Yugi Special Edition Deck Lighting

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Yugi Special Edition Deck Lighting

— Qilby, A form of where, when a villain fires a weapon at someone and another character leaps into the path of the bullet, receiving the injury instead. Time often, and the shielded one will shout a. The leaper will then have a scene where they weeping-ly tell the character how important they are before losing consciousness, while of the survivor. Sometimes they get better, sometimes they don't, but it's close, either way. Usually results in tears and/or an angry moment, especially if the person they took the bullet for loved them in any way.

A dispute may result, even though it's obviously too late. This may be a minor character protecting a major one, or sometimes a villain will do this following a, in which case they're. This turns into a if the rescuer pushes the victim out of the way without being hit by the shot. Can be done with any other projectiles: a common gag is to do it with something utterly harmless, and really, the rarely succeeds at any attempt to empty the next bullet into his original intended target. Nor will the diver not get there in time to stop the bullet, or the bullet. Considering how much could theoretically go wrong with this trope, it's almost surprising how (relatively) rarely it gets. The United States Secret Service (which protects the president) calls this 'catching the bullet', although it is rarely actually performed.

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In real life, the technique is obviously different, as bullets are far too fast to react to. Instead, the human shield will stand in front of the defended individual (hopefully) prior to the shot being fired. For instance, when Kennedy was shot, the agent with Johnson (the vice president) threw him to the floor of the car and then threw himself on top of him until they reached a secure location. If this trope is executed poorly, usually because there were more intelligent alternatives to, it can come off as a.

On the other hand, there may very well have been. And are the unwilling versions that often happens in hostage situations. Is when you do this with air-to-air weaponry.

In, this is another term for. Try not to confuse the tropes, though.

Note also that modern small arms munitions, especially military grade, are perfectly capable of penetrating right through someone and retaining sufficient energy to kill or severely injure the person being shielded, so this is very much a last resort tactic if trying to stop someone else being shot. Due to the, spoilers are likely. You have been warned. • Semi-minor character Brad does this for Vash in episode 21 of, and dies in front of him and his friends. Is, understandably, horrified.

• In the episode 72 from (one of the sequels), during an aerial duel between Grendizer and another starship, Rubina flies her own ship between Grendizer and an energy beam to save Duke. She dies shortly after. Her is done more tragic because Duke had accused her of betraying him shortly before. The whole episode was a. •: At his first meeting with Integra, Alucard protects her from a gunshot with his own hand. Of course, for him, it's not that.

•: • Iruka has a Taking the Shuriken moment in the first episode when he jumps in front of Naruto to save him from Mizuki's. This was mirrored later in the series when Mizuki throws a giant shuriken at Iruka and Naruto protects him the same way. • In Shippuuden, Chouza Akimichi is nearly killed after taking a hit from Pain to protect Chouji. He later turned out to have survived. Which was proceeded by one of Pain bodies taking the Raikiri for the other. And Kakashi's sacrifice with the whole using his Kamui to save Chouji straight afterwards, and dying from the efforts himself.

• Chouza does it again against zombie Asuma, jumping in front of a giant burning ash cloud and getting badly burned. • And then there's poor little. • Sasuke jumps in front of Haku's attack to protect Naruto in one. Cue Sasuke's claims of and Naruto's. • lets herself be impaled to protect. • Obito does this for Kakashi pushing him out of the way of a falling boulder and getting crushed as a result.

But this actually doesn't kill him as Mandra saves him and makes him his right hand man]. • Suigetsu takes a from a transformed Killer Bee to protect his team., this only renders him unconscious, since Suigetsu was at the time. • One truly tragic example is Naruto's parents Minato and Kushina jump in front the nine tails's attack aimed for baby Naruto and get impaled as a result.

