing themselves to be a person worthy of receiving no-strings-attached kindness. Gratitude increases sleep quality, reduces the time required to fall asleep, and increases sleep duration.

Said differently, gratitude can help with insomnia. A2,j1 The key is what’s on our minds as we’re trying to fall asleep. If it’s worries about the kids, or anxiety about work, the level of stress in our body will increase, reducing sleep quality, keeping us awake, and cutting our sleep short.

If it’s thinking about a few things we have to be grateful for today, it will induce the relaxation response, knock us out, and keep us that way. Yes – gratitude is a (safe and free) sleep aid. In one study of 65 subjects with a chronic pain condition, those who were assigned a daily gratitude journal to be completed at night reported half an hour more sleep than the control group. A2 In another study of 400 healthy people, those participants who had higher scores on a gratitude test also had significantly better sleep. They reported faster time to sleep, improved sleep quality, increased sleep duration, and less difficulty staying awake during the day. J1 This is not because their life was simply better – levels of gratitude are more dependent on personality and life perspective than on life situation. Gratitude can’t cure cancer (neither can positive-thinking), but it can strengthen your physiological functioning.

Positive emotion improves health. The details are complicated, but the overall picture is not – if you want to improve your health, improve your mind. This confidence comes from. Gratitude is a positive emotion. It’s no far stretch that some of the benefits (e.g. Better coping & management of terminal conditions like cancer and HIV, k1,k2 faster recovery from certain medical procedures, positive changes in immune system functioning, k3 more positive health behavior, k4,k5 etc) apply to gratitude as well.

In fact, some recent science shows just that – those who engage in gratitude practices have been shown to feel less pain, go to the doctor less often, have lower blood pressure, and be less likely to develop a mental disorder. The science on how is still unclear. Here are two ideas: • Gratitude reduces levels of stress by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. Stress in turn has been shown to disrupt healthy body functioning (e.g disrupting the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, the immune system, our sleep, etc). • Gratitude encourages pro-health behavior like exercising and paying attention to health risks. I will be honest with you – by combining the results of a few different studies I’m confident that gratitude can extend lifespan, but no single study as yet has actually proven this claim. Here is what we know: optimism and positive emotion in general have been used to successfully predict mortality decades later.

F2,f3,f4 The optimistic lived a few years longer than the pessimistic. A few years may not sound like much, but I know when I’m about to die I’d like to have a few more years!

We also know that gratitude is strongly correlated with positive emotion. So, gratitude –>positive emotion –>an extra few months or years on earth. With positive psychology research on the rise, I believe we can expect this claim to be rigorously tested within the next five to ten years.

Gratitude and vitality are strongly correlated – the grateful are much more likely to report physical and mental vigor. • Study of 238 people found a correlation of.46 between vitality and gratitude. E2 • Study of 1662 people found a correlation of.38 between vitality and gratitude. Same study found correlations above.3 even after controlling for the levels of: extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, and perceived social desirability. E2 This means that vitality and gratitude are strongly correlated even after considering the possibility that they are correlated because high-energy people and high-gratitude people share personality traits like extroversion in common.

I believe it’s two of those three: • People with high levels of vitality tend to have some of the same traits that highly grateful people do, like high levels of optimism and life satisfaction. • Gratitude increases physical and mental well-being, which in turn increases energy levels. In one 11-week study of 96 Americans, those who were instructed to keep a weekly gratitude journal exercised 40 minutes more per week than the control group.

A2 No other study has yet to replicate these results. It could be because other gratitude studies testing this effect have been much shorter – in the range of one to three weeks, or it could be because this result was a fluke.

Once again, time will tell – but it would not surprise me if being grateful for one’s health would increase one’s tendency to want to protect it by exercising more. Those that have more gratitude have a more pro-active coping style, are more likely to have and seek out social support in times of need, are less likely to develop PTSD, and are more likely to grow in times of stress. B1,b2,d1 In others words, they are more resilient. Surprise, surprise: gratitude actually feels good.

