Happy House 1 Activity Book Pdf Free Download

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Happy House 1 Activity Book Pdf Free Download

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General Conference is this weekend, YAY!!! Time to download our FREE General Conference Activity Packet for Kids!

Happy House 1 Activity Book Pdf Free Download

The LDS General Conference is coming up and I am so excited! General Conference weekends are some of my favorite weekends of the year. (Who doesn’t love the chance to go to church in your PJs?) We started a small tradition for the Sunday sessions of conference where we invite our friends or family over and we watch the 1st session, then we have a yummy brunch with cinnamon rolls and a fruit platter, and then watch the second session. General Conference Sundays are some of my very favorite! This year I thought it would be fun to print some activities to help the kids pay attention to conference and keep busy so they stay reverent. The problem I found is that all the printable activities I saw were too mature for my young kids – things like word searches and crossword puzzles just weren”t going to cut it, so I made my own! You are welcome to use them too if you’d like!

General Conference Activity Packet for Kids MATERIALS: • free printable (download below) • scissors • stapler • crayons, colored pencils, markers etc. DIRECTIONS: • Download and print the general conference activity packet. (Link below) • Cut each page in half and add a staple in the corner. • Give each child their own packet, then keep your fingers and toes crossed the activities keep them reverent!!! 🙂 and you’re done!

Please Note: You are welcome to print this packet as many times as you’d like, but please do not sell them for profit or claim them as your own. Thanks for your understanding. 🙂 Hope you have an awesome conference weekend! This idea was originally published on Somewhat Simple in March of 2010.

We updated the design in 2012 and again in 2016. STEPHANIE DULGARIAN FOUNDER/CREATIVE DIRECTOR Stephanie is a creative entrepreneur and founder of Somewhat Simple. After moving to Phoenix in 2005, she started her blog on a whim to keep in touch with her family in Orange County, California. She now manages a creative team of over a dozen women who share daily content consisting of DIY projects and crafts, family-friendly recipes, travel + lifestyle tips for moms and more! Stephanie’s creative expertise has expanded into ongoing partnerships with major brands like Huggies, Better Homes & Gardens, Disney and Lowes. Somewhat Simple has become a favorite source of creative inspiration for thousands of daily readers. Stephanie still lives in Arizona with her husband and five children.

If you’re interested in supporting this blog, Now Live on “Simply the best novel of the 1960s” Get your Official JHK swag on Pre-order the fourth and final book of the World Made By Hand series. (autographed by the Author) JHK’s Three-Act Play, A log mansion in the Adirondack Mountains A big family on the run A nation in peril Visit the to order, perform, or see sample scenes. It’s that time of year again. Here’s JHK’s holiday classic: A Christmas Orphan.

11-year-old Jeff Greenaway hears his mom and dad argue one night after an office Christmas party. He infers from their garbled squabble that he is an orphan, found in a willow basket on the welcome mat outside their New York apartment.

Thinking now that his parents are imposters, he steals away to Grand Central Station and buys a train ticket to Drakesville, Vermont, where he intends to start life all over again. JHK’s lost classic now reprinted as an e-book. Clusterfuck Nation Now appearing Mondays and Fridays Support this blog by visiting! As you might imagine, I often hear from wannabe professional writers who have finished a book-length project and are horrified to discover that getting it published is harder than writing the damn thing. (They think I can help them — ha!) I offer them the sagest bit of wisdom I possess, which is that perseverance counts more than talent.

A harsh message perhaps, but essential to incorporate in your world-view if you want to take up the vocation. I came by this knowledge the hard way, having been fucked around by morons in the publishing industry my whole career — not to put too fine a point on it. If you can’t suck up endless adversity and carry on with the task at hand, then culinary school is probably a better career path for you.

It’s especially troublesome if you produce something original, something that doesn’t fit into a tried-and-true marketing template. There is surely an inverse relationship between originality and success in mainstream publishing.

Go ask Herman Melville. The truth is, you are producing work that nobody asked for and that no one especially cares about. You have to grind away at this lonely business day-after-day to get the job done. The only thing that avails to keep you going is your own conviction that it is worth doing. Thus, the second morsel of wisdom I offer wannabes is to give up seeking validation from friends and relatives. I never ask friends to read my works-in-progress. If nothing else, reading loose manuscript pages is a pain in the ass.

And most of the people I know spend so much time working in front of a video screen that the last thing they want to do is read your novel on a computer at home. As for mom and dad, they are understandably terrified that they will turn up as odious characters in the pages of your book, and in my case they often did.

So I actually hoped they wouldn’t even crack one of my books open in the aisle of Brentanos. Happily, I have no evidence they ever read my published works.

Now that the book industry is whirling around the drain, like the music business before it, managing a career in letters is harder than ever. Publishers grow desperate and therefore only interested in works that seem like absolutely sure things — preferably books by celebrities with a TV-based following. They are, least of all, serious about literature these days (if such a quaint term is still comprehensible).

For them, it’s down to throwing spaghetti at the wall to see if it’ll stick. There must be another way and I was forced to find it. I finished my latest “book” project last year around Halloween. In late December, my publisher turned it down. I’d been with The Atlantic Monthly Press, part of the Grove-Atlantic group, for seven books, starting with The Long Emergency.

There was a story in my landing there. In 2004, my then-agent didn’t want to even bother trying to sell The Long Emergency. It was “too dark,” he said. This left me no choice but to drop the guy.

On my own I tried to interest a half-dozen other experienced agents. They wrinkled their noses. So, I sent the manuscript out to two editors who had expressed some interest in my work over the years. The first guy, Daniel Menaker at Harper Collins, had a snit when he learned I’d made a multiple submission — a no-no for authors in those days — and told me to get lost.

The second guy, the editor-in-chief at Grove Atlantic, Morgan Entrekin, offered me a contract. The Long Emergency turned out to be my best-selling book.

They eventually published my four-book World Made By Hand series of novels about life in a small New England town after the sort of economic collapse I described in The Long Emergency, a natural progression for me. I sensed they were none too happy about the project, but perhaps the chance that the series might be picked up by a cable network kept them on the line. My advances sank with each book. In any case, they never offered a kind word (e.g.

“Hey, nice job I enjoyed it.”). They did absolutely nothing in the way of marketing the books. So, when I handed in A Safe and Happy Place last year, they dumped me just in time for Christmas. My current agent didn’t want to try to sell it elsewhere, either.

He said it was “off my brand” of hard-hitting polemical non-fiction and no other publisher would want it. So I decided to publish it myself on Amazon, the arch-enemy of the mainstream publishers and booksellers. I enjoy writing fiction and believe that I do it pretty well, and I intend to persevere at it. I’m not convinced that the long-form work of fiction packaged as a novel will continue to exist as a literary artifact a whole lot longer — it is mainly a product of the past two centuries, which featured great advances in printing and the arrival of a middle-class with leisure time that could be filled with literature — but the novel is not quite dead yet. Anyway, human beings do like stories, whether printed and bound, played upon a stage or screen, or told around the campfire. We like to hear how the rest of the human race is doing. And so here is A Safe and Happy Place, my story about a hippie commune in Vermont in the 1960s, an era which, all of a sudden, is now a half century ago — meaning the misty, distant past.

Why did I decide to write the story of the Sunrise Village commune from a young woman’s point-of-view? Because I hadn’t done anything like it before. It was an interesting challenge, and with all the attention these days on the grievances of women, I wanted to create a plausible heroine who was not a complainer or a sap or a doormat or a designated victim, but a fully imagined capable person without an annoying ideological agenda. I knew that a lot of people would bristle at the attempt — as if I lacked the credentials to try such a stunt. And, who knows, it may be a reason that my publisher dumped it and me in this idiotically hyper-politicized moment in history.

Anyway, I feel that I successfully channeled my narrator, Erica “Pooh” Bollinger from the first sentence, and she lived in my head vividly until the job was done. And now I rather miss communing with her every day. In case you’re wondering, I did not suffer any personal gender confusion in the process.

I liked Pooh more and more the deeper I got into the story — her pluck, her common sense, her humor, her skepticism, her moral compass. The things that came out of her mouth often surprised me.

I enjoyed imagining the male-female dynamics of young love from a point-of-view different from my own cis-het-white-privilege bunker. Forgive me for saying it wasn’t that difficult. Sure, men and women are different, but they operate in the same universe and are programmed for a similar menu of emotions. Mostly, I was rooting for Pooh to come through her adventure safely and happily, and in the course of 368 pages she is transformed from a troubled teen to a confident and autonomous adult. In real life, that journey for me was rather difficult, and that liminal period of development — what we simply call “growing up” — is one of the themes I find myself returning to in my fiction. It also happened that I was there, I was in college through the heart of the hippie era, I saw a great deal of the action — though I skipped Woodstock, thank you very much (crowds were not my thing). I never lived on a commune, but I visited several of them and saw how they operated.

I was susceptible to the military draft, but I enjoyed a student deferment from 1966 to 1970, when they instituted the draft lottery, and then I drew nearly the highest number, 353 — nobody above 100 was drafted in the last five years of the Vietnam War. Like Pooh, I was not entirely on-board with everything about hippie culture. A lot of it was just plain creepy to me. The radical politics of the day seemed nascently despotic to me. I was not into group gropes or spookish oriental mysticism. I went pretty light on the drugs. My “trip” was mostly being an observer of my times.

I was interested in trying to understand it all. As it happens, Pooh’s story ends in 1968, before events like the Charlie Manson murders and the fiasco at the Altamont Music Festival drove the Age of Aquarius into darkness. A few years after that, I was working as a professional journalist. The differences in generational behavior then and now — 1967 to 2017 — seem much less marked than the differences between 1967 and what went before.

College kids today can still recite the lyrics to Beatles songs, and quite a few of them affect hippie-ish garb and long hair. When I was a sophomore in 1967, I couldn’t have told you the title of a single pop song hit of the 1920s, and we sure didn’t wear raccoon coats. We didn’t have computers, iPhones, Facebook or even answering machines in 1967, but we managed to find other ways to network, spread the “underground” news, and goof off with friends and lovers. The radical politics of the 1960s had the basic aim of ending a stupid war; today’s campus politics seem bent on starting one. Both styles of youthful idealism had and have their shortcomings, I suppose, and beyond the narrow realm of politics lies the greater magic of emerging into adulthood in this complicated world, with all its joys and sorrows. The 1960s was the time of my coming into personhood, and I wanted a fresh way of presenting the experience in fiction. Hence: Pooh Bollinger.