As if this wasn't sad enough, Minato and Kushina then tearfully say goodbye to their baby boy and give him advice for the future and apologise for not being in it. • And in what is probably one of the most example of them all, there's somewhat of a subversion. Hinata was ready to pull this trope on Naruto to protect him from the Ten-tails' fatal Mokuton -Sashiki no Jutsu. But the one who does it in the end is actually Neji, shielding the other two.

And very much dead, much to the sadness of both Hinata and Naruto. • Kakashi and Obito do this for Naruto and Sasuke respectively, using their bodies to block Kaguya's.

Kakashi's is immediately subverted when Obito uses the last of his strength to teleport away the bone heading for Kakashi. • Scar from does this in. When military troops notice Lust and open fire on her, Scar instinctively leaps in front of her and takes the hits, despite knowing fully well that Lust wouldn't have died.

She gently reprimands him for this afterward. Lust: You fool.

You know it takes more than bullets to stop me. Scar: It wasn't for you.

This damn body has a will of its own. • has a particularly cruel twist on this trope: Toboe sees Quent and Darcia pulling guns on each other and leaps between them in an attempt to take the bullet for Quent — but ends up taking Quent's bullet instead. Especially ironic since Quent has previously tried to shoot Toboe on several occasions. The irony is compounded because the shock of having shot the wolf who tried to save him causes him to drop his guard and get shot anyway. The only small consolation is that the wolf and wolf-hunter share a brief moment of reconciliation before they die.

• •: Poor, POOR, Marida; as if her life wasn't sad enough. • In, a young girl named Meer Campbell takes a bullet for Lacus Clyne, the woman because of a complex mix of,, and. She then (read: Lacus is herself bleed out in front of her), while delivering what may be the most heart-wrenching in the entire saga. This scene also marks one of the few occasions in the entire Cosmic Era where we see the Lacus be actually angry with someone. • Previous to that, in, Mu La Flaga takes a blast to save the. He gets better, and as Neo Roanoke does the exact same thing in Destiny, but is not even scratched thanks to his superior.

• And before that (production-wise) at the tail end of: Endless Waltz, as Dekim prepares to shoot Relena for attempting to persuade Mariemeia to stop obeying him, Mariemeia pushes Relena out of the way, causing Dekim to accidentally shoot her. • In the actual series, Trowa takes the blast meant for Heero in episode 25, causing his mech to blow up.

But not before he gives a heartfelt speech. •: Late in the second season, an unknown group tries to assassinate Orga Itsuka, the leader of Tekkadan and the show's. And they succeed because he shields Ride Mass, one of Tekkadan's younger members, with his own body.

Ride is horrified (presumably for reasons), but Orga reaffirms: that he'd gladly give his life for any of his. • Katokk does this for Garrod in. • • Guts does this for Casca early in the series taking multiple arrows and a stab wound for her in battle, (despite her and Guts always bickering) this selfless protection of her causes Casca to start harbouring feelings for Guts leading to a steamy romance where she kisses his scars in thanks. • Judeau protects his female commander Casca from a demon set on killing and eating them as everything is literally going to Hell for them and the rest of the Hawks. He throws himself right on top of her and takes multiple blows from the demon's whiplike tentacles followed by two spikes right through his body for her before putting its eye out with his last throwing knife, setting it up to be finished off by Casca.

The wounds are fatal and he dies soon after. • • In the first episode, C.C.

Takes a headshot meant for Lelouch. She gets better since she's pretty much immortal. • Happened in R2 too, where Kaname Ohgi takes several kunais to the chest in an attempt to save his ex-girlfriend Villetta from Sayoko's attack. • Suzaku arguably tries to invoke this trope in Turn 18 by firing his at Zero while telling Kallen to move out of the way, apparently having hoped that she'd take the shot for him and be knocked out of the fight. Boy is he surprised when she blocks it and isn't even scratched.