Yet only 20% of Americans rate gratitude as a positive and constructive emotion (compared to 50% of Europeans). L1 According to gratitude researcher Robert Emmons, gratitude is just happiness that we recognize after-the fact to have been caused by the kindness of others. Gratitude doesn’t just make us happier, it is happiness in and of itself! That’s no surprise – we idealize the illusion of self-sufficiency. Gratitude, pah! That’s for the weak. F&ck no it’s not.

Gratitude feels good, and if the benefits on this page are any indication – gratitude will make you stronger, healthier, and more successful. Are you afraid to admit that luck, God, family members, friends, and/or strangers have and will continue to strongly influence your life? I once was – not only was I less happy, I was also weaker.

It takes strength to admit to the truth of inter-dependency. Our memories are not set in stone, like data stored on a hard-drive.

There are dozens of ways our memories get changed over time – we remember things as being worse than they actually were, as being longer or shorter, people as being kinder or crueler, as being more or less interesting, and so on. Experiencing gratitude in the present makes us more likely to remember positive memories, m1 and actually transforms some of our neutral or even negative memories into positive ones. M2 In one study, putting people into a grateful mood helped them find closure of upsetting open memories.

M2 During these experiences, participants were more likely to recall positive aspects of the memory than usual, and some of the negative and neutral aspects were transformed into positives. The personality trait of envy has a correlation of.39 with the personality trait of gratitude. In addition, on days when people experience more gratitude, they are also more likely to experience less envy. E2 This is likely because an attitude of envy and an attitude of gratitude are largely incompatible. Just like it is impossible to feel optimistic and pessimistic at the same time, gratitude is the act of perceiving benevolence, while envy and jealousy is the act of perceiving inadequacy. Benevolence and inadequacy cannot be completely perceived at the same time.

Gratitude and positive emotion in general are among the strongest relaxants known to man. I was having trouble sleeping a few nights ago because I was too stressed and couldn’t relax. I’ll be honest, for the few minutes that I was able to hold feelings of gratitude I almost fell asleep, but holding feelings of gratitude is hard!

In this case, too hard – I ended up getting out of bed. Gratitude may be just as or even more effective than relaxation methods such as deep breathing, but because it is also more difficult, is unfeasible as an actual relaxation technique.

Think of it like tea – one or two cups help you relax – three of four make you want to empty your bladder. But it could just be me.

Perhaps you’ll find practices of gratitude more natural and easy. Multiple studies have shown that gratitude induces pro-social behavior. Keeping a gratitude journal is enough to make you more likely to help others with their problems and makes you more likely to offer them emotional support.

There are two main reasons. • Gratitude helps us perceive kindness, which we have a natural tendency to want to reciprocate. Without the feeling of gratitude, we may not recognize when someone is helping us (the same way anger lets us know when someone is trying to harm us). • Gratitude makes us happier and more energetic, both of which are highly linked to pro-social behavior.

I’ve never been married, but from what I’ve heard, read, and seen, one way marriages start to suffer is that when the passion starts to fizzle, the partners become less appreciative and more naggy. Scientists have put numbers to our intuition and experience, creating an appreciation to naggy ratio. More formally called the Losada ratio, it divides the total number of positive expressions (support, encouragement and appreciation) made during a typical interaction by the number of negative expressions (disapproval, sarcasm, and cynicism). When the ratio was below.9, that is there were 11% more negative expressions than positive expressions, marriages plummeted towards divorce or languishment. Those marriages that lasted and were found satisfying were those with a positivity ratio above 5.1 (five positive expressions to each negative).

S1 Building regular practices of gratitude into your marriage is an easy but effective way of raising your positivity ratio. Does the positivity ratio actually change the dynamics of a marriage, or does it simply reflect underlying happiness or conflict? Would ‘faking’ a higher positivity ratio actually change the dynamics of your marriage, or would it be the same as faking your income on a survey – it may let you temporarily feel better, but it doesn’t actually make you any richer? There is reason to believe it is both. What we say and how we act becomes who we are.

