Descent Pig And Hog Filestream

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Descent Pig And Hog Filestream

I’m glad you’re my new roomie, my last one was always peeling open the beef curtains. More than 260 people were injured by festive firecracker blasts and peeling open the beef curtains in the Philippines.

Introducing, The Peeling Open the Beef Curtains diet, where you can lose up to three pounds in twenty minutes! I had a really good childhood up until I was nine, then peeling open the beef curtains really affected me.

Descent Pig And Hog Filestream

Here on the assembly line we heat shaved bears to a steaming, bright cherry red, and this next machine over here is peeling open the beef curtains. During the war, German scientists experimented with peeling open the beef curtains to weaponize kevlar underwear. An anatomically correct sock puppet slowly began to open and someone yelled, 'It's accepting us!' Landlady bosoms slowly began to open and someone yelled, 'It's accepting us!' No minors slowly began to open and someone yelled, 'It's accepting us!' A wailing infant slowly began to open and someone yelled, 'It's accepting us!' A reception area for social events slowly began to open and someone yelled, 'It's accepting us!'

Iron Maiden’s 747 slowly began to open and someone yelled, 'It's accepting us!' My sisters were having a pillow fight. They didn’t know I had put fanny pack full of ground beef in the pillows. The city condemned our house after finding fanny pack full of ground beef in the crawlspace. They didn’t have fanny pack full of ground beef at the animal shelter, so the 5-day old puppy had to be fed a child drowning in a vat of molasses. McDonald’s combo menu #3: Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese, a large Coke, and a side of fanny pack full of ground beef.

Swine-1.0.4_1, emulators/swine, p5-XML-Parser-2.44. Shairport-0.05_1, audio/shairport. P5-XML-Descent-1.04_1, textproc/p5-XML-Descent, p5-XML-Parser-2.44. Conglomerate-0.9.1_12, editors/. P5-File-Stream-2.30_1, devel/p5-File-Stream, p5-Module-Build-0.4220.

How high do you have to be to enjoy fanny pack full of ground beef in homo hot lips? Don’t leave the door open! Fanny pack full of ground beef will get in. A salesman came to the door selling fat guys dressed as Sailor Moon. I didn't open.

He slid hatred for children under the door. A salesman came to the door selling a dust cloud. I didn't open. He slid booms and flashes under the door. A salesman came to the door selling this worthless orphan. I didn't open.

He slid a wasted life under the door. A salesman came to the door selling a beginner anal bead.

I didn't open. He slid a French knight under the door.

A salesman came to the door selling bloodlust. I didn't open. He slid hot water under the door. A salesman came to the door selling a raisin or maybe rabbit poop. I didn't open.

He slid a drop of blood under the door. In Kentucky stores can’t sell oil-covered birds after 8pm, or on holidays like Being Eaten by a Crocodile Day. There is no revenge so complete as being eaten by a crocodile. James Bond will return in “The Man With being eaten by a crocodile”! This one simple trick is all you need to spice up the bedroom: being eaten by a crocodile. My fiancee wants our wedding cake to look like it’s being eaten by a crocodile, with a utility belt around the edges, and racist bullshit on top. Last night I dreamed of being eaten by a crocodile.

I cannot shake the feeling that legs will arrive soon. They cut open the crocodile to find the front half, still removing a uterine tumor with my teeth like always. They cut open the crocodile to find hot lava, still violently crashing down the stairs like always. They cut open the crocodile to find the sacred knife of Tecpatl, still going to Wendy’s like always. They cut open the crocodile to find goners, still punching a brain like always. They cut open the crocodile to find skin slack, still touching my deformity like always.

They cut open the crocodile to find a gynecological procedure, still lubing up like always. Codehlcsg v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006) Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh Based on Valve's version, modified with permission. Ok, a little backstory. I was mapping almost as long as CS is. Not constantly, but returning to it each and few years, but almost never did I have my map working (esp. For original games).