Authors don’t usually tell you this much about how they came to write a book, but I thought you’d be interested in how and why I decided to self-publish A Safe and Happy Place on Amazon. It’s my way of saying that I intend to persevere. I believe readers will enjoy the journey. If you do happen to like it, write a review on Amazon — it actually helps a lot.

And a very big thanks to my Patreon contributors who made it possible to write this book in the absence of a publisher’s advance. Now Live on Amazon! “Simply the best novel of the 1960s.” Read the first chapter here ( ) on Patreon Buy the book at or click on the cover below Other Books by JHK The World Made By Hand Series: Book 1: Book 2: Book 3: Book 4: Support this blog by visiting. James Howard Kunstler is the author of many books including (non-fiction) The Geography of Nowhere, The City in Mind: Notes on the Urban Condition, Home from Nowhere, The Long Emergency, and Too Much Magic: Wishful Thinking, Technology and the Fate of the Nation. His novels include World Made By Hand, The Witch of Hebron, Maggie Darling — A Modern Romance, The Halloween Ball, an Embarrassment of Riches, and many others. He has published three novellas with Water Street Press: Manhattan Gothic, A Christmas Orphan, and The Flight of Mehetabel. I think you realize as I did that the publishing business has changed completely, as you point out in very similar ways to the music business.

I’m getting ready to publish my first novel and it is terribly exciting. I recommend Skip Jack Publishing.

She has developed a methodology for authors that is pretty good. Using Bookfunnel, you give your first book away, and in return you get an email address. This is the key to online marketing. The second book, you send out a mass emailing to these people. Statistics show that you will get between 4 and 8% of those on the list to but your next book.

Repeat ad nauseum. Ultimately the email list will be your prize. The bigger it gets, the larger number that 4 to 8% becomes. If your writing is good, it will eventually get noticed.

Thanks for expressing your hate, which is obviously very important to you. I hope that my having been exposed to it is therapeutic for you. Speaking for myself (a lifelong registered Democrat, like all of my ancestors – none of whom were haters of any stripe) I dislike all of the wealthy predators who live off the carrion of our republic and its treasury, Billary included. And I learned from whoever hacked ‘my’ DNC that it had planned to sandbag Sanders for his Jewishness/agnosticism/atheism – that sort of stuck in my craw.

I’m eternally grateful to whomever revealed this information to me. So, rather than go to the polls with a clothespin on my nose (AGAIN) I sat out a presidential election for the first time in my life last November – as so many of your fellow party members (I assume) did as well (or voted the other way) which is why we now have The Frito as POTUS. Ah well, at least we’re not in the land war with Russia that Billary had declared with her no-fly zone promise – and we don’t have to worry about sticky cigars and sticky blue dresses in the White House, either. So last century! It has been said that hatred is a kind of cancer that, like cancer, eventually kills its host.

But by all means keep nurturing your hatred – it will no doubt prove useful to you on some mew target, long after the Frito is history. Good for you Jim, screw the “system”, it exists only for its own propagation and cares not for us, the fodder that feeds its furnaces. My daughter self published a few books herself on Amazon and it worked out well enough for her, I am familiar with the method, it has merit in these “modern” times. I hope that for you as an accomplished and followed author this works out very well indeed. I read the excerpt that I received and am going to check it out myself as it will be interesting to see a view of that era or ours from a different perspective than the one I had as it played out. I don’t know if Battenkill Books will have the autographed copies that I have been spoiled by so far, but if they do not I will pick one up on Amazon instead.

Yes sir, your works are far too “dark”, sort of like the future that now unfolds around us. Apparently with humanity, as is the case with sleepwalkers, it is best not to wake them. Falling down the stairs or wandering into traffic is a far better end apparently. Besides, the sphincters of those who remain asleep are far easier to assail for sport and profit and it makes for far easier work for those that hunt us. Many will be called, but few will be awakened.

Natural selection must be allowed to play out or the solution cannot occur. MAYOR CONDEMNS PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY, News) The mayor of Charlottesville, Va., condemned Saturday night’s demonstration by a large group of torch-bearing white nationalists who were protesting the removal of statues honoring Confederate Gens. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. “This event involving torches at night in Lee Park was either profoundly ignorant or was designed to instill fear in our minority populations in a way that hearkens back to the days of the KKK,” Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signer said in a statement. “Either way, as mayor of this city, I want everyone to know this: We reject this intimidation.

We are a welcoming city, but such intolerance is not welcome here.” “I think it’s horrific,” Signer told ABC News. “We’re a city that proudly values our diversity.” According to the Daily Progress, a local newspaper, several dozen protesters gathered in the park around 9 p.m.

Had not thought of that book in decades! The library in JAX still buys new books and even fills requests. I have asked for a number of books and the did add them.

E books are great and I love them. Nothing is better then seeing a bookshelf of loved books signed by author.

By first was HIROSHIMA. JHK the most space on that book case. Will download and start reading his most recent today.

I found JHK by the cover of THE LONG EMERGENCY. Nice job on cover. That book and Too Much are much loved. Working thru his cannon.

It ticks me off to no end that Atlantic did not promote your novels. The World Made By Hand books have entertained and frightened several friends to whom I have recommended them. That is a hard balance to strike when the scare is set in a world we know well and does not involve the living dead.

I’ve long felt the series would make a few TV series on a cable channel; the broadcast networks would make a dumbed-down hash of it. The story is certainly superior, and far more credible, than NBC’s after-the-lights-go-out “Revolution.” Too dark? What the hell is wrong with agents today? Our culture loves dark tales, and “Game of Thrones” is no walk in the park on a sunny day. So good luck!

I’ll be picking up your book at Amazon. There’s not a lot of contemporary fiction I read, so I’ve turned back to Willa Cather, Joseph Conrad, and similar writers who could still assume a decently educated middle-class readership and challenge them with a good story. Thanks for the personal reflections, Jim.

Very insightful stuff. So basically, if you’re an average Jim, Joe, or Janet and enjoy writing and don’t want to put yourself through the capitalist wringer, you’re better off hosting your own blog and/or commenting on others’.

You’ll make just as much money (none) and suffer about equal amounts of derision and scorn, but at least you’ll be free to say what you want to say in pretty much any form you want to say it. I’ve long suspected as much. With all the MSM disinformation washing around these days, we’ve finally reached total information overload.

There’s no money in blogs. Occasionally some like Huffington Post make it big, but I still don’t see paying what it sold for. Books are the shit. If you find a niche, it can be very lucrative. They become like properties generating passive income forever. When you write to market, there’s a chance for a movie deal as well. The thing is you have to develop your craft.

But once you learn to outline, write simple declarative sentences, steal from the greats and edit ruthlessly, your writing comes alive. I have written several books. They all sucked.

But when I heard about the ebook revolution, I was reinvigorated. So I gave it another shot and now I have something. I understand story. Stories are all the same. It’s just how you dress them up.

I enjoy writing fiction and believe that I do it pretty well, and I intend to persevere at it. I’m not convinced that the long-form work of fiction packaged as a novel will continue to exist as a literary artifact a whole lot longer — it is mainly a product of the past two centuries, which featured great advances in printing and the arrival of a middle-class with leisure time that could be filled with literature — but the novel is not quite dead yet. Anyway, human beings do like stories, whether printed and bound, played upon a stage or screen, or told around the campfire.

We like to hear how the rest of the human race is doing. — JHK Jim, I certainly enjoy your writings and would suggest that you do it *very* well! “Ripping yarns” indeed.

I would like to think (if the skill of written language were to be passed down/on) that books written on paper would be treasured and read aloud around said campfires. Deeds of derring-do; lovers parted; worlds lost and won; vicissitudes met and overcome! After a hard day’s work at what could likely be mind-numbing drudgery, what could be a better reward? (Not all projects are going to require exercising the mind for noble ends; sometimes you’ve got to shovel the mud – literally.) And perhaps some thoughtful person could provide a standardized spelling of the English language, once and for all. Dimitri Orlov tried it, in phonetic form, but was not paid a *bit* of attention to. (The “box” we’re encouraged to think outside of is built like a steel cage and entrenched interests are constantly checking the welds for any weaknesses.) I “know” the word vicissitude, but couldn’t spell it, damnit! Anyhoo, thanks for the interesting literary history and a peek inside the rarified air within the Fortress of Publishing (of all that is great and good).

The first thing I read of yours was “The Flight of Mehetabel” (did I spell that right??) and was immensely entertained. A strange introduction, but it got me intrigued with your unique style and on from there. **Aside: I’ve recommended your blog to an author friend of mine (yes, self-published), but I’ve advised against the comments section.

Some just don’t want to look into the black and shriveled souls of those that would run their live and they prefer to get on with their personal journeys, “free speech” be damned. Oh, he is panhandling again is he? I suppose once you convince large numbers of people that you can survive collapse by living on a sailboat you think you can pull anything off. Dimitry is a shameless bum who is too good to work for a living and he wants you to do it for him.

Why can’t you survive collapse on a sailboat? Simple, somebody is going to have a bigger gun than you do and there is nowhere to hide on the water. Provisions will always require a medium of exchange so someone should tell Dimirty that when collapse comes our way there will be no crowdfunding.

When he escapes pirates and makes landfall nobody is going to give him supplies without getting something in return. Starving people are not going to share food with him without getting something in return and there will be nothing on his boat anybody will want. Except perhaps his life.

Ha ha panhandling/shameless bum an amusing comment (or growl). I sort of thought something similar: “Hey, I want someone to send ME money so I can build a cool boat and cruise around the caribbean, too!” Orlov has a keen mind, is a good observer, and an interesting writer. I do think he can be rude and dismissive to his readers sometimes, though. He can write a humorous piece, but then may bite someone’s head off in the comments. He does not suffer (those he thinks are) fools gladly. He articulates the advantages to being a nomad at sea if things get ugly, but that scenario is as full of problems (some different) as a doomstead on land. (those he thinks are) He takes the attitude that since we will never meet I can be as rude to you as I want to be.

Consequences for me there will never be. I don’t care for such fools. Someday he may kick a dog and get bit. The sea gypsy gambit was quite a play but he never talks about blue water sailing.

That would be too much reality. Sailing depends on a support structure, less complicated than flying does but the structure exists. Without it sailboats will be a deathtrap when the long emergency closes the sea lanes, The support structure will be gone. It’s funny, I was just thinking about a number of things related to this new post. One of them is that I recently became aware that my habit of reading novels is something that is fading from culture. The article I read called it “literature”, I somehow didn’t know that’s what literature meant. I’ve known for some time that ‘memoir’ (not autobiography) is the hot category in publishing, and I do find those books appealing, but they also take time away from the fiction I want to get to.