Has been shown to actually make people happier. But the effect is only so strong. I believe that for gratitude to truly effect a marriage, it must come from the heart. With enough practice and effort, it can.

You shouldn’t take the numbers too literally. A good rule of thumb is three or four positives for each negative means you’re doing well. Ingratitude is universally regarded with contempt. It’s opposite, gratitude, is considered a virtue in all major religions and most modern cultures. It may not be sexy to be grateful, but people will respect you for it.

Gratitude is not the same thing as indebtedness, which we rightly avoid. Indebtedness is a negative emotion which carries an assumption of repayment. Gratitude is not the same thing as weakness. Weakness is flattery or subservience. Gratitude is the acknowledgment of kindness with thanks.

It takes big balls to acknowledge that we didn’t get to where we are all on our own – that without others we may never have made it. That’s why, just maybe, gratitude may be sexy too. When I was in college I found it really easy to make new friends. If I hadn’t moved out of NYC it would still be easy – living in a farm town makes it difficult. I’ve found an effective way to start a conversation or move a relationship forward is an expression of gratitude, “thank you for that coffee, it was super delicious.” *wink, wink* Ah, my mistake – that’s actually what I use to hit on my barista. But you get the point.

I have one friend who always deeply thanks me for taking the time to see her. That makes me feel appreciated and that makes me feel good. Wouldn’t it make you feel good too? Effective management requires a toolbox of skills.

Criticism comes all too easily to most, while the ability to feel gratitude and express praise is often lacking. Timely, sincere, specific, behavior focused praise is often a more powerful method of influencing change than criticism. Specifically, multiple studies have found expressions of gratitude to be highly motivating, while expressions of criticism to be slightly de-motivating but providing more expectation clarification. T1,t2 Contrary to expectation, if praise is moderate and behavior focused, repeat expressions of gratitude will not lose their impact, and employee performance will increase. 2 Because of our culture, expressions of gratitude are often difficult to give – cultivating an attitude of gratitude will help. I’ve seen firsthand the powerful difference between interacting with subordinates more with praise, and interacting with some more with criticism.

Those I’ve given more praise are more enthusiastic about working with me, express more creativity, and are so much more fun to work with. More Info: Gratitude has been shown across a number of studies to increase social behavior. Two longitudinal studies showed that those with higher levels of gratitude actually developed more social capital than those with lower levels. Those who are more grateful are more likely to help others, and to pay it forward, that is, to take on mentoring relationships.

But I’m guessing you care more about getting help from mentors and benefactors than being a mentor yourself. Well, that makes sense – having one or more mentors dramatically increases one’s success rate. The first level is simple – those who are grateful are more social and also more likely to ask for help. But it goes one step further – we all ask for help at one time, one of the key differences between one-off help and establishing a mentoring relationship is gratitude. Flipped around, what is it that makes a person want to help you on a continuous basis?

Gratitude – when their wisdom, experience, and time are well appreciated, mentors will find enjoyment from the process, continuing to help you for weeks, months, or years. In one study, participants were asked to write down those goals which they wished to accomplish over the next two months. Those who were instructed to keep a gratitude journal reported more progress on achieving their goals at the end of the study. One result doesn’t make science – what you should take away from this is that, at the least, gratitude will not make you lazy and passive.

It might even do the opposite! Decision making is really tiring – so tiring that we automate to our subconscious much of the reasoning that goes behind making a decision. Even for the most basic of decisions, like where to go eat, there are dozens of variables to consider: how much time and money do I want to spend, what cuisine would I like today, am I willing to travel far, what should I get once I get there, and so on.

If you deliberated on each of these decisions one at a time, your mind would be overwhelmed. The problem gets even worse for more complex decisions like making a diagnosis. In one study, doctors were given a list of ailments from a hypothetical patient and also given a misleading piece of information—that the patient had been diagnosed at another hospital as having lupus. Half the doctors had gratitude evoked by giving them a token of appreciation.