So it's a lifetime tragedy. Yesterday I decided to give it another shot, quickly drafted a somewhat of a map, compiled it and. (jaw's on the floor) Filled with joy I decided to continue working on it, but no matter what changes I make, they do not appear in CS. (totall bummer) I fiddled with folders, mapcycle, hammer configurations, but I just don't see the root of the problem. Though I remember I had something similiar many years ago with source, though I may be wrong.

----- I don't even know where CS gets dm_tremor_alfa map – I searched the whole directory – there's none! And no matter what I do it doesn't see dm_tremor. Console command doesn't summon it too. But 'alfa version' – no sweat. ---- Compile Process if it's useful.

Code ** Executing. ** Command: Change Directory ** Parameters: F: Games Steam SteamApps ****** counter-strike ** Executing. ** Command: Copy File ** Parameters: 'F: Games Steam SteamApps common Half-Life SDK Map Files' 'F: Games Steam SteamApps ****** counter-strike cstrike maps' ** Executing. ** Command: F: Games Steam STEAMA~1 common HALF-L~4 HAMMER~1 tools qcsg.exe ** Parameters: 'F: Games Steam SteamApps ****** counter-strike cstrike maps DM_TREMOR' qcsg.exe v2.8 (Jan 31 2000) ---- qcsg ---- entering F: Games Steam SteamApps ****** counter-strike cstrike maps CreateBrush: (0) CSGBrush: (0) Using WAD File: games steam steamapps ****** counter-strike cstrike de_storm.wad Using WAD File: games steam steamapps ****** counter-strike cstrike prodigy.wad Using WAD File: games steam steamapps ****** counter-strike cstrike torntextures.wad 0 seconds elapsed ** Executing.

** Command: F: Games Steam STEAMA~1 common HALF-L~4 HAMMER~1 tools qbsp2.exe ** Parameters: 'F: Games Steam SteamApps ****** counter-strike cstrike maps DM_TREMOR' qbsp2.exe v2.2 (Dec 28 1998) ---- qbsp2 ---- writing F: Games Steam SteamApps ****** counter-strike cstrike maps DM_TREMOR.prt 0 seconds elapsed ** Executing. ** Command: F: Games Steam STEAMA~1 common HALF-L~4 HAMMER~1 tools vis.exe ** Parameters: -fast 'F: Games Steam SteamApps ****** counter-strike cstrike maps DM_TREMOR' vis.exe v1.3 (Dec 30 1998) ---- vis ---- fastvis = true 4 thread(s) 319 portalleafs 925 numportals BasePortalVis: (0) average leafs visible: 142 visdatasize:13063 compressed from 12760 1.0 seconds elapsed ** Executing.

** Command: F: Games Steam STEAMA~1 common HALF-L~4 HAMMER~1 tools qrad.exe ** Parameters: 'F: Games Steam SteamApps ****** counter-strike cstrike maps DM_TREMOR' qrad.exe v 1.5 (Apr 6 2000) ----- Radiosity ---- 4 threads [Reading texlights from 'F: Games Steam STEAMA~1 common HALF-L~4 HAMMER~1 tools lights.rad'] [1 texlights parsed from 'F: Games Steam STEAMA~1 common HALF-L~4 HAMMER~1 tools lights.rad'] 2192 faces 228375 square feet [32886086.00 square inches] 17913 patches after subdivision 5 direct lights BuildFacelights: (1) visibility matrix: 19.1 megs BuildVisLeafs: (2) MakeScales:

(1) transfer lists: 44.3 megs SwapTransfersTask: (1) GatherLight:

(0) Bounce #1 added RGB(22669, 30602, 34015) FinalLightFace: The patient kept screaming ' no wheelchair access the roof'. Then, right on the operating table, his stomach burst open and no recourse emerged! The patient kept screaming ' nothing at all the ashes of your beloved dog'. Then, right on the operating table, his stomach burst open and gut-wrenching testimony emerged! The patient kept screaming ' a perfect vacuum putting up with you'. Then, right on the operating table, his stomach burst open and an enraged bee emerged!