I find that there is more reality in fiction than it books meant to show the truth. As far as books set in the sixties, I’ve just been grumbling about a book I’m reading set in that era, with an author who obviously didn’t live through those times.

A secretary using a copying machine is referred to, for instance. Like nearly everything else these days, globalism has led to a decline in quality in publishing, because a good editor would have caught such a mistake.

Now I see books with words left out, misspellings, and grammatical errors. I put this down to the scramble to hang on to a share of dwindling profits. We see this mad scramble in other fields, such as Big Medicine, where the profits aren’t actually dwindling, it’s just who gets what share being threatened. There’s also been a trend recently of men trying their hand at writing in the female voice.

Some do quite well, others not so much. Ian Fleming, of all people, wasn’t bad at it. Don’t let those sexist James Bond movies fool you. I noticed that frequently it seems to be English authors who can pull this off. One recent novel, by a writer with a famous name, featured a woman character who, had she really existed, would likely have been murdered by one of the men in her life, and it would be ruled justifiable. Strangely enough, I picked up another book, because I like the title, and the female character in that one was a near carbon copy of the one in the other book. At first I thought it was a case of plagiarism, but the two books were published in the same year.

Now I think they were both by the same person, which shows the decline in the industry of which I speak. Kunstler’s experiences are similar to those of an established rock star. I’m reading memoirs from a couple of those too. I think both you and I know exactly what the (difficult and near-impossible getting published by the main stream (hyper-corporate media nexus)) problem is: – Not nearly enough white woman, negro male romancing and copulating in your work.

– NO mention of sports. – Where the hell are the Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transsexual, QUestioning, Pedophile, Bestial and Necrophilia oriented characters in the narratives? (C’mon you malefactor of common acceptingness — know you are a hater!) – Complete lack of acknowledgment of the Kardashians as the apotheosis of HUman civilization. – And while I am at it: just where the fuck are the pages for the crayon & coloring book activities? You are missing out on a huge swath of the “snowflake,” formerly “middle class,” and geriatric demographics as well as all of the politician, lobbyist and civil service employees from Washington D.C.

To San Francisco and everywhere in between. Thanks for contributing to, and playing, Post-Literate World View and Review. Jennifer Anniston said the show “Friends” couldn’t be made today. Exactly so: no diversity. All White Heterosexuals enjoying each other’s company and wrapped up in each other’s lives.

How dare they. They have no right – and we’re not going to let them. I knew I could work race into this. Thanks for the segue. But was it really so hard? It touches everything.

It is the 1 that gives the zeros meaning. A man without racial consciousness is either a god or a post industrial waste product. And there are very few such gods or sages. Before the Statue of General Lee, men with torches chanted “You will not replace us”. It’s all developing perfectly. THIS IS AT YAHOO NEWS, Demonization of Soros recalls old anti-Semitic conspiracies ABC News In most nations, having a billionaire financier and philanthropist would be a source of great pride, a person many elected officials would want to cozy up to. Not for George Soros.

The demonization of the American-Hungarian billionaire and Holocaust survivor has spread across Central Europe, with the 86-year-old increasingly accused by nationalists of using his money to force his liberal values, including support for refugees, on their societies. And it’s not just those on the fringes, but elected officials who are attributing all manner of sins to Soros, a political strategy that seems aimed at de-legitimizing projects that Soros has supported in Central and Eastern Europe’s transition to democracy. [Those pesky conspiracies]. JHK – For me, you struck a nerve with this, “with all the attention these days on the grievances of women, I wanted to create a plausible heroine who was not a complainer or a sap or a doormat or a designated victim, but a fully imagined capable person without an annoying ideological agenda.” Allow me to add some personal context to that observation. I am female, mid 50’s and when in my teens/20’s the feminist revolution was in high gear. Even in my youthfulness I could totally understand the need for it. Most mothers and women I had known growing up had no real standing, power or voice in the outcomes of their lives.

They were largely relegated to second string. It was sad and made an important impression on me. I decided developing a solid career would be a good move. It wasn’t easy by any means in the 1980’s and 90’s. Sexual harassment wasn’t recognized but was a constant stressor in the workplace. Being overlooked for promotions in lieu of a male counterpart no more qualified?

Yep, that happened plenty as well. Fastforward to the mid-2000’s, now in my 40’s, and I realize that a good many of the prior workplace obstacles and Neanderthal tactics had been acknowledged and were being dealt with (somewhat anyway).

BUT, I noticed plenty of women were still psychologically entrenched in their “second string” status. In other words, it was now time for women to get out of their own way! I’ve tried 8 or 10 times in the decade since to have a conversation with female contemporaries about this but, every single time, no discussion ensues!

They avoid talking about it. I guess the victim mentality runs deep. But, this issue is a bane of my existence. Maybe I’ll write a book.lol.

Thwack – that’s probably the case for some. And it’s understandable given women still handle a majority of home/family responsibilities also. It’s just too much. But, it doesn’t answer for continued low expectations in their relationships and personal lives. Hopefully, women in their 20’s now are a different breed.having grown up in a less restrictive time. Perhaps the shackles came off my peers too late into the mental programming.

As it’s said, “old habits die hard”. But, I say, “you only live once so ditch the garbage and respect yourself!”. Hopefully, women in their 20’s now are a different breed.

**************** Ok, but some things never change. It is my opinion *tightens chin strap* that women are hard wired to want a man that is “better” than themselves; its not politics, its biology.

Men get “better” by competing with other men, and it often gets butt ugly So this “better” woman you speak of is actually making it harder on herself to find a man she can be satisfied with. This is why they often “over shoot” and end up with a serial killer, or “Laquan the rapper” Or like Bill Clinton and Ahhnold, end up fucking the help. When your “house husband” takes your daughter to the park to be with the other house wives and their children, those women don’t respect him? Because he ain’t out there slaying dragons and catching the big fish Once again, that ain’t politics, thats biology, thats nature. If you just look around you will see.

See what you looking. Most people don’t. Try not to be one of em. This explains a lot. They never actually find one. ********************* Wrong.

What you are witnessing is all the women who wait too long and end up having to “settle.” They actually found several BETTER menl, but always thought “I can do a little better.” Then one day they wake up old and fat so they grab the nearest weak simp they can find. Melania Trump Michelle Obama Nicole Simpson Hell, Hillary Clinton These are 4 women who got men better than themselves while the getting was good. Whenever I have “girl talk” with these bitter women who complain about men, I always find in their histories that there were several solid, reliable honest men they COULD HAVE MARRIED; but they held out for a man with more money, more swag, more alphonics Oh won’t you please rise for the female national anthem: (CirclesnCircles takes a knee). A few episodes back on his podcast, JHK and his guest (both men) were talking about what a problem it is that gender roles nowadays aren’t clearly delineated like they were in the past. It was amusing, in an eye-rolling way, to listen to two dudes nattering to each other about how those dizzy dames didn’t know how good they had it back in the day. I think it’s a net gain that gender roles are no longer defined exclusively to the benefit of men over women.

You may disagree with me, and declare that having men stand up when women entered the room was adequate compensation for being denied the vote, or any economic power, or even control over their own bodies. Well, I won’t argue with you. I’ll just share, which I came across on Reddit the other day: For those who don’t follow the link, it’s just a screenshot of two Google searches.

– Google “Man caught masturbating in car”. You’ll get a list of news stories from various different places about just that. – Now Google “Woman caught masturbating in car”. You’ll get a list of porn videos, aimed at men. What you won’t get is news stories about women behaving the way the men mentioned above were behaving. I tried it for myself and it works — anyone can do the same. This is how the crooked timber crooks.

Most of us men behave reasonably, most of the time, but we are always liable to visit our expectations on the women in our lives, and if they’re not allowed to push back then rampant inequality and general ‘rapeyness’ is the result. It’s a better world today than it used to be. The first thing that struck me about that link, Elrond, is less that you don’t get the news stories that women are actually doing what the men are doing, but that men will actually exhibit the bad behaviour, while women have to be imagined or fantasized to be behaving badly.

It’s always been my opinion that the shame with the way “feminism” (pick your definition on that word) got rolled out has been that instead of bringing women’s contributions of all kinds to the fore in society, women were told that they had to compete with men on their terms. Feminism got so good at convincing women that they could out-compete with men that they forgot about the things that they could bring to the table and focussed on out-doing the men. I’ve seen this often in my work life.

The outpost in which I worked up until a couple of years ago had a female director (very good manager), and of the 10 or so people working in the office, I was the only male. Never in all of my life have I felt like I was working in a more alpha-male type environment, including in gigs in farming, construction, or even college. I’m not the type to feel threatened by that type of behaviour, but I did find it curious, and honestly a little sad. I also found it amusing how baffled they became when they couldn’t figure out why I didn’t want to play in the game. My point is that it seems such a waste that feminism has spend the last 50 years trying to shoehorn women into men’s images feminism has definitely brought with it a great many advances for women, but it sometimes feels that the opportunities were at least partly squandered. Yeah, just wait for women to approach you to start the mating process: they won’t.

And the only reason they loved Alan Alda’s rap about sensitivity was because he was on TV – in other words, already an alpha male. The world will change when women stop selecting for aggression, success, and money in men. It’s not going to change in other words.

And women don’t care about what they say they care about. They think they care about it – but by and large, they don’t. The Pink Unicorns are just cover, Elrond. They make like a man who knows how to use a Pink Unicorn to get what he wants, but they’ll take one who doesn’t – as long as he knows how to get what he wants.

You’ve fallen for it Elrond. You haven’t been able to pierce the veil and decode the code. What happened up there to poor Abbie aka Barry Freed?

How could you let that woman treat him like that and then not help him in his hour of need? Are you people as cold as your winters? Elrond, Since the dude in question has no chance of actually *attracting* a lifetime mate to make a twisted and emotionally crippled little family, he’s got aaaaall day (and night) to dream up reasons why wimminz is so stoopit and solely steered by their ovaries.

Then there’s the “scholarship” of finding evidence to support the conclusion. Let’s also entertain the distinct possibility that it’s all a paid pose and a ruse in order to drag us into his cesspit and away from any relevant commentary. (We caught him right by his little internet address, so it’s the scenario I’m staying with; although he’ll continue to deny it in trollery spittle-spraying declarations. BTW, I consider *that* even more distasteful than a person that really holds these views; If both in one, I’d say they’ve got a dangerous individual on their hands.

One generally doesn’t sneak onto a DoD site in order to post a few screeds about the niggers and jews.) Your tax dollars at work! It’s for your own good y’know. Minilyrics Latest Apk here. Women are already more successful than most men – but since men like that are invisible to you, you didn’t even notice. The more successful women are, the more unhappy they will be for the most part.