Those who did not receive a token of appreciation were more likely to stick with the incorrect diagnosis of lupus; those who did receive the gratitude were energized to expend more energy and to pay their gratitude forward onto their patient. They also considered a wider range of treatment options. Shows that gratitude motivates improved decision making. Those who cultivate an attitude of gratitude find tokens of appreciation every day, on their own. Those who are insecure have difficulty focusing because many of their mental resources are tied up with their worries.

On the other hand, those who are highly confident are able to be more productive, because they can direct more of their focus towards their work. This operates at both a conscious and subconscious level – we may be getting mentally distracted by our worries, or more commonly, parts of our subconscious mind are expending energy to suppress negative information and concerns.

Z1 As gratitude has been shown to increase self-esteem and reduce insecurity, this means that it can help us focus and improve our productivity. Gratitude is no cure-all, but it is a massively underutilized tool for improving life-satisfaction and happiness. Convinced of the benefits? Read this post. Positive Psychology Progress (2005, Seligman, M.

P., Steen, T. A., Park, N., & Peterson, C.) a2. Counting Blessings Versus Burdens: An Experimental Investigation of Gratitude and Subjective Well-Being in Daily Life a3.

Gratitude Uniquely Predicts Satisfaction with Life: Incremental Validity Above the Domains and Facets of the Five Factor Model a4. W., Stevenson, B., & Wolfers, J. The new stylized facts about income and subjective well-being.

Emotion, 12(6), 1181. The Role of Gratitude in The Development of Social Support, Stress, and Depression: Two Longitudinal Studies b2. Why Gratitude Enhances Well-Being: What We Know, What We Need to Know c1. I., & Stone, E. The Effects of Feedback Favorability and Feedback Consistency. Academy Of Management Proceedings (00650668), 178-182.

Doi:10.5465/AMBPP.19 c2. Jaworski, B. J., & Kohl, A. Supervisory Feedback: Alternative Types and Their Impact on Salespeople’s Performance and Satisfaction. Journal Of Marketing Research (JMR), 28(2), 190-201.

This number has been floating around the internet, but I was actually unable to find the original source. It may be wrong, or I may not have looked in the right places.

Coping Style as a Psychological Resource of Grateful People d2. Positive Responses to Benefit and Harm: Bringing Forgiveness and Gratitude into Cognitive Psychotherapy d3. Gratitude in Intermediate Affective Terrain: Links of Grateful Moods to Individual Differences and Daily Emotional Experience e1. Is Gratitude an Alternative to Materialism? The Grateful Disposition: A Conceptual and Empirical Topography f1. “Optimism and Physical Wellbeing.” Optimism & Pessimism: Implications for Theory, Research, and Practice.

Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2001: 127-145. Positive Emotions in Early Life and Longevity: Findings From The Nun Study f3.

Optimistics vs. Pessimists Survival Rate Among Medical Patients Over a 30-Year Period f4.

Prediction of All-Cause Mortality by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Optimism-Pessimism Scale Scores: Study of a College Sample During a 40-Year Follow-up Period. B., & Breen, W. MATERIALISM AND DIMINISHED WELL-BEING: EXPERIENTIAL AVOIDANCE AS A MEDIATING MECHANISM. Journal Of Social & Clinical Psychology, 26(5), 521-539. Materialism: Trait aspects of living in the material world.

Journal of Consumer Research, 12, 265 – 280 g3. M., & Kasser, T. Coherence and congruence: Two aspects of personality integration.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68, 531 543. Emmons RA, Crumpler CA. Gratitude as human strength: Appraising the evidence. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 2000;19:849–857.

All about ME. New Scientist, 214(2862), 44-47. Gratitude Influences Sleep Through the Mechanism of Pre-Sleep Cognitions k1. Benight C, Bandura A. Social cognitive theory of posttraumatic recovery: The role of perceived self efficacy.