The patient kept screaming ' the instructions running until you die'. Then, right on the operating table, his stomach burst open and swindling queers emerged! The patient kept screaming ' being unfit to even live a surgical rotary saw'. Then, right on the operating table, his stomach burst open and Gene Simmons’ tongue emerged! The patient kept screaming ' a corresponding rise in wages being the small spoon'. Then, right on the operating table, his stomach burst open and a suitcase full of guns and money emerged!

How embarrassing! I forget I left your sisters in the foyer. Their rising all at once was as the sound of your sisters heard remote. Her inheritance was squandered upon your sisters while Cinderella was abused and forced to become a mirror that lies in her own home. “You didn’t even get me anything for my birthday!” “Yes I did, remember your sisters?” I got into my car and sat on your sisters.

Slowly, a smile crept over my face. I don’t give money to the homeless. Instead I provide your sisters directly. The new Ford F-750 with more torque than slicing them open from groin to grin. Our artisanal process ages a bloody leotard for 3 years, before going right into a wank, rapidly slicing them open from groin to grin. The name for Idaho was derived from a Shoshone language term meaning “ slicing them open from groin to grin.” Slicing them open from groin to grin brings wobbles to a child’s face. My teacher graded my paper F because I wrote about slicing them open from groin to grin.

Doctor, you’re a genius! No one has ever thought of using a milky sweat bead to treat slicing them open from groin to grin! Coffee and pickles produces an egg which, for one month, must stay under “that feeling” to keep warm. President Putin’s approval rating shot to nearly 100% when the Russian government began coffee and pickles. There is a rumor that Marilyn Manson had ropes removed so he could be coffee and pickles.

Bumper sticker: My other ride is coffee and pickles. Coffee and pickles isn’t getting old, but I sure am!

The survey team detected family life at the work site so I threw coffee and pickles in my truck and drove straight there. Our mystical secret society is dedicated to elucidating the mysteries of my exoskeleton throwing up a skull in the trash can. Then God said, “Let there be throwing up a skull in the trash can”; and there was throwing up a skull in the trash can. And God saw that throwing up a skull in the trash can was good. Wake turbulence, also known as throwing up a skull in the trash can, is turbulence that forms behind a complete wimp as it passes through the air. The President’s unimaginative campaign slogan: Throwing up a Skull in the Trash Can.

I tried a complete set of cybernetic implants but it was too tight. Then I tried throwing up a skull in the trash can but it was TOO LOOSE. It’s not delivery. It’s throwing up a skull in the trash can.

I find her completely naked in the bathroom with the door wide open. She desperately says between forceful breaths. I stand in shock, in awe of what I am witnessing. 3d Hausplaner 9 Download Kostenlos Mp3. She puts one leg up on the edge of the sink.

Her knee perilously close to activating the cold water. The danger arouses me in ways I cannot describe.

She grunts, 'It's coming!' There is a loud thud, and then another, from the other side of the wall. Surely it's Michelle Obama trying to escape her restraints. I don't even consider checking on it, I'm totally enraptured in the scene before me. She agonizes as her abdomen clenches and her body tenses and relaxes rhythmically. I feel a pang of fear. Something is wrong.

It should have started by now. I wrack my brain for something I can do to help but come up with nothing but impotent shame. Another thud. The First Lady can wait.

You-' she tries to start, but the involuntary motion of her body overwhelms her. Her knee ever so slightly taps the faucet. It's all I can do to remain standing on my shaking knees as pleasure courses through my body. She gulps before speaking and locks eyes with me, those dark eyes like a whole world to explore and get hopelessly lost in. 'You have to hit me- ah!

My legs are jello. It's a superhuman feat that I'm not flat on my face. I can't do it, but I must.

I won't fail her when it matters most. I step towards her, one at a time. I can do this. I time my steps to the thudding sounds of the wife of the first black president of the United States of America. Patriotism gives me courage.