They weren’t made for this kind of thing. And they won’t marry men who are “beneath” them (make less money than them). So they will abide alone How many jobs do you think they’re are – much less good jobs? Where are all the good men? You became them. Now reproduce like amoebas.

Women are voting in both Europe and America to end Western Culture. Their deeper selves know better than this current foolishness. They want men to put them back where they belong. And if White men won’t, well other men will. If its the not the first, then certainly it’s one of the longest.

– G of H ============ Hey Ghost, I briefly checked out your link which led me to another link containing a list of longest books. I was astonished that War and Peace was not on it. However, Infinite Jest did make the list (way down near the bottom, clocking in at 543K + words.

I recall that when David Foster Wallace first gave it to the publisher it was much longer and he was forced to trim it back in order to get it published. Infinite Jest is infamous for its notes, and notes regarding notes, etc. I wonder if the 543K + word count includes all these notes. I’d recently become more aware of just how hard the average writer works for a living these days, and that the most successful (in that they make a living from it) often combine writing and speaking engagements. A couple of things about one such person who does that – I recently read a column by Ann Coulter, about her personal experience with Obamacare. She was having to pay over $700 dollars a month for insurance that wouldn’t even pay for the medicine she might need. I looked at some of the comments (yes, I went there) and a lot of them were digs at the fact that she could afford $700 a month because, I guess in their minds, she’s rich.

Anyone still working that hard isn’t rich enough to withstand coming down with some kind of disease that could wipe her out. I think a large portion of being able to pull the wool over so many people’s eyes that Obamacare was “health care reform”, was based on envy and a belief that the government was going to sock it to the rich, to make things “fair”.

Anyway, I was thinking about just how hard someone like Ann works to get where she is, and it has also been in the news a lot lately about various government types and speaking fees and book deals. Nobody seems to question these gargantuan advances and out of wack compensation for speaking, perhaps because people like Mr. Kunstler haven’t spoken much about it, so people just figure something like celebrity/journalist/politician, rich. That brings me to Ann’s canceled talk at a college. A lot of people seem to feel that the issue is Ann personally, and what she might say in her talk. Doesn’t anyone notice that it could be a case of money and greed, that the cozy racket of politicians and hacks with university types, which elevates them all into the 1%, does not want an outsider getting in on their sweet deal? Colin Powell even joked about it, when he said he should send Hillary a bill, because she scarfed up so much of the speaking money there was nothing left for him.

The same thing could happen to Mr. I don’t know if he speaks in person at colleges or not, but one cross word and he (or anybody) could get on the blacklist, and the ‘safety’ excuse could be used to keep the racket for the approved players. A woman charged with the safety of our nation gets a plum job as head of a university, and can’t keep one woman safe from goons at one of its campuses.

This is about money and racketeering, as anything remotely related to government or big business is, these days. Jim sez that way back we didn’t have iphones, nor facebook.

And a great many other things that the much vaunted “creative class” invented since then. Far be it from me to stand in the way of “progress” but what has this key driving force of the post-industrial era actually created? In the field of information technology we have twitter, snapchat, instagram, youtube, skype, to name a few. Sometimes convenient, sometimes informative for sure, but mostly frivolity and fluffery, you know, cute cat videos from Japan, or guilty dogs, you’ve seen them, cowering German Shepherds that tore up the shower curtains or ate the steak. Bad dog, but we love you anyway.

And internet porn. What innovations have they brought in the field of education? Kids that don’t know their multiplication tables, that can’t spell, that can’t do cursive, that can’t read and process and distill information from a book because their analytic abilities dried up in the face of wikipedia. And snowflake ninnies curled up in “safe-spaces” demanding recognition for their “pain” from endlessly solicitous colleges. What has this “creative class” brought in the field of finance?

A multitude of mini-Madoffs at bank branches, a flood of fraud in the real estate business, a plague of economy choking derivatives. And electronics so prone to identity and cybertheft that the oft-repeated claim that crime is at historic lows is what it seems, a blatant out-and-out lie. And this “creative class” gave us so much innovation in the economic sphere: airbnb and uberization and taskrabbiting, glorified taxi-driving and room-letting and handymanning, the last resort for people desperate for money. End of the road capitalism, as one of the other commenters called these.

Not reading is not good. Not knowing your times tables is not progress. I don’t care how many mothers insist otherwise, who give testimonials about their wonderful daughters with degrees in actuarial science but who don’t know nine times eight. They say it doesn’t matter. I say it does. You don’t know nine times eight? And you know actuarial science?

I’m sorry, you don’t even qualify as cashier, not in any sane society. Yeah, rote learning’s a drag, but bite the bullet and get out the flash cards because the kiddies need to know their times tables. And they need to be able to affix their signature on a document. Like an apartment rental.

Publish a book? In the face of this? He’s a storyteller and purveyor of ideas and slicer and dicer of shit as it happens. And he’s mired in this morass of mass-cretinization. Sorry, back to not so happy place where we live today What we observe now is beyond any doubt the collapse of the American media, not only democratic, but also republican. They allowed themselves to be dragged into a crusade against the Tramp administration (I would say Trump, but there is Steve Bannon as well), and now they sit and wonder whether this statement by the US President is a stupid trick of an impulsive president or a carefully arranged media trolling.

In particular, this Sunday representatives of the White House did not come to Fox Channel 5 after Chris Wallace warned them that the entire first half of the show he would grill them with questions about the dismissal of the FBI director and Trump’s tweet, warning Comey of the possible existence of records of his conversations with the President before he begins to leak information to the press. And the last statement is a worm on the hook thrown in front of the mouth of the collective Bastinda, with an invitation to demand these records ala the Nixon case. And it seems that this collective Bastinda, having lost her brain, swallowed hook, line and sinker.

That Trump does not know about the Nixon affair and blurted it out by stupidity, which must be used quickly. It just does not occur to them that when they jump through all hoops and involve everyone in the case, Trump will simply say that he meant the illegal wiretapping of his office, which Comey refused to investigate and which he (Comey) most likely organized himself. And they will be forced to report this, despite a conspiracy of silence around the Tramp administration. Very sorry about that Jim. SJW’s are so off base. They are not really fighting for anything. If they did fight the DNC/RNC fake parties would have been killed of before the last election.

Pick your fights. Just a new witch hunt. Just had a Safe and Happy download of your new book. Everyone that reads this blog or posts should get a copy. Hope it improves your income stream.

Will post on my FB page next for what that is worth. Will write a review on Amazon and FB after reading it. The intensity and ruthlessness of the political struggle that we are observing today is certainly connected with the forthcoming deflation of some of the financial assets accumulated by the Clintonoids during the glorious 90s due to scams on the overheated NASDAQ market with fraudulent dot com companies. They certainly consider the money printed and laundered through NASDAQ then as their legitimate prey and honestly earned property, and perceive any policy that will seize power and influence from this money, as insolent robbery. Unfortunately, without writing off a significant portion of those assets it is impossible to overcome the current economic crisis, which is the crisis of Western Financial system based on the US dollar.

When I send “friends” the link to JHKs Ted Talk, I never get a response because they are so triggered, confused and disturbed to discover they are living like a lab rat in an ugly place that no one could possibly care about and since its all true and they can’t challenge it, they just go mute. Ugly places make ugly people. And when they realize the sterile utility and brutalist architecture they exist in was designed by a machine, it can cause them to lash out at you?

Its at that point you hit them with the penultimate coup de grace: “they faked the moon landing too”. Thx for the heads-up about the JHK Ted Talk. The likely conundrum for your “friends” and, most anybody, is: if you wanted to, where can you feasibly go to live a life distinctly different from a lab rat in the 21st century?

That’s what leaves them mute. There is no easy solution to that. New Zealand is very nice and one could substantially detach there. But, you have to give up access to the local people in your life and NZ wants a large deposit in a local bank before they’ll let you immigrate. Like 250K is what I heard. One of my pals is a nuclear physicist by trade with a passion for industrial history.

He’s a bright man who has no room for folklore or bullshit in his avocation to research smokestack America. He will tell you to make no mistake, that a lot of what we read in various trade and fan publications is poorly vetted, often times flat incorrect, but this crap ends up in the historical record for a hundred years.

Someday guys like him come along to clean it up. If there’s one bunch he despises it’s publishers. They take your work, lie to you, change it all around, never tell you a thing, and publish what they think it should be so that it sells well at Christmas. They cook the colors in your photographs, send it to Asia for printing and don’t care about quality. Screw what you want. Screw historical and factual accuracy.

He has a set of books in the making. He will publish them himself. If you didn’t grow up reading books “for fun”, how easy is it to adopt the behavior later? – thwack ============ Between birth and graduation from High School I cannot actually recall reading a book (i.e. A novel) but surely I MUST have. I DO remember reading a short story titled “Leinnigen Versus the Ants” which I found so exciting that I read it a couple of more times over the years.

I don’t think I have read any other title more than once. But, around May 1958, after I had been accepted to St.

Joseph’s College (which later became a University), I received in the mail a letter from the college which said, effectively, ‘by the first day of classes you will have read the following six novels:” I swallowed hard and began to read David Copperfield, if memory serves me. And it was 737 pages. It took me the entire summer. So I read just one of the required six. As it turned out I was the only student in my English class who had read even one. The prof was forced to extend the time period for reading these six books to the end of the first semester. Unfortunately I am a very slow reader but David Copperfield and the other five novels started me on a reading mission of sorts.

Not an obsessive reader but infinitely more so than Donald Trump. Deep Throat and Financial Orgasm In anticipation of dollar trade in the largest piece of real estate in the world – privatized former Soviet property – the financial orgasm has reached such a level that in the era of the Clinton super bowl, it was rumored that more than 20 trillion dollars of unsecured dollars were printed, just to express delight at possessing such a wonderful geopolitical partner.

And then came Putin and spoiled everything. After the 98 Asian crisis. Putin took a firm course at re-nationalization of the Soviet State property, living the 20 trillion hanging in financial limbo.

Fifty Shades of Gray is a permanent bestseller. Now supplemented by Fifty (or Fity to use Black English) Shades Darker.

Need I ax the obvious? What does this say about Women?

What do wimmin artists? Smear things on the naked bodies? Or write insults on their bodies at demonstrations?

Or try to make themselves beautiful? Or in reaction, ugly? They have no creativity for the most part. They are made for Men to make them mothers. The Muslims know this and are the corrective force.

Deep inside the Women know it too – and want them here. The Life Force will eliminate any People who deviate too far from Natural Law. Besides opening their borders to Muslims, White do gooders are breeding Blacks in Africa to replace us. I mean it’s not like they can take care of themselves.