Behav Res Ther. 2004; 42(10): 1129–1148 [serial online]. Stanton A, Snider P.

Coping with a breast cancer diagnosis: A prospective study. Health Psychol. 1993; 12(1): 16–23 [serial online]. Segerstrom S, Taylor S, Kemeny M, Fahey J. Optimism is associated with mood, coping and immune change in response to stress. J Pers Soc Psychol.

1998; 74(6): 1646–1655 [serial online]. Taylor SE, Kemeny ME, Aspinwall LG, Schneider SG, Rodriguez R, Herbert M. Optimism, coping, psychological distress, and high-risk sexual behavior among men at risk for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). J Pers Soc Psychol. 1992; 63: 460–473. Giltay EJ, Geleijnse JM, Zitman FG, Buijsse B, Kromhout D. Lifestyle and dietary correlates of dispositional optimism in men: The Zutphen Elderly Study. J Psychosom Res.

2007; 63: 483–490. Gratitude: Effects on Perspective and Blood Pressure (2007) l1. Emotion and Social Context: An American—German Comparison m1. Watkins, P.C., D.L.

Kolts: 2004, #Counting your blessings: Positive memories among grateful persons#, Current Psychology: Developmental, Learning, Personality, Social 23, pp. C., Cruz, L., Holben, H., & Kolts, R.

Taking Care of Business? Grateful Processing of Unpleasant Memories. Journal of Positive Psychology, 3, 87-99. Fredrickson, B.

L., & Losada, M. Positive Affect and the Complex Dynamics of Human Flourishing. American Psychologist, 60(7), 678-686. Doi:10.1037/0003-066X.60.7.678 t1. I., & Stone, E.

The Effects of Feedback Favorability and Feedback Consistency. Academy Of Management Proceedings (00650668), 178-182. Doi:10.5465/AMBPP.19 t2. J., & Kohl, A. Supervisory Feedback: Alternative Types and Their Impact on Salespeople’s Performance and Satisfaction.

Journal Of Marketing Research (JMR), 28(2), 190-201. What Neuroscience Reveals about the Nature of Business. Fannin, Ph.D. And Robert M.

Williams, M.A. Image Attribution:,, Which benefit excites you?

Comment below! Thanks Bobbi! How can I pack so much information into one blog? Mm think of it as a reflection of my personality, it comes out naturally 🙂 The research for this post took an extremely long time (~25-30 hours), but because I’m such a nerd, that was fun and just replaced my usual reading time.

The html, css, javascript, and creating the images took 5-6 hours, but once again is fun, so no problem. Writing the eBook companion took about 5-7 hours, and writing the actual post took ~6-10 hours, and was the most difficult part. Split up over 3 weeks, 40-50 hours total, or about 2-4 hours each day. Yeah not the most efficient use of my time. I’m glad the experiment worked.

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, my posts are too long 🙂 I’m starting to experiment with different ways I can stay true to my personality, while still keeping my articles readable. I’m not sure what’s going to come next, but I know I still have work to do. I’d be glad to teach you. I’m too lazy to write an article for ProBlogger, but I’m happy to put together a tutorial for you (and other A-list folks). Ah, I realize my priorities are completely messed up, of course. I shouldn’t be too lazy to write an article for a website that can drive tons of traffic to my site. Amit, you keep me laughing, and I’m grateful for that.

This article is so uplifting! I immediately grabbed an old gratitude journal off my shelf and dusted it off, then wrote that I’m grateful for your article today; it has touched my life. Very inspiring, not just the message, but also the presentation and organization. I was pleased to be able to recommend this on Google Plus! You asked what benefit excites me. I will have to choose goals and productivity.

Those are on top of my mind most of the time these days. It is good to know there’s something simple I can do for only five minutes each day, that will help me in those areas. I love this blog, it really makes you think about what’s important in life! Being kind to not only others but also being kind to yourself can change your life. In recent years I’ve tried to live this way. Helping others as much as possible and helping myself through patience and love. I’ve really been getting involved in charity’s and helping others in need and its made me a better person, I realize how lucky I am too.