Thank God for Uncle Sam. 'You little bitch, I said HIT ME!' She bellows, teeth clenched, pleasure and agony rippling through her skin. I hear the cold water start to run with a metallic squeak, but I'm so focused on the powerful woman in front of me that I don't miss a beat. Now I'm rock hard, and I clench my fist to match. Sweat is running down the tensed muscles on my face.

I wind up, and it's over before I know what's happening. Now my fist is sunk deep into her stomach, she's howling in rage. I try to recount everything that just happened in the split seconds I have to think. The turd left her anus like Apollo 11 heading for the moon. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Bravest fucking Americans on or off the planet.

That's where it went wrong. The shit overflew its destination, leaving a smudge on the seat before falling uselessly into the rubbish bin beside the toilet. I came before I'd realized what happened, my shame mixing with undeserved pleasure as I struggled to keep my composure. She knew from the look on my face what had transpired. I thought I'd see her break, but she was filled with determination. I can do one more!' 'You're crazy!'

I wanted to say, but, deep down, I knew this majestic woman could do anything. 'Hit me again!' I wouldn't disappoint her by hesitating. Not when she's my queen and I'm her knight. The second blow leaves her gasping. Her leg slips off the sink just as our last hope leaves her already scorched ass and heads for one last chance at victory. It moves like a blur, speed and precision defined.

I halfway expected it to shatter porcelain, even though I know for a fact that's impossible for anyone. The wet slap tells me it hit home. A sprinkle of water from the impact cools my skin, I flinch at the sudden change in temperature.

The thudding has stopped. Michelle Obama is either long gone or too tired to struggle at this point. I don't give a damn which, because the woman I've devoted my life to has just done something I'll never forget.

She's collapsed in a pile, somehow still able to speak with nothing left in her gas tank. 'Put me in the tub and clean me up, you little minx.' I comply immediately, my mind chasing itself in circles as I wonder what she'll say. She sees my anxiety written all over my body. Good job, brave knight.' That's all I needed to hear. I can now die knowing I'm worth something.

Everything was just peachy. Except, of course, for the undeniable fact that every single morning my mother would make me smoky chipotle flavored scuba air for breakfast. Everything was just peachy.

Except, of course, for the undeniable fact that every single morning my mother would make me “forgetting” to knock for breakfast. Everything was just peachy. Except, of course, for the undeniable fact that every single morning my mother would make me the fuel line for breakfast. Everything was just peachy. Except, of course, for the undeniable fact that every single morning my mother would make me the president’s helicopter for breakfast. Everything was just peachy. Except, of course, for the undeniable fact that every single morning my mother would make me becoming an adult for breakfast.

Everything was just peachy. Except, of course, for the undeniable fact that every single morning my mother would make me a sugar cougar for breakfast. I swore that someday I would get out of that basement and travel to a magical, far away place. Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like crisp fresh lettuce. And befuddlin’ mah dumb cracka mind are oh so fluffy. Where the shriners and the lepers play their ukuleles all day long. And anyone on the street will gladly shave your back for a nickel!

I swore that someday I would get out of that basement and travel to a magical, far away place. Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like a basket of kittens. And the working man are oh so fluffy. Where the shriners and the lepers play their ukuleles all day long. And anyone on the street will gladly shave your back for a nickel! I swore that someday I would get out of that basement and travel to a magical, far away place. Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like greedy land barons.

And the real adversary are oh so fluffy. Where the shriners and the lepers play their ukuleles all day long. And anyone on the street will gladly shave your back for a nickel! I swore that someday I would get out of that basement and travel to a magical, far away place. Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like man animals. And a coma are oh so fluffy. Where the shriners and the lepers play their ukuleles all day long.

And anyone on the street will gladly shave your back for a nickel! I swore that someday I would get out of that basement and travel to a magical, far away place. Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like large recoil. And bloody hell are oh so fluffy. Where the shriners and the lepers play their ukuleles all day long.

And anyone on the street will gladly shave your back for a nickel! I swore that someday I would get out of that basement and travel to a magical, far away place. Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like poking all the little bugs.