They’re coming in by the thousands to Greece and Italy. And to America as well. The Life Force hates Whites and has twisted them unto their Doom. Because we didn’t respect the Life Force. And what is the Life Force but another name for God and Natural Law?

There are a few good Female writers – like Flannery O’Connor. She would make hay indeed from the way America is now.

The old South pales in comparison to the hypocrisy that rules us now. Good for you JHK! I’ll plan to pick up a copy at Amazon. You might also look into Smashwords as a self-publisher, since they have a model that markets books to Barnes and Noble and several others as well as Amazon, and the author cut may be more generous. You could also get a ghostwriter to add extra material under a title like “A Safe and Happy Place And Zombies.” People will buy and read it because of the Zombies, then backtrack and read the original.

Well, it worked that way with ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.’. “In the new Alien movie, a black bloke is boning a white chick in the shower when the Alien bursts in to eat them both.” “Actually, that sounds like a scene Janos would write?” Thwack, No, silly, it is a metaphor for the realities of black life in Americaa cruel bait and switch with expectations raised, then dashed. The scene Janos would write would involve forbidden fruit and eventual damnation the monster is, of course, a metaphor for Jeff Sessionsthe white woman a metaphor for our corrupted culture, and the black manwell he’s just a black man. Nice post Jim. You would be a treat over a cup of coffee. I have read almost all your books and will read the new one as well tho” having to buy it from the Hated AMAZON will pain me. I AM READY FOR THE NEXT INSTALLMENT OF MADE BY HAND.

You didn’t exhaust that IMO. I disagree that the novel is dead, I am on book 12 of the Poldark series by Winston Graham. Each book was a good as the last. It’s not the format of the novel that is the problem, it’s the format of our sorry population circling the drain, getting fat on their fat asses sunk in a netflix stupor sucking down their oxycontin. People now have a lot of free time, but they don’t use it for reading books.

“Just what leisure-based activities are these un-working men doing eight hours a day? Among Americans twenty-five-to-fifty-four, men who neither worked nor sought work in 2014 spent more time engaging in the following categories than working men and women or unemployed men: “attending gambling establishments,” “tobacco and drug use,” “listening to the radio,” and “arts and (perhaps incongruously) crafts as a hobby.” On an annualized basis, un-working men spent about seventy hours more time “socializing and communicating with others” than unemployed men, nearly one hundred hours more than employed women, and over one hundred hours more than working men. When it came to “television and movies (not religious),” the contrast between NILF men and all the rest was so enormous that it suggests a fundamental difference in mentality. For un-working men, watching TV and movies ate up an average of five and a half hours a day. That’s four hours a day more than for working women, nearly three and a half hours more than working men, and a striking two hours a day more than unemployed men.

And what exactly are the un-working prime-age men doing during these many hours that account for so much of their daily routine? The ATUS does not allow us to determine this. It is a reasonable inference, however, that the Internet may play a big role here, through desktops, hand-held devices, and so forth.

14 Whatever they’re viewing or doing on their big screens, computers, or smartphones, it must be alluring.” “Men Without Work”, Nicholas Eberstadt. Hi Jim, Is there a way that I can just send you some money? I am leary of monthly automatic payments. You surely have earned the support of your audience. I, for one, look forward to every blog post and book. Thank you for sharing your experiences with the publishing industry.

I thought WMBH 4 was not as good as the first three, but if they weren’t paying decently for the effort, I can hardly blame you. Ah well, all our paradigms are falling apart. Those of us on the margins, the self employed and small business owners, are in very choppy waters. Hang in there.

Thank you for the encouragement. “Perseverance counts more than talent” is wonderful advice to just keep slogging. This is the reason why it is never a good idea to tell anybody of your plans, particularly since the DEA has paid informants everywhere, including banks.

You know it is the end of an empire when the government is just as corrupt as the crooks and begins stealing from its own citizens just because it can. And your buddy Trump just made things a lot worse. Gang Of Thieves: DEA Stole $3.2 Billion In Cash From Innocent People In Only A Decade A bombshell report from the Inspector General (IG) at the Department of Justice has exposed the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) for the colossal thieves they are.

According to the report, DEA seized more than $4 billion in cash from people since 2007, but $3.2 billion of the seizures were never connected to any criminal charges. That figure does not even include the seizure of cars and electronics. This thievery is possible through the insidious practice of civil asset forfeiture (CAF), where law enforcement can seize cash and property on the mere suspicion of being involved in criminal activity. Originally developed in the 1980s to go after organized crime, CAF has mushroomed into a source of revenue for cops across the country – from local to state to federal – in what’s become known as Policing for Profit. When an innocent person’s cash is stolen by DEA, that person must petition to get it back, meaning the burden of proof (and the burden of time and expense) is on the unlucky victim who never did anything wrong in the first place. In fact, “forfeiture proceedings start from the presumption of guilt.” The case of a man traveling at an airport with $27,000 is a prime example of how DEA can just take the cash on a whim, without even bothering to pretend it has to do with criminal activity.

When a task force officer explained that the U.S. Currency in the bag was going to be seized pending further investigation, the passenger asked whether he could keep some of the currency to travel home.

The passenger asserted that all of the currency in the bag was his, and the task force officers allowed him to retain $1,000. This seizure resulted in an administrative forfeiture of $27,000 to the U.S. Government, and the DEA explained to the OIG that, other than the events surrounding the seizure, there was no subsequent investigative activity or additional law enforcement benefit. Reason Magazine sums it up perfectly. If the DEA task force agents thought that man’s cash was connected to drug activity, why allow him to keep some of it? If they weren’t sure, why take it in the first place? The answer, of course, is there is no logical or legal rationale for this sequence of events.

Indeed, most of the DEA’s cash seizures don’t relate to any criminal investigation, and 82 percent of the cases reviewed by the IG were settled without any judicial review. The DEA focuses on airports, train stations and bus terminals, relying on travel records and a host of confidential informants to target people they believe will have lots of cash. DEA gives itself wide latitude to pin you as a suspect for detainment and search. Woe to those “traveling to or from a known source city for drug trafficking, purchasing a ticket within 24 hours of travel, purchasing a ticket for a long flight with an immediate return, purchasing a one-way ticket, and traveling without checked luggage.” The IG concludes that DEA is posing great risks to civil liberties by continuing the practices highlighted in its report. I enjoyed the comment this week on writing.

I’ve been writing for 34 years, have had two novels published (my second, The Saint Louisans, came out in August 2016, Amphorae Press), and perseverance is the key. I’ve written several other novels, plays, short stories, and I’m certainly going to go to self-publishing. I also will donate my papers to the University of Missouri for the future. I’m also working on memoirs. JHK wrote a wonderful, fast-moving memoir about his life after college which delights me.

I’ve had zero luck with agents, and I’m not wasting my time with them anymore. I don’t seem to have what they want, but that’s true for many. I remember a Vanity Fair article I read which implied about nine editors who all went to college at the same time control the publishing world.

Also, Fred Reed wrote a good article on self-pulishing and how the major publishers are like dinosaurs in the ebook age. I would like to make some money, of course, but there’s nothing there. More importantly, I just need to tell a story and get it out of my system. JHK mentions Pooh Bollinger. I have a story about a security guard in Reagan era Boston who deals with a talking high-rise. Another about a GI in 1970’s Germany who gets educated and becomes involved in a behind the Iron Curtain heist. These are semi-autobiographical, but also, I hope, convey a sense of the times.

Gore Vidal said all novels are historical in that sense. He also mentioned in the 1960’s that the novel is deadnot the actual writing of them, but that the audience is gone. I think there is an audience, and the sad thing about self-publishing is getting the word out and letting people know what you have to offer. As for autobiography, Andre Dubus III wrote Townie, a strong retelling of his life in industrial towns in Massachusetts. People will want a good story if it has characters. It’s better then the factory type books of James North Patterson or guys like Bill O’Reilly who usually have a ghostwriter with them.

Novels are older than 200 years. One of my favorites, the Aethiopica, was written in the third century by Heliodorus, and The Tale of Genji, written by Lady Kurisaki, was from the 10th century. A publisher once told me that the publishing world isn’t a meritocracy, so you keep fighting on. I’ll read about Pooh soonI’m editing a whole brace of my works this summer. If it’s anything like JHK’s The Halloween Ball, then it should be a lot of fun. Geez Jim, I didn’t realize the publishing and book writing industry was in such bad straits. I wonder if ‘The Great Gatsby’ or ‘To Have and Have Not’ could get published today, in 2017.

Maybe that’s why there is such a nostalgia for Hemingway and Fitzgerald. A full page story last weekend in the Financial Times of London of a new release of Fitzgerald’s short stories (is there any better ss in the 20th century than ‘Babylon Revisited’?) and (yet) another Hemingway bio which got a full review in Sundays WSJ. In the past few years Paul Hendrickson’s ‘Hemingway’s Boat’, which was fascinating, and just last year ‘Hotel Florida’, about Hemingway, Gelhorn and Robert Capa in the Spanish Civil War.

Now its books by celebs, available at grocery checkout counters. Does ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner have a book out yet? What a read that’ll be! Jim – What a true joy to hear your real voice, the one that is not so intent on doom and gloom. (not that I don’t get that!) I grew up in the same environs (downstate kid, college in upstate NY) and, I think like you, was more of an observer than a participant.

And I have also attempted to get published. “Do you have a platform?” is the constant query. Oh, and speaking of that, is your query “hot” enough? Did enough people die in the first chapter? Is it multiple viewpoint?

Best wishes, my friend. Jim, Haven’t commented in quite a while, but always check out your blog on a weekly basis. Finished WMBH a couple of months ago and just left Amazon a few minutes ago after purchasing AS&HP. With a hugely “up their’s” to the publishing world in general and to The Atlantic specifically. Actually used to like that rag, came across your writing for the first time in ’93 with ‘The Geography of Nowhere’ based on their review. As a Developer and Planner I’ll admit I really didn’t get the big picture until ’08’ and after coming across Michael Rupert’s ‘Collapse’ and reading ‘The Long Emergency’. Thanks for being a guide for those of us traveling down the rabbit hole.

Your work make us know we’re not totally f##kin’ insane, or at a minimum at least we’ve got lots of good company. Forget about soft drinks and potato chips – a “vending machine” in Singapore is offering up luxury vehicles, including Bentleys, Ferraris and Lamborghinis. Used car seller Autobahn Motors opened a futuristic 15-story showroom in December, with vehicles on display in 60 slots, billing it as the “world’s largest luxury car vending machine”. Customers on the ground floor choose from a touchscreen display which car they wish to see. The car arrives within one to two minutes thanks to an advanced system that manages vehicle retrieval, the company says.