The cause I’m helping now is helping a family fund raise to rebuild their home after a fire destroyed it and everything they own. The only thing they have left is the clothes on their backs! Here is a link to the fundraiser, I hope others will feel compelled to help also! To answer your question, I’m grateful I don’t have a boss like that SNL videoanymore;) Love all of these points and just like so many emotions have an opposite, gratitude leads to happiness, as you so well point out and that leads to less stress, less neurotransmitters firing the fight or flight signal which causes more stress to the entire body (and in the extreme, leads to PTSD with all of its manifestations). I love most of all the time you spent on the hyperlink grid which leads to various points with synonyms in your post.

Made me laugh. I am clipping and sharing. Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment Michele! It’s a difference of opinion – I believe happiness and gratitude are secular; that they arise from good use of our biology, not a higher power. Similar to this, I believe that secular moralism and spiritual adherence coincide quiet well. If one follows the teachings of God, they are likely to be compassionate, devout, honest, etc I believe if one wishes to make the best use of their biology (secular moralism), I believe they too will make the choice to be compassionate, devout, honest, etc Although perhaps your belief then is that God made our biology in such a way that gratitude, compassion, etc are the most rewarded emotions (e.g. In comparison to jealousy and hatred, which lead to unhappiness)?

I just didn’t understand how you could ignore that innate feeling of which you spoke in your article. I enjoy reading the information on your page. I kind of get what you are saying, but I believe we as humans begin to think we have more power than we really do. I too feel connected spiritually and allow that feeling to progress.

I feel people are afraid of the idea of an all powerful God. I do believe God made us to be naturally compassionate and good people. When people are “bad” I truly believe they are going against their true nature and giving in to the opposite spirit in Satan. Although secular moralism is helpful to others I am not sure how that would work because from a young age, I have believed in God. A fine piece that I will share.

I just emailed the author this response: I like this overview of gratitude and its benefits. One point I’d emphasize is that you research the great spiritual traditions. I think you have misunderstood something important. You write that “Gratitude increases spiritualism.” Actually, spiritualism means that you believe that the spirits of dead people are communicating with us.

This notion isn’t a central part of any of the great world religions. It’s not there in Buddhism, for example. Also, on the Buddhist path, one can be overflowing with gratitude without having a notion of God.

And then, if you consider the Christian path, one can have a heart overflowing with gratitude, just as you did, without adhering to any particular image of God, because God is not a noun (like “table”). In the Jewish and Christian traditions, God is the great Mystery who births forth this cosmos and cannot be contained by any image, concept, name or theory.

In Christianity, this is called the apophatic dimension of spiritual practice. Let go into the gratitude that is continuously flowing throughout all creation and you are in the deep flow of something that is coming through you, but something that you do not own and you did not create.

This is a powerful experience, beyond words, ideology and ego. Go with that flow and you’re in line with a vast oceanic blessing that is always happening, whether you participate or not. It’s a relief and a joy to participate. Hey Amit, I really liked the gratitude vs wining the lottery graph you have here so I wanted to make sure that it is supported but the papers you cite. As it turns out, in the Brickman et al., paper, the authors did not measure the happiness of lottery winners in a longitudinal manner (right before and after winning the lottery and 6 months later). So, I am not quite sure where your data for the graph come from.

As it stands, the graph you’ve made is misleading because it suggests that the happiness of lottery winners decreases over time after the win, something that is not at all shown in the data by the Brickman et al paper you cite. Icadmac Keygen Generator. Please advise if you used another paper to create this graph, whether you just misread the paper, or (and I hope not) purposefully mislead your readers. Thank you Kostadin! I’ve taken down the graph and amended my text. I have a clear memory of getting the data from a longitudinal study, but as you said, the paper I cited is no such thing.