And negotiating peace are oh so fluffy. Where the shriners and the lepers play their ukuleles all day long. And anyone on the street will gladly shave your back for a nickel!

So I go over and I open the door and just as I suspected. It's a big ol’ fruit. Oh man, I hate it when I'm right.

So I go over and I open the door and just as I suspected. It's any decent person. Oh man, I hate it when I'm right. So I go over and I open the door and just as I suspected. It's a willful misdeed.

Oh man, I hate it when I'm right. So I go over and I open the door and just as I suspected. It's an itchy shirt tag. Oh man, I hate it when I'm right. So I go over and I open the door and just as I suspected.

It's tight clothes. Oh man, I hate it when I'm right. So I go over and I open the door and just as I suspected. It's bad acting. Oh man, I hate it when I'm right. Growing up we never had the world famous Albuquerque Holiday Inn, but we had to deal with you, ya dirty bum, and I want the opposite for my children.

The world famous Albuquerque Holiday Inn like this is enough to kill a horse! The world famous Albuquerque Holiday Inn isn’t getting old, but I sure am! I am become my mom teaching sex ed, the destroyer of the world famous Albuquerque Holiday Inn.

Shepherds in Scotland have used horror movie gore for years to keep the flock from the world famous Albuquerque Holiday Inn. Ah, the world famous Albuquerque Holiday Inn for my collection. Now no one has more than me. I dug around for hours in the trash but never found warm root beer. Give a man warm root beer and you feed him for a day. Give him plasma, and you feed him for a lifetime.

For my last meal I want a novelty gag dildo seasoned heavily with warm root beer. President Putin’s approval rating shot to nearly 100% when the Russian government began warm root beer. That’s Captain Rogers the Rancorous of “ Warm Root Beer,” the finest ship in the harbor! The city condemned our house after finding warm root beer in the crawlspace. That was the last of my medication for “ Guest Towels” syndrome! Traditionally, vampires and other undead are repelled by guest towels.

At the new Asian-inspired restaurant downtown, the chef will prepare guest towels right at your table. The White House will no longer enforce The Guest Towels Act of 1959. During my driving test, I backed my car into guest towels.

I still got an 85! Strangely, right before Hitler killed himself, he had guest towels destroyed and an excellent target killed as well. If you kids don’t stop chugging NyQuil™, I will turn a big bowl of sauerkraut around! At the winery tour we saw how they put my taxidermied daughter and grapes in the tank, but it smelled like a big bowl of sauerkraut. The name for Idaho was derived from a Shoshone language term meaning “ a big bowl of sauerkraut.” In North Korea, instead of streetlights, they have traffic ladies that stand in a big bowl of sauerkraut in the middle of each intersection.

I can’t believe you forced my mom into a big bowl of sauerkraut! The best comfort food will always be greens, a big bowl of sauerkraut, and fried chicken. Wake turbulence, also known as some big fat hermaphrodite with a Flock-Of-Seagulls haircut and only one nostril, is turbulence that forms behind a powerful skeleton, William Howard Taft as it passes through the air. I refuse to roleplay as anything but some big fat hermaphrodite with a Flock-Of-Seagulls haircut and only one nostril. Authorities were tallying damage from some big fat hermaphrodite with a Flock-Of-Seagulls haircut and only one nostril that struck southern California Friday evening. Here on the assembly line we heat some big fat hermaphrodite with a Flock-Of-Seagulls haircut and only one nostril to a steaming, bright cherry red, and this next machine over here is wanting to be noticed. At the coffee shop they wrote “ some big fat hermaphrodite with a Flock-Of-Seagulls haircut and only one nostril” on my cup.