• A random soldier did this to save Cornelia from Todou during the Black Rebellion. • Marianne, the mother of Lelouch and Nunally, protected the latter during a terrorist attack on their mansion. This saved the girl's life but left her blind and bound to a wheelchair, in part fueling Lelouch's thirst for revenge. Not really: Marianne was gunned down by her brother-in-law V.V, who was jewalous of her influence in the Emperor's life. 3dmark06 1 1 Keygenguru on this page. Then, the about-to-die Marianne used the opportunity to put her Geass to good use, switch into the body of Anya and remain in the game, so to say. Also, Nunally is blinded because her father used a spell to force her to keep her eyes shut.

The 'crime scene' was then altered to make everyone believe Marianne had died protecting Nunnally from assassins targeting her and Lelouch. •: • Piccolo's switch from villain to happens when he takes a lethal blast for his pupil Gohan. The scene gets lampooned in.

Piccolo: Wait a second.? I could probably still do that now actually! Yeah, that's it! I'll grab him and throw him out of the waAAAAAAAGH! • He also does this for Goku in the anime version of Frieza saga note In the manga, Frieza intentionally fired at Piccolo, taking a Death Beam from him; he survives, but he comes close to dying. • He does it again in the adaptation in, saving Gohan from a fatal shot by Frieza. • In the Cell saga after Vegeta has been knocked unconscious trying to avenge Trunks, Cell is about to shoot him with a huge Kamehameha.

Gohan jumps in the way of the blast and takes the hit; he survives, but it costs him the use of one of his arms. • • • • Luffy does this at least once (although he's due to his powers). • Later exploited by Wapol's member Chess, who shoots three arrows (very large ones at that) at a group of innocent bystanders, causing Dalton to hurl himself into their path. It works, but, like every other non-flashback character, he gets better later.

• Sanji does this a number of times (usually when Nami is involved), in Skypeia when facing lighting powered Enel he kicked Usopp out of the way of a massive lighting blast that was aimed for him and Nami. Sanji took the blast head on giving time for his crewmates to escape despite Nami's reluctance to abandon him, after he'd been electrocuted Sanji says a before collapsing, lucky Usopp comes right back and takes the unconscious Sanji away to safety. • Done quite cruelly with Portgas D. Ace, who has a Taking the Magma-Coated Fist moment to protect Luffy from Akainu. It works, but, unlike the above example.. • Happened also with Queen Otohime, who jumps to save a Tenryuubito at the Fishmen Arc. • • Setsuna does this for Konoka during the.

Odd in that she managed to do this atop a 30-something story castle when she was on the ground seconds earlier. Maybe justified by her later. Or, considering that she had, earlier in that storyline, demonstrated the ability to jump over buildings in a single bound, it's not that weird. Conduction Heat Transfer Schneider Pdf Converter. • Asuna makes use of the 'bulletproof' variant in the next volume.

Having learned that their enemy's petrification spells only cause her public embarrassment (she is largely immune to magic, her clothes aren't) she puts herself between Negi and an impressive beam of power at the cost of yet another top. • Later in the same Negi tried to do this for one of his students.

She swatted him aside upon spotting the danger and took the incoming stone spear through the midsection rather messily, but that merely irritated. As the attacker promptly regretted. • Also, near the very beginning of the manga, in a game of dodgeball Asuna catches a ball aimed (with enough force to hurt) at Negi, and he does the same for a fallen Asuna later.

• Next Arc Nodoka gets to do this for Negi with a bullet that sends the person hit forward in time by 3 hours. However before Chamo reminds Negi and Yue of this, they do the standard grief sequence. • In later chapters, Aisha, Mama (the bear woman), Tosaka, and Emily all do this; for Nodoka, Natsumi, Ako, and Yue, respectively.

Although it turns out that all of them would actually have been just fine if they hadn't done it. Well, it's the thought that counts. They are revived later, too. • • Erstin does this when a bottle of acid gets dropped on Arika, and gets away with just a burn on her leg. • And then does it later, throwing her slave in the way to save Arika from Nina's attack.

This time, she doesn't. • In the last episode of, Lord Genome takes the bullet for the heroes' mecha.