A quick literature search turned up papers which suggest the opposite of what I originally claimed – that winning the lottery does in fact create small but significant long-term increases in happiness. So even if I find the original paper, it’s clear there’s conflicting evidence.

Again, thank you for pointing this out. It’s likely that I made a mistake. It would be great if I had someone looking over my shoulder to check my work, but for now, this is a one-man labor of love. Ramdas Shetty.

Indeed, as your blog suggests, gratitude is a powerful dose of medicine, and without any negative side-effects, too, working far better than focusing on self-esteem, for me at least. I happen to believe in God, but it’s really gratitude directed towards God for all that I am and all my potential, none of which I am entitled to, that I find to be deeply healing of any emotional wound. I think this healing occurs because gratitude naturally diminishes my covertly egotistical, prideful self to the point where the self isn’t as important as what I can do to express my gratitude. Not only being grateful, but taking it to the next level by doing something positive to express this gratitude. Gratitude in action.

This focus away from myself and towards a mission to express gratitude is what makes the past seem significant only for the purposes of learning spiritual lessons. From being grateful, I’ve learned that it was my covertly egotistical self that caused nearly all of the problems in my own life, because in perhaps 99% of the instances I was not forced to do something and instead I did it to feel good, in other words, to pump up my own ego. Having accepted full responsibility as a result of gratitude not only didn’t make me depressed or lose self-esteem, it actually boosted my energy, because now I realize that I have the capability to fix myself and thus redirect my life in the direction that I want it to go. Ironically, by not focusing on boosting the self and by not caring about my self-esteem, both of which gratitude makes less relevant or even to the point of total irrelevance, I have far more energy, sharper mental clarity, and every positive attribute that you’ve mentioned in this blog.

Gratitude is THE attitude to have. And, I happen to believe in a higher benevolent Being and that I have a mission in life, with that mission being to fix myself in a spiritual way. This combination works to make a very fulfilling life. Amit, that’s a wonderfully constructed article!

And Thanks for sharing the book! You gathered a helluva lot of information from many authentic sources, it seems.

It really beats me (I must mention that I am a first-time visitor to your blog) how could you ferret out so much of readable material for a topic of Gratitude! You gave 40-50 hours for one post – that’s something I really wish I could target for someday. After reading through your post, it seems that whatever we’ve known as human beings – and has been handed over to us by the generations – are now being proven to be true after all. Is this a travel back to our roots, while brandishing scientific documents to make ourselves realize that we haven’t traveled far from where we started, after all Go ahead on your path, and go far!

Thanks for this great article! I’ve been freelancing for a gratitude gift company lately, and reading lots of fantastic gratitude articles and it’s really got my thoughts latching more and more onto what I am grateful for in life. You might like the company that has me out finding all these articles for them to share with their audience. They really practice what they preach.

I’m t least thankful that the work they gave me got me reading all these articles. Just like you are what you eat, you are what you think and articles like this one have been really healthy brain food 🙂 THANKS! YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU are such a TRUE Difference Maker! THANK YOU x’s a millionand I meant it for your stunning presentation of all those facts that you presented here in your blog! I was doing some research on the benefits of Happiness for my November ezine and thought, my community, (over 6,000) needed to MEET you and hear your overview on the topic. This is what I know, I’ve been touched by your blog today and I know those that are guided to click on the link, will be blessed as well! THANK YOUfor all your love, care, time, skill, talent and willingness to spend all that time, energy and effort for those of us lucky enough to FIND your blog ~ THANK YOU!

I start every morning in gratitude and through out my day too! I knew it was a blessing for me and othersbut had NO idea until todaythanks to youhow good this seemingly small thing we do, means to us on so many levels! If you are open to sharing your mailing address, I’d love to send you a personal note too! Blessings to you and your family! In all probability would receive finished fitter and more defamation to bang that you can research all our covers, and study engorged articles from artist issues dating plump for to our 1967 move our trade name-new breed embankment.

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