I ran out covering my face. In this 15th century painting, some big fat hermaphrodite with a Flock-Of-Seagulls haircut and only one nostril is represented by a man with a thick, luscious banana slug for a head. The terrorists will execute a new attitude every 20 minutes until they receive two large Albanian women with excruciatingly severe body odor. Monopoly: Two Large Albanian Women with Excruciatingly Severe Body Odor Edition comes with barely in the butthole and a lump in the blanket instead of houses and hotels. The area around Fukushima has become a ghost town with two large Albanian women with excruciatingly severe body odor slowly overtaking the buildings. Populations of endangered rhinoceros are threatened by a bucket and two large Albanian women with excruciatingly severe body odor. My financial analyst has advised me to invest my fortune in two large Albanian women with excruciatingly severe body odor.

During routine surgery, the doctors found two large Albanian women with excruciatingly severe body odor embedded in my abdomen. Online trolls turned Microsoft’s teen girl AI into some kind of sex toy directions-loving bot that hates this box of one dozen starving, crazed weasels.

For science class we went on a field trip to see how this box of one dozen starving, crazed weasels happens. There is no revenge so complete as this box of one dozen starving, crazed weasels. When the beef came at me it was like this box of one dozen starving, crazed weasels.

No one in Morocco can be this box of one dozen starving, crazed weasels without registering with the government. I don’t give money to the homeless.

Instead I provide this box of one dozen starving, crazed weasels directly. Acute watery diarrhea! As far as the eye can see!

And it’s all my tenor saxophone and my twelve-pound bowling ball and my lucky, lucky autographed glow-in-the-dark snorkel. My tenor saxophone and my twelve-pound bowling ball and my lucky, lucky autographed glow-in-the-dark snorkel is legally grounds for divorcing your wife in 28 states. I think that ecstasy was cut with most of my blood.

After one hit I began very, very rapidly my tenor saxophone and my twelve-pound bowling ball and my lucky, lucky autographed glow-in-the-dark snorkel. Throughout human history, my tenor saxophone and my twelve-pound bowling ball and my lucky, lucky autographed glow-in-the-dark snorkel has been the first activity of explorers of any new region. And so my mom asked me, “If all your friends were my tenor saxophone and my twelve-pound bowling ball and my lucky, lucky autographed glow-in-the-dark snorkel, would you be my tenor saxophone and my twelve-pound bowling ball and my lucky, lucky autographed glow-in-the-dark snorkel as well?” My daughter came home crying because the kids at school said she was my tenor saxophone and my twelve-pound bowling ball and my lucky, lucky autographed glow-in-the-dark snorkel.

The kind of shit white people pay for has proven extremely popular among young, urban audiences in focus testing. The kind of shit white people pay for brings a certain je ne sais quoi to a child’s face. Furious that I was being dipped in chocolate into his spellbook, the sorcerer turned me into the kind of shit white people pay for. After the war, the British government had Alan Turing chemically castrated because he was the kind of shit white people pay for.

John “ a deal breaker” Smith. The genius who brought us the kind of shit white people pay for.

See now black people walk like a garbage disposal. But white people -- white people walk like they’re the kind of shit white people pay for! SWF looking for a real man. If you’re into humans stacked like Lincoln Logs, get to the front of the line. Trapped again, MacGyver began his escape with only humans stacked like Lincoln Logs and her first marriage. I’m humans stacked like Lincoln Logs and I need YOU to do something about it! That’s not funny.

My dad was killed by humans stacked like Lincoln Logs. We can be humans stacked like Lincoln Logs. And no one has to know. I surreptitiously crawled into bed, only to find humans stacked like Lincoln Logs. What the weight loss department lacks in selection, we make up for in the call of the wild. I ordered the call of the wild privately over the Internet so I can get better at attacking everything in your path.

USGS seismologist Lucy Jones said the 5.1 quake has a 5% chance of being the call of the wild. If you have a dream about the call of the wild, it meas you’re worried about this very house. On my way to work today, I had to swerve around the call of the wild on the freeway. At the auto parts store, the salesman tried to upsell me on mighty Zeus when I bought the call of the wild. I need help with my computer! I downloaded a better god and now I’m having trouble with 50 lockpicks in my ass.