Gary Hong, general manager at Autobahn Motors, said the vending machine format was aimed at making efficient use of space in land-scarce Singapore as well as standing out from the competition. “We needed to meet our requirement of storing a lot of cars. At the same time, we wanted to be creative and innovative,” he told Reuters. Didn’t the pitcherSandy Koffax (sp?) get his hand caught in one once, causing injury? Mice have been found in some cans. Imagine Pucker’s pleasure on finding such a treasure kissing his puckered lips as he imbibes.

Imagine the degree of mental illness in the old West, what with men without women for months and years. Of course they act crazy when they come to town. Or sailors who spend all their wages on whores when they come ashore.

All the things you love are unbalanced – even if otherwise necessary, great, or glorious. COSBY FAMILY CRIES, ‘RACISM;’ With their father’s sexual-assault trial looming, Bill Cosby’s daughters Ensa and Erinn released statements of support for their dad via NYC radio talk show “The Breakfast Club” Monday morning. Host Charlamagne Tha God said that he’d been approached by Cosby’s publicist because the comedian’s daughters listen “faithfully” to the show and wanted to speak out in advance of his June trial, in which he is facing three counts of felony aggravated indecent assault from an alleged encounter with accuser Andrea Constand in 2004. “I am a very private person and have chosen to live my life quietly with my family. But for my child, my niece, my nephew, and my father, I cannot sit quietly anymore,” said Ensa, before going on to list her father’s many accomplishments in civil rights activism, parenting, entertainment, and philanthropy. “The accusations against my father have been one-sided from the beginning. When he tried to defend himself, he was sued in civil court.

I’ve seen the accusations become more horrific and extreme with time, and I’ve witnessed my father’s reputation and legendary works be dismissed without any proof,” Ensa said, referencing the 50 or so women who have accused Cosby, 79, of sexual assault. “I strongly believe my father is innocent of the crimes alleged against him, and I believe that racism has played a big role in all aspects of this scandal.

How the charges came about being made against him, how people believed them before they were ever scrutinized or tested, how people who questioned the claims were shut down and ignored.” She continued, “The media created the story and the outcome before any court will ever test the claims. How my father is being punished by a society that still believes black men rape white women but passes off as ‘boys will be boys’ when white men are accused. How the politics of our country prove my disgust. My father has been publicly lynched in the media. My family, my young daughter, my young niece and nephew have had to stand helplessly by and watch the double standards of pretending to protect the rights of some, but ignoring the rights of others and exposing innocent children to such appalling accusations about someone they love dearly and who has been so loving and kind to them is beyond cruel.”. No, As Donald would say BELIEEEEEVE ME, some ni66as just need to get shot, you can’t reason with the, you can’t talk But Cosby? Bill Cosby was top shelf Hollywood; he was in clubs JEWS couldn’t get into?

Don’t act like you don’t know the level of affiliation Im talking about? So the question becomes: What happened, or what did he do to lose his untouchability? Because, you know if he’s guilty, so are a whole lot of other people in that class because they operate in packs. He even told his wife very early on that it was necessary for him to engage in “certain behaviors” to keep his standing in the “rat packs.” In addition, there are the suspicious circumstances under which his son, Ennis, was murdered, specifically, the guy they found to take the fall for the “robbery” in which nothing was taken, not even his Rolex watch?

Further, the woman who tried to black mail him claiming she was his daughter. He paid the woman mother thousands of dollars for many years even though the child was NOT his. Finally, the liberal elite mafia may have become fed up with Cosby criticizing dysfunctional black culture, and telling black people to pull up their fucking pants and speak correct English instead of whining about racism all the time Theres more but I’ll stop here.

Actually, no I won’t. Women are being told “if you had ANY interaction with Bill Cosby, you probably got raped, but don’t remember it because he drugged you So sign up right here and get ready to load the boat cause its all about the money *for your bread and butter drag Cosby in the gutter*. Q.Shtik: Thanks for the catch. Immediate posts don’t get a look-over sometimes, and in my writer’s group, we used each other to proofread, but it is essential in publishing. Backrowheckler: My first novel, The Green Path, was set in central Missouri and had parts of it dealing with the Civil War. I had ancestors fight on both sides during the war in Missouri. A good novel to read is Daniel Woodrall’s Woe To Live On, which was made into a movie, Ride With the Devil, very accurate on the guerrilla war.

He also wrote Winter’s Bone. In the fall of 1967, a schlemiel named Don Bessemer from Short Pump, Virginia, got me pregnant. =========== Jim, in ^this^ first sentence of your new novel you have Pooh Bollinger, using the word schlemiel and I wondered is the character specifically Jewish? I also Googled the question “is Bollinger a Jewish name?” and the answer is that it could be. And what about the guy who knocked Pooh up?

Is he Jewish? And how on earth were you even aware of the existence of the oddly named, Short Pump, Virginia? A dozen or so miles to the north and west of Richmond where some people have a unique version of southern accent in which the letters J and K are pronounced Jay-uh and Kay-uh, respectively. (I spent time in those parts in my days as an itinerant auditor.) Finally, in your conception of the lead character, how is Bollinger pronounced: Bowl-in-jer or Bol-ling-er, where Bol rhymes with doll? I’ve only encountered the name Bollinger once, a Wall St guy (first name John) who invented a certain stock chart feature known as “Bollinger bands” pronounced Bowl-in-jer. Note: I will not be offended if you decide not to satisfy my curiosity about such minutiae.

In any case I will be acquiring your book sometime soon. Excellent, interesting post from JHK today (and some great commentary as well). “Thus, the second morsel of wisdom I offer wannabes is to give up seeking validation from friends and relatives. I never ask friends to read my works-in-progress. If nothing else, reading loose manuscript pages is a pain in the ass.”–JHK The above comment has me recollecting these paragraphs from “Art and Fear”: Filmmaker Lou Stoumen tells the painfully un-apocryphal story about hand-carrying his first film (produced while he was still a student) to the famed teacher and film theorist Slavko Vorkapitch.

The teacher watched the entire film in silence and as the viewing ended rose and left the room without uttering a word. Stoumen, more than a bit shaken, ran out after him and asked, “But what did you think of my film?” Replied Vorkapitch, “What film?” The lesson here is simply that courting approval, even that of peers, puts a dangerous amount of power in the hands of the audience, Worse yet, the audience is seldom in a position to grant (or withhold) approval on the one issue that really counts—namely, whether or not you’re making progress in your work. They’re in a good position to comment on how they’re moved (or challenged or entertained) by the finished product, but have little knowledge or interest in your process. Audience comes later. The only pure communication is between you and your work.”.

Yes, the world wants fruits and flowers, not seeds and roots. They’ll be interested in your process only retroactively – if and when you make it big.

Rodin’s secretary, the philosopher Ludivico, recalled how no woman would have anything to do with the young Rodin. But after he made it, he had to beat them off with his chisel. It’s not that woman have poor taste. They simply have none. There may be an exception here and there, but no man can ever count on finding one. “The records of the lives of artists reveal on singular fact most impressively, and that is the frequency with which they have had to associate with immoral women or women of the working classes. Heine, Goethe, Rodin, Van Gogh, Wagner, etc – they are all alike in this; so much so, indeed Weininger, with his customary superficiality, thought fit to assert that ‘great men have always preferred women of the prostitute type’.

Weininger is wrong: great men have no always preferred women of this type. The point is however that women of the prostitute type or women of the proletariat are the only women who will, as a rule, have anything to do with great men when, as in the case of Wagner, Heine, Van Gogh, and Rodin, their beginings are poor, inconspicuous, and uncertain.” Anthony Ludivico. One of the great revelations about growing older (I didn’t type “old”) is that one begins to recognize the perfection of Nature. Women that were formerly unattractive because of their age are now alluringly attractive even as they push up against eighty–or at least some of them. Perhaps much of the attraction is pure mental projection as in ” I wonder if she has lost her sense of inhibition as the constrained fig leaf of “morals” gets ever closer to falling from the autumn tree of life anyway. IOW, when life looks to be short, “living” can start acting mighty tall and bold (finally). A couple of months ago I was walking through a large crowd toward the art museum when an elderly woman bumped into me and started making conversation.

Since she seemed so intent on talking I asked her if she would like to pop into the cafe across the street and that I would pay ( she also looked to be a bit down on her luck as a result of a fixed income in an area of rising rents.) Anyway, as we began to talk she told me she used to model at the Art Student’s League about ten years ago and I suddenly realized that I had painted her at one point. We began to discuss some of the instructors and student’s names and boldly enough, she brazenly told me how she would position and reveal herself to the painters she considered attractive. Based on that comment I tried to recall if she ever gave me a full frontal view but I could not recall. Since she was talking brave and bold, I came out and asked if at her age she still had a desire for sex. She told that indeed she did and furthermore confessed that it was a problem that clouded her judgement. I don’t know why but at this point, for right or wrong, that familiar siren and strange radar went off in my head: Stalker. I supposed I have learned via hard experience that sometimes ‘you just have to let them pass on by’.

What started off as sort of serendipitously sensuous turned rather cool. And yet I still felt sorry for this old woman of 74, living on a fixed income and in what I was told was a rougher section of town. And to compound my sympathy, I could very clearly tell that her memory was failing. As our our gathering was coming to a close, I realized that I had painted this woman’s portrait at some point and that I was sure I still had it.

Before leaving I asked her if I could give her some money just because I felt like it. I could tell that she was crying and she accepted my offer so I gave her thirty bucks. I also asked, since she was obviously lonely and socially isolated, if she would like to visit the museum the next Sunday at the same time.

She seemed very eager and kept repeating the time to herself so as not to forget–she didn’t have any hi-tech gadgets or even a pen and paper. She assured me that she would remember and I said, “good, I also have something I want to give to you.” Well next Sunday came and after a full week of processing this strange meeting I really wasn’t that excited about going but the thought of standing up this lonely woman was just too cruel to ponder and live with and so I went. I must have waited for a good hour for her to show but she never did. I wrote it off to her memory or perhaps she just decided she would rather not. I sort of laughed and felt a bit sad all at the same time. Her portrait was going home with me, forever turned to the wall and never to be seen again. Yes, a confirmation of all I believe.

The Saints warn us of the depths sensuality can sink us too. Bad enough for a Man – who is the painter – but a Woman! The Canvas should know that her hour has long since passed. One is reminded of Sinead O’Connor, beautiful in her youth, stating publicly that she needed a lover – and one who would do “anal”.