By bullet, I mean a, and by taking it, I mean • In, Nanoha does this to protect the helicopter carrying Shamal, Vice, and Vivio from a massive beam. Of course, since Nanoha's Exceed Mode is a lot tougher than a helicopter,, much to the shock of the that fired the shot.

•: David does this for Julia when Professor Collins attempts to kill her, which is a key factor in Julia's decision to return to the Red Shield. • In, Kirika takes a bullet meant for Mireille during the final confrontation with Altena. In a, she gets back up, tells Altena that she's rejecting her destiny as Noir, and charges her, Though, Kirika survives, thanks to Mireille's. •: • Tuxedo Mask does this for Sailor Moon at least once in each season, and it usually results in his death/capture, eliciting from Sailor Moon a.

Also, in the Marine Cathedral episode, Neptune sees Eudial threatening Uranus with a gun and proceeds to run towards them while being shot from all directions and ultimately takes the shot intended for Uranus, who goes on to kill herself anyway. Also, Neptune was captured previously in the same episode by taking a hit from a stone that would have hit Uranus otherwise. • apparently disapproves of this trope, as they recut the first season example (where he gets between Sailor Moon and Zoisite's ice crystal) to look as though Tuxedo Mask was the intended target all along; though it's possible that they only did this for established heroes, since they don't edit out Prince Diamond doing the exact same thing as mentioned below. • In the R movie, Usagi saves Chibiusa from a plant this way, and Tuxedo Mask does the same thing when Fiore tries to stab Sailor Moon. • Similarly, in the series Neo Queen Serenity does this to protect Chibi-Usa during the Black Moon invasion.

She's severely injured and thus must be for her own sake; Chibi-Usa goes to the past to seek Sailor Moon's help and the Silver Crystal unaware that she is Usagi's, as the Neo Queen is Usagi's adult self. • All four inner scouts die in this way in the last season when they take hits from Galaxia in order to protect Sailor Moon, Chibi Chibi and the Starlights. • An also does this, throwing herself in the path of one of the Makaiju's branches to save Ail.

• Prince Diamond does this for Sailor Moon when Wiseman fires an attack at her. • Hawk's Eye in the fourth season does this for Fish Eye, when tries to kill him with a projectile from his hat. We even see the smoking hole where it hit. And then he gets better about several minutes later. • In, Yuki Nagato takes an awful lot of flying metal spears in order to shield Kyon in her fight against Asakura. • • Pegasus Seiya will do this for Saori every chance he gets.

Most notable of all: stopping Aiolia's special technique with his hands when Saori actually demands for Aiolia to gang up on her so she can block his attack and gain his favor; taking Poseidon's Trident to the chest for her (, but no one was fooled); and then taking Hades' Sword in the heart. It didn't kill him, but it destroyed his Cosmo and left him as for more than a while. • Sometimes, Seiya's best friend and partner Dragon Shiryu will do this for his friends, but he has the advantage of wielding the Dragon Shield (said to be one of the strongest shields ever) on his forearm, making it a much more reasonable act. • In, Momiji receives her mitama when she attempts to shield Kusanagi from Orochi's attack, complete with a and stuff.

• • During the first Osaka mini-arc Conan takes a knife to the gut for Ran when a lunatic with a knife attacks them. He gets better because the blade, thus he got just a bruise on his chest. Though this was actually a double Taking The Bullet: Heiji lent Conan that amulet because he had a nightmare where they both died, and the amulet is a good luck charm that seems to work.

So the knife bounces off the amulet and Conan is relatively unharmed, but while confronting the real murderer Heiji is shot. • Just before the Desperate Revival arc, while the Shounen Tantei are trapped in a cave by a group of murderous bankrobbers, Conan takes a bullet for Genta and nearly bleeds to death. • In the 13th movie, Inspector Megure took a knife wound on the belly from a charging woman who then realized her mistake.