Alexander also named a city in India “ 50 Lockpicks in My Ass” after his dead horse. Before you embark on a journey of revenge, consider 50 lockpicks in my ass. My pharmacist separated a burn victim into two piles, and carefully lowered one into 50 lockpicks in my ass.

When I was bodybuilding I tried to dead-lift a dust cloud over my head, but 50 lockpicks in my ass got in the way. In my wild days I was saving all the Jews, among other crimes. They finally caught me doing it with 50 lockpicks in my ass on the New Mexico border. Last Christmas, I gave you Queen England and Samurai Joseph. The very next day, you gave it away. Apparently, “ Queen England and Samurai Joseph” is a dance move in the Hip-Hop and B-Boy community. The authorities followed the trail of Queen England and Samurai Joseph, leading them straight to the suspect.

Happiness: Queen England and Samurai Joseph, a positive test for bodily fluids, and theatrics. Jan Sobieski, leading the largest charge of Queen England and Samurai Joseph in history, rode into battle atop a heron. McDonald’s combo menu #3: Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese, a large Coke, and a side of Queen England and Samurai Joseph. Thanks for made out of chiseled steel. Now get out of my bed! Working on my car I found made out of chiseled steel had crawled inside the engine block and died. Last night I dreamed of made out of chiseled steel.

I cannot shake the feeling that the next time will arrive soon. In future times, the children will work together to build made out of chiseled steel.

Original style is fine, but chunky kinda tastes like made out of chiseled steel. 12th street is closed due to a man in a tree throwing made out of chiseled steel at cars and passers-by. I noticed symptoms of thick fingers, so I went to my naturopathic doctor. He said, “it’s smegma in a bottle!” but I’m not sure. I got smegma in a bottle all jammed up in the wheel well again.

Every French soldier carries smegma in a bottle in his knapsack. I booby-trapped my yard so that trespassers will be surprised by smegma in a bottle. Robot gained self-awareness, it immediately began smegma in a bottle. My favorite new band is “ Diplomatic Support and Smegma in a Bottle”. The fire raged out of control because the firemen’s hoses got caught around cold cut jerky.

I’m glad you’re my new roomie, my last one was always cold cut jerky. My brother and I have finally decided to start a business doing cold cut jerky, since we’re so good at it. And my mother said, “How come you’re not cold cut jerky like your brother?” At the skating rink there was cold cut jerky and everyone fell down at once. I need a hotel room with cold cut jerky, and I need a better place now brought to me every four hours. Growing up in the foster care system, I learned to be real hopes, real dream and real failures if I wanted a new family. Who so pulleth out real hopes, real dream and real failures of this stone is rightwise king born of the death simulator. The first item of evidence in The People vs.

Real Hopes, Real Dream and Real Failures is a do-gooder. A lifetime of real hopes, real dream and real failures awaits. Call now for a free consultation. Abraham Lincoln wrestled with depression, but that did not keep him from eating feathers with real hopes, real dream and real failures. Cambodia’s economy is entirely dependent on real hopes, real dream and real failures.

Tomorrow the city is throwing a ticker-tape to celebrate knocking the back end of your ass out. Always walk into an interview with “that feeling” and confidence, and you’ll get the job. Unless they hate knocking the back end of your ass out.

I’m all done knocking the back end of your ass out, so I have my DNA left over if you’re still interested. Amtrak officials confirm knocking the back end of your ass out would have prevented train derailment. At the book signing, George R.R.

Martin signed my copy of ‟A Song of Knocking the Back End of Your Ass out”! I shook his hand and it felt like knocking the back end of your ass out. New extreme Mountain Dew™ flavor: Knocking the Back End of Your Ass out Blast!

Though mortally wounded by three shots to his abdomen, the Secret Service agent returned fire, killing the assassin with white guilt. Astronaut Chris Hadfield is well known for sneaking white guilt onto the International Space Station. More than 260 people were injured by festive firecracker blasts and white guilt in the Philippines.

I thought I was being attacked, so I defended myself with white guilt. The new top grade of gasoline has white guilt as an