She was in late middle age I believe – much younger than your crush, but alas the Irish lifestyle of beer in smoky pubs does not lend itself to the endurance of beauty. Only the secularized asceticism of the French Lady has any hope of that.

The world has turned into one large brokerage operation. We have real estate brokers, insurance brokers, stock brokers, power brokers, art brokers, etc.

Publishing became word brokerage. The job of a broker is to bring buyers and sellers together – not for altruistic reasons, but to make money. However, in the 21st century, with the internet and social media, the world has gotten smaller; and now the need for middlemen is getting weaker and weaker. Hence self-publishing doing away with the classic publishing industry. And it’s a good thing. DA, IMO Russia is what the stage magicians want us to look. If you’re looking for adversaries look to China.

If you’re looking for a grass-roots adversarial ideology, look to the Islamic world. I say grass-roots because that’s where the energy is in my estimation. But Saudi money is helping via their funding of madrassas. I think it was Aayan Hirsi Ali that said that, in her view, there’s different groupings in Islam, for example, the Mecca group and the Medina group. The Medina group is all for the forcible imposition of sharia law.

They are a minority but a violent minority numbering in the tens of millions with the capacity to destabilize countries and wide tracts of the globe, as we’re seeing. But China is also expanding their tentacles notwithstanding their insistence that they don’t interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. They’re putting a lot of their dough into Africa for example and Pakistan. And so how can they not “interfere”? One comes with the other as they would want to protect their investments.

As China does what it does as a likely and foreseeable consequence of being built up by American capitalists, its influence expands globally. And I say “likely” and “foreseeable” but only by people with wisdom and forbearance. You won’t find a lot of that in the Davos set. I think the US has more than enough enemies to go around these days. Russia is much more of an “existential” evil for the US & European Global power elite, for any number of rather obvious ethnic and geographic reasons, mostly stemming from 20th century and earlier blood feuds. But among the most grating has to be the stubborn mare Russia’s spitting of the global capitalist bit in the late 1990’s, largely due to Vladimir Putin, and they’re continued proclivity to be a thorn in the side of US/globalist ambitions in the region ever since. The Chinese, in spite of a recent uptick in autonomy, would still be little more than regional mercantilists, had not Russia given them great leeway to maneuver.

Although in some respects, I suppose just the opposite could be said as well. At any rate, as little as Americans and western Europeans understand about the Russian mindset, they understand CONSIDERABLY LESS about the Chinese.

And dealing with either Russia OR China geo-strategically is exceedingly difficult without cooperation from the other. In that sense, recent attempts by both nations to forge Russian-Chinese trade and/or monetary agreements must scare the living shit out of US/globalist officials, ESPECIALLY if it comes to dropping the US Dollar as monetary unit of choice for OPEC oil transactions. Among the DC, NYC, and London financial and political elite, it’s probably much easier to ask who’s NOT in with the globalists. – DA There’s a lot of truth to that.

The financial elite look to their own advantage and so they bought out the political class. Until the Brexit and Trump shockers, the convenient and self-serving assumption (backed by academic theorizing) was that globalization is an unalloyed good opposed only by ignoramuses and racists. The problem is that hundreds of counties in the US voted twice for Obama but then voted for Trump. So what happened? Did these enlightened Obama progressives suffer some mental and moral impairment to have voted for Trump?

What exists here is a political opportunity for a capable politician to weld together a coalition of interests, acting in their own rational self interest and in the national interest, opposed to the Davos gang. Trump was the one that saw it in the US, some others in Europe see it too. DA, Trump saw what others didn’t see or refused to see.

OK Bernie saw it too. But calling it “genius” is a bit of a stretch because one present-day definition of genius is convoluting the plain and ordinary meaning and sense of events. See, only a “genius” can make the easily comprehensible incomprehensible. So maybe Trump and Bernie are the anti-geniuses, expending very little in perspiration, having next to nothing in the way of inspiration because, after all, what effort and inspiration does it take to see what’s in the plain light of day and then to call it what it is? The problem with Trump is what does he do with this observation. I don’t think it’s a stretch that EVERYONE with either money or political power opposes any hint of undoing what’s been put in place the past few decades. You’re right, I don’t see any capable politicians out there either.

The danger is that the field is being ceded to violent men with comical moustaches and arm-bands. Over to you Janos. “It’s all a fun house hall of mirrors at this point.” –DA Elect a clown. Expect a circus. I wonder if Israel is enjoying sharing intelligence with Trump?

(knowing Trump is sharing it with Iran via Russia). Our intelligence assets on the ground might be a bit nervous right about now. I guess Trump considers them expendable. European intelligence is already saying they don’t trust blabber-mouth Trump. A European country has said it may stop sharing intelligence with the US, because Donald Trump provided classified information to Russia. Trump’s administration is the leakiest in the history of the United States.

Trump has no control, no discipline. He is weak and can’t stop the leaks. This chaotic uncontrolled environment means other countries do not want to share intelligence with the US. Israel does not want its intelligence shared with the Russians.

With Trump there is no guarantee of anything. Trump has created a downward spiral he cannot manage. Don’t elect an inept business man to run a country. Corporations and countries are very different animals. Trump is incompetent, has no military experience, has no government experience, and is putting the United States at risk. Under Trump North Korea is moving forward with their program to develop ICBMs with nuclear warheads capable of hitting the United States, with nine missile launches since Trump’s inauguration.

The North Koreans recognize a paper tiger, a puppet, when they see one. Puppet Trump just follows Putin’s instructions, calls another meeting with Russians in the White House, and reveals classified information to the Russians. Then the next day Trump admits he did so in his tweets.

Trump is a traitor and a danger to the people of the United States. “Trump is a traitor and a danger to the people of the United States”right. And since when you have cared about the office of The President of the USA? Or its citizens for that matter? Arta Succesului Pavel Corut Pdf Download.

Especially such evil cis het white men? Oh, that’s right it matters to you when it’s time for another gothic hate rave aboutTrump. Like last week, and the week before that, and the week after thisJust rinse & repeat. “This chaotic uncontrolled environment means other countries do not want to share intelligence with the US” Corrected for accuracy – Its the USA that has had concerns with intelligence sharing – most notably Germany. You do recall that Angela Merkel’s cell phone was hacked & bugged by the NSA don’t you? And what President did that happen under?

I’ll give you a clue – it wasn’t the Trump. “has no military experience” and the Sainted OB did? And W Bush did? Deserting from the National Guard doesn’t count.

His military experience? “Under Trump North Korea is moving forward with their program to develop ICBMs with nuclear warheads capable of hitting the United States” That should make you happy. North Korea has been developing this missile program for years, you’d know that if you’d shut up about Trump and gangs of evil white men lurking around every corner ready to rape, rob and lynch POC for 5 minutes. If you think China is going to let North Korea run amok and start a nuclear exchange, you’re even dumber than you sound. Too much magic? It’s one of the Holy Grails for battery researchers and electric-car advocates alike: a battery that could recharge in the same amount of time as it takes to stop for gasoline.

God bless the Jews! Israeli technology startup, StoreDot is known for its fast-charging cells, says that the FlashBattery technology within its pouch cells use “nanomaterials in a layered structure” and “proprietary organic compounds” to deliver a “radical improvement” over conventional lithium-ion cells.

The technology allows for “unprecedented charging rates,” according to StoreDot. When multiple cells are assembled into modules, and a battery pack is assembled from 40 modules, the company says the result will power an electric car with 300 miles of range along with 5-minute recharges. The company demonstrated that technology at the Cube Tech Fair in Berlin. The company said it has 30 material scientists, biochemists, organic chemists electrochemists, and device engineers working within its laboratories, in which it has invested about $20 million. StoreDot said it combines nanotechnology and organic synthesis, as in biotech facilities, a development process that is similar to the process of developing new drug. It also claims its compound is safer than lithium-ion cells because it’s non-flammable and has a higher combustion temperature.

Trump’s little helpers, like McMaster, are just making things worse. McMaster’s defense of Trump is that he didn’t really know the source of the report and, therefore, couldn’t have possibly told the Russians more than he should? The opposite end of that defense is this: Trump was talking to two top officials of an adversarial power about highly protected information without having been briefed fully on that information. Which creates this choice: Either Trump was talking about a topic he knew about — and knew he needed to be careful as to what he could say — or he was freelancing with a piece of information he didn’t really know the full story on.

Much like what happened last week with the aftermath of the firing of FBI Director James Comey, the White House’s inability to stick to a single story regarding what Trump actually told (or didn’t tell) the Russians is making the situation far worse. If Trump hadn’t been fully briefed on the information and its source, then why was he talking about it in the Oval Office with a country that has been a bad actor on the world stage — and that we know actively worked to sway the 2016 election?

McMaster’s explanation of what Trump knew and what he said neither disputes the Post and CNN reporting nor makes it totally obvious that Trump knew what he was talking about with Lavrov and Kisylak. Fat man goin’ down. Latest News of the American and Russian Military Industrial Complexes For what it is necessary to be grateful to Hillary Clinton, it is that she pulled to the surface and declassified the connection of the medieval esoteric sects with the modern military-industrial complex. For example, a major sponsor and also the main advertiser of the PBS channel, that so frankly laid down under the Clintons with the beginning of the election campaign that most of its journalists preferred to quit, than to disgrace themselves, engaging in outright political propaganda, became BAE Systems, a company that advertised itself as a creator of a workable railgun and a deplorably notorious destroyer, on which it was to be installed. On the other hand, the connection between Vanguard Group and the main distributor of the famous porn movie Deep Throat and the famous agent Deep Throat, who provoked the Watergate scandal in which the young lawyer Hillary Clinton played an outstanding role, is well documented. And their general connection with the Great Manipulator (Eros) described in Giordano Bruno’s remarkable book “De vinculis in genere” is self-evident and does not require proofs other than acquaintance with this book. Moreover, the entire history of Vanguard, combined with the history of BAE Systems, is an excellent illustration of the relevance of this book and its full relevance in modern politics, including the impact on Detente of the international tensions of the development of the multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRV) technology.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) President Trump, who for many years managed the beauty contests, is well versed in these issues at least on a practical level. And being a true American patriot, he questioned the effectiveness of these methods on the Russian men-peasants sitting at the controls of Tu-160, T-50 jets and Armata tanks and therefore appreciate Eros only in extremely primitive way, already taken the decision to double the production of Super Hornet which indirectly confirms a long time rumor that Russian air defense systems are perfectly capable of seeing “stealth” F-35 and America now just does not have a normal fighter other than the F-22, production of which has been terminated as EXTREMELY expensive. Of course, the American media, who are now at war with President Trump for life and death, have denied and continue to deny these rumors But! Firstly, these rumors really helped Trump during his election campaign, because all decision-makers knew that BAE-Systems, which sold orders not only to the railgun, but also to the F-35, in the development of which they took a direct part, got quite a lot of money for this and now they are sponsoring Hillary Clinton in the calculation to get even more money without any result for the US defense capability. Secondly, the last refutations of these rumors in the Business Insider fully confirm them and even put a scientific and technical base under them, and the well-visible on radars F-35’s combat capability is justified by the lack of resolve of Russia and China to dare to shoot them down. Thirdly, this revelation comes complete with a refutation of Sakharov’s plan, recently voiced by the former representative of the Ministry of Defense Viktor Baranets. He told the Americans about nuclear mines allegedly laid on the seabed around the United States, which will take on the function of a retaliatory strike, and Russian missiles will prove to be a weapon of preemptive strike, radically changing the geopolitical alignment within which the West defeated the USSR in the Cold War.