And in the proper series/manga Megure took a metal pipe to the head to protect Sonoko from a targetting girls who wore special footwear, since one of them accidentally ran his son over due to said footwear. (Sonoko had purchased similar shoes, so that made her a target). Her's so that he doesn't get knocked out (though to be fair, he was wearing his ), and even manages to deal a to the killer. • In the fourth movie, the reason for Ran's is that when Sato took at least four shots for her to save her from the movie's. They both get better: Sato survived, and when Ran saw the killer threaten Conan similarly, Ran got her memories back and kicked his ass.

• In the 14th movie The Raven Chaser, the one who protects Conan from being shot to death and dies in his place is, a member of the Black Organization. Then again Irish's. • In the 18th movie, Dimensional Sniper Sera Masumi shields Conan from a sniper targeting him and gets shot in his place. She makes it. • • Grimmjow, during a fight with Ichigo, fires five darts which can knock down buildings at Orihime, which Ichigo has to block with his body.

Counts as an, as Grimmjow did it specifically because he knew how Ichigo would react and was trying to get him to stop holding back. • In a straighter example, does this for Rukia when Gin tries to kill her with his shikai. • In the manga, Ginjo does this for Ichigo. A somewhat unusual example, as taking the stab reverted Ginjo's. In the following chapter, Ginjo stabs Ichigo himself. • Riruka took a slash to the shoulder and a from a maddened Tsukishima to protect Ichigo (and Rukia, whose body she was temporarily inhabiting until then on) and get the attacker to listen to her as well.

She's later healed by Orihime. • • Crona ends up taking the bullet for Maka during a battle with Medusa. • Later on, Asura uses this to his benefit during a battle with Shinigami-sama and intentionally aims for bystanders during the fight to make his opponent take the bullet.

• Earlier than both those examples, and not technically a bullet, but Soul puts himself between Maka and Ragnarok after Maka can't bring herself to use him to defend against the sword (Ragnarok at the time being the vastly superior Weapon). • Fridge Logic in the Shinigami example, because while the bystanders — and Asura appears to be aiming specifically for Kid — obviously would be harmed by the Kishin's attack, what Asura does doesn't look much different from his other attacks which Shinigami avoided or blocked with Spirit. And yet on that occasion he threw himself into the path of the 'bullet', also placing his Weapon out of the way of a direct hit. •: In his mortal life Brandon Heat takes a bullet for Big Daddy. Later, being he is doing that couple of times for Mika. • Matsuka for Keith in.

• In, Zwei's assassination run on ends in failure when Ein takes a bullet for Scythe, who responds by shooting a despondent Zwei in the back and leaving him for dead. • Uesugi Kenshin of goes one step further and takes three bullets in order to save his love interest. And she's meant to the bodyguard! • • Tomoe steps in to try and wrestle the knife out of an enemy's hands, but thanks to Kenshin being blinded earlier in the fight he can't see her and accidentally kills them both. • There's a sort-of nonlethal example inh the episode that introduced Sanosuke. Kenshin, Kaoru and Yahiko are in Tae's restaurant and a bunch of drunkards on a nearby table start fighting, then Kenshin tenses up without reason as they try to just eat their meal. The following moment, one of the drunkards tosses a pot and hits Kenshin on the back of his head, almost knocking him out cold.

Sanosuke: 'You knew this would happen. And had you moved, this girl [Kaoru] would be covered in her own blood' • It happens once more in the end of the Shishio battle where Yumi steps in front of Shishio to shield him from Kenshin's attack only for Shishio to stab Kenshin through her, resulting in Yumi's death in Shishio's arms. • Also happens again at the end of the fight with Enishi, where Kaoru tries to take a bullet for Kenshin, but is stopped by Enishi himself, who delivers a blow to the person firing, knocking the gun out of his hands. In the Seishouhen OAV, it's played differently: Enishi and Kenshin are fighting alone, Enishi is about to stab Kenshin when he's on the ground but Kaoru throws herself on top of Kenshin and Enishi stops attacking.