And the idiocy of the first denial draws attention to the idiocy of the second, which was built on a comparison of earthquake energy with the energy of a thermonuclear explosion on the assumption that the Russian mines laid haphazardly, but not at the critical points of the seabed, where their explosion will cause an earthquake and a catastrophic collapse of huge volumes of rock at great depth, capable of causing not just tsunamis, but mega-tsunami, nature of which are well studied in Alaska, and on the island of La Palma. According to these studies, the collapse of this island to a depth of several kilometers as a result of the eruption of the volcano Cumbre Vieja by natural causes, without any nuclear mines, will wash away the whole of Western Europe, the United Kingdom and the East Coast of the United States by 300 kilometers in depth. And the explosion of something of 50 megaton near the coast of this island will provoke such an eruption with a guarantee, since the muzzle of this volcano separates from the world’s ocean by a relatively thin wall, all covered with cracks after the eruption in 1949, which resulted in a fracture in length of about 2 kilometers and part of the western half of Cumbre Vieja moved 1 meter to the side and 2 meters down towards the Atlantic Ocean.

Actually one of these islands is enough to negate the plans to deprive Russia of the opportunity to strike back, but in fact there are more than enough islands. In particular, most of the red spots on this map represent certain variants of the island of La Palma and Russia is the only country in the world protected by geography from geophysical weapons. Subsequent thereto, Richard M. Nixon, ummm, I mean Donald J. Trump, using the powers of his high office, engaged personally and through his subordinates and agents in a course of conduct or plan designed to delay, impede, and obstruct the investigation of such unlawful entry; to cover up, conceal and protect those responsible; and to conceal the existence and scope of other unlawful covert activities. Wherefore Donald Trump, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office. Trump to Comey: you better hope I don’t have tapes.

Comey to Trump: I made detailed memos meticulously documenting every phone call and meeting we had. Who is scared now, big man. Fat man goin’ down because Russia collusion cover-up. Well, ladies and germs; A snippet from the Woodpile Report (well worth a look) reports that a professor from a Texas University opined thatin order for Blacks to be free, to be liberated, some white people will have to die.but not to worry. I believe that he was speaking metaphorically, and certainly not planting ideas of violence in his young, impressionable chargesa metaphor, right? You know it was a contextual concept, in fact a call to reason, and, and not a call to violenceright?

White House disputes explosive report that Trump asked Comey to end Flynn probe The readers of this blog must know what the “Flynn affair” is all about – saving American lives: A week ago, the head of the US White Project, Senator Dianne Feinstein, declared the question about possible Russian response to the expulsion of 107 Russian diplomats on December 30, 2016 the most important issue of both foreign and domestic policy of the United States. That is, if it were not for General Flynn, on January 2, 2017, 107 Russian diplomats plus families (probably 300 in all) would have been arrested at the Washington airport, just as on January 17, 2001, the Secretary of State of the Union State of Russia and Belarus Pavel Borodin was arrested for approximately the same reasons at the New York airport.

Well, what could have been the response? Expulsion of American diplomats? Arrest them in Moscow airport Sheremetyevo-2? Storm of the US Embassy in case of their refusal to fly away? Or just a volley launch of ICBMs? Susan Rice has blurted out like it is Susan Rice, a former adviser to President Obama, urging Americans to unite to confront America’s external enemies (by which she meant primarily Russia), inadvertently admitted that the US is on the brink of civil war.

Specifically, she said that we can not allow the wars on Twitter to escalate into a shootouts, and when you consider that she continues to hold the position of National Security Adviser in this “deep state” shadow government, which is preparing to seize power from President Trump if he shows serious slack ala President Nixon, and on her desk every day, go to the surveys of above-mentioned twitter wars and assess their likelihood to develop into firefights, then this statement has attracted the attention of Americans more than others news that are also impressive. Suffice it to say that Steve Bannon’s website, the chief strategist for combating flying monkeys in the Trump administration, published this speech with little comment, since according to the speech of Susan Rice the only way to unity for the Republicans is to impeach the Republican president and on their knees to beg the Democrats for forgiveness for the fact that the Republicans won the election. And in this situation, the words about the shootings did not just appear in the headlines of the republican newspapers, but because they sounded for the supporters of Trump as a threat, in accordance with which it is necessary to prepare exactly for this option. Putin quotes: But at the same time we see that political schizophrenia is developing in the United States – I can not explain by anything else accusations against the President in that he gave Lavrov some secrets.

In the beginning, when we watched how this process of internal political struggle in US develops, we were laughing. Today, this is not just sad, it causes us deep concern, because what else people can think of that generate such nonsense, such idiotism – it’s hard to imagine. All this is done on the basis of inciting anti-Russian sentiments. You know what surprises me. They are shaking the domestic political situation in the United States under anti-Russian slogans.

They either do not understand that they are harming their own country, and then they are just stupid, or they understand everything, and then they are dangerous and unscrupulous people. Indirectly confirms a long time rumor that Russian air defense systems are perfectly capable of seeing “stealth” F-35 and America now just does not have a normal fighter other than the F-22, production of which has been terminated as EXTREMELY expensive Clintonoids are trying to start a new Cold War with Russia, which is about to turn into a hot one, and now it turns out that the shit is about to hit the fan, as they missed US inability to win in this war! He only beneficiary of such war could ONLY be Fourth Reich of Angela Merkel! Are Clintonoids just a Nazi Fifth Column in US?

I still think that Bastinda has left us, after Ivanka Trump poured a bucket of water on her and now Ivanka, following the results of this wet job in the absence of the Donald, holds meetings at the White House. And she can, especially if you consider that she converted to Judaism in order to become a wife of the grandson of the Soviet anti-Nazi guerilla-fighter from the WWII-era guerilla detachment “October” of the Lenin Brigade. Nevertheless, yesterday could be considered a great victory for the Clintonoids, who from the very beginning of Trump’s presidency sought the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the relationship of Trump’s election campaign with Russia. Robert Mueller, a former FBI director who assumed office under President Bush the week before 911, was appointed special prosecutor, which the Democrats had long dreamed of, but judging from the first reaction of such a famous democrat as Nancy Pelosi, congratulations on this appointment should rather have Donald Trump.

Indeed, this investigation has always been bundled with the investigation of the wiretapping of the presidential candidate and then President Trump, and the specialty of Robert Mueller hints at the second rather than the first. Meanwhile, President Trump felt it necessary to share his worries with graduates of the US Coast Guard Academy. And the next step in this direction is the announcement in the US of a military or emergency situation and an appeal to the Army and the American people to take power into their own hands and to lynch the conspirators, which the Army and the people in this case will happily do. Dulles Plan: origins An earlier version of the plan can also be found in a 1965 novel by Soviet writer Yuri Dol’d-Mikhaylik, where another villain, one “General Dumbright”, proposes a similar course of action: We shall arm comedians with jokes that laugh out their present and future. () Poison the soul of the youth with disbelief in their purpose in life, awaken their interest in sexual problems, bait them with such lures of the free world as fancy dances, pretty clothing, special records, verses, songs () Sow discord between the youth and the older generation Novel The Possessed by Fyodor Dostoyevsky: we’ll make use of drunkenness, slander, spying; we’ll make use of incredible corruption; we’ll stifle every genius in its infancy.

() But one or two generations of vice are essential now; monstrous, abject vice by which a man is transformed into a loathsome, cruel, egoistic reptile. That’s what we need! All is well my beautiful marquise In continuation of the previous post: Germany Is Quietly Building a European Army Under Its Command NATO hit by Turkish veto on Austria partnership Britain will go to war over Gibraltar’s sovereignty, say senior Conservatives Guess who the UK is going to fight for Gibraltar “That was some weird shit” – George W.

Bush said regarding the inauguration of D. I remember the inauguration of George W. Bush after a 3-month count of votes in 2000, when the newly-sworn 43rd US President in a long black coat stood on a platform in front of a roaring cursing crowd and, pretending to be dancing, hammered quite unambiguously his pelvis in front of everybody.

And I recall the memoirs of one of the participants in these events about how Bush’s election headquarters was barricading in Miami and was preparing to shoot off Clinton people like Salvador Allende. And yet he believes that Trump’s inauguration was very strange. If you choose the path of terror, your life will be empty, your life will be brief, and YOUR SOUL WILL BE CONDEMNED These are the words of President Trump, addressed to the leaders of Islamic countries, gathered in Riyadh. After listening to this speech, it became clear to me personally that hundreds of billions of dollars (rumored to be worth one and a half trillion dollars) of arms and other contracts signed by American businessmen in Riyadh is in fact an indemnity for Hillary Clinton’s support in the elections.

And he used or rather threw them in the face such an expression: “Islamic extremism, Islamism and Islamic terror”!!! CNN immediately declared this speech a mistake and explained the use of these expressions by Trump’s fatigue.

It is clear that a lot of pressure was put on Trump so that he does not use such expressions in Riyadh. And use of word “Islamism” in such an environment in Saudi Arabia, where Islamism is the state religion, is something to behold! Now, if the CNNs and other shit will keep attacking him the creation of the militia in full accordance with the Second Amendment to the Constitution is guaranteed.

And his speech can not be interpreted otherwise, as the demand for surrender, presented by the winner. Trackbacks/Pingbacks • - May 15, 2017 [] Kunstler has self-published his latest book after getting tired of dealing with the gatekeepers in the publishing industry. Existence will come out in original form as a book shortly, followed by the Knew Weigh and a Ubuntu Existence. The form that the books will come out in might be serial blogging – or it might be direct sales. There are several models. [] • - May 15, 2017 [] My New Book: A Safe and Happy Place [] • - May 17, 2017 [] points me towards this illuminating post on the subject of authors getting published.

It makes for grim reading if what you expected was [].