• Aoshi Shinomori took a bullet for one of his followers in the Anime. (In the manga it was already aimed at him) Aoshi's followers later took several bullets to save Aoshi and allow Kenshin to defeat the shooter. • In Riff takes bullets (and other things that would have the same effect) for Cain quite frequently (well to a point where antagonists are annoyed he keeps getting in the way) • In Zero gets in the way of an attack meant for Nina • • Myotismon aims his deadly Grisly Wing attack at Kari and Gatomon, but Wizardmon gets in the way, and is killed instead. • Wizardmon's act is actually a strange example of the this trope.

There's a bit of here when you think that there's no possible way Wizardmon could have gotten there fast enough to be standing square in front of them, as he was blasted several meters away, severely beaten and exhausted, moments ago. And then can take place if you think this is simply the result of another strange power he has — either or; the sheer number of powers he has compared to other Digimon could stretch the imagination to imply he had either. • This happens a few more times in Adventure first when Chuumon takes a dagger from Piedmon who was going to kill Mimi and when SabreLeomon takes a hit from MetalEtemon meant for Mimi and Joe. As a bit of a partial subversion,. • Another example is when DemiDevimon fires a toxic dart at Sora and Biyomon takes it for her. In this case, Biyomon is actually not in danger of directly dying from the attack, as it's only fatal to humans (though it makes Digimon extremely sick.) Still, she did save Sora's life in the process and probably didn't care rather it'd kill her or not.

•, Baalmon does this in. • Kouji does this for Takuya, diving between Takuya and their enemy Duskmon's sword, taking enough damage to not only but knock him unconscious as well,. • • In Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 2 - Shiroki Ryuu no Miko OAV, Yoritada shields Karin from a flying sword — although because of the way he does this, he only gets a non-fatal arm injury. Nevertheless, still dramatic. • In the Hachiyou Shou TV series, Yorihisa protects Tenma from a sword-wielding mook this way, mirroring an incident from his past where his brother Sanehisa did the same to him.

Unlike Sanehisa, Yorihisa survives, although the wound makes the subsequent battle significantly more difficult (at least until they get a power-up). • Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3 - Owarinaki Unmei has Masaomi taking an arrow for Nozomi; at first, it looks like he might have simply pushed her away without getting shot, but no. • Sure, in, none of the readers liked Atia Simmons for being such an unlikable bitch, but you gotta feel something for her when her battle partner sacrificed himself for her. • • Kisara does this for Priest Seto. • Much earlier, When Mai is trapped and about to be attacked Yami Marik's Winged Dragon of Ra, Joey jumps in tries to free her from the chains.

Marik then decides to attack them both. Just when the attack is about to connect, Yugi jumps in front of them in time and takes the brunt of the attack. He's temporarily knocked unconscious.

• The poses for that scene neatly mirror, an actual card that sacrifices some of the player's life points to protect monsters from a Spell or Trap that would otherwise destroy them. • In, one of Asuka/Alexis's signature cards is the Trap Card Doble Passe, an anime-only card (at the time) that is activated when her monster is attacked, protecting the monster by letting the attack hit her. In return for that, the monster is then able to make a direct attack against the opponent. Asuka used this Trap frequently, and in the it was a symbolic card that she used to escape the World of Darkness. • In, after Yuma and Astral used their to defeat Number 96 to prevent the three worlds from being destroyed, Number 96 decides to try to take control of Astral. As Number 96 charges at them as a spear-shaped bolt of energy, Astral quickly undoes Zexal so that Yuma wouldn't get hit by the attack too.

• Takashiro of does this in episode 13, taking some ice spears that Reiga had thrown at Yuki. • Almost happens twice in when a psycho's about to start attacking everyone in the stands. Steps forward to from any prospect harm — shortly followed by stepping up to. Luckily the situation is soon defused. •: • In the manga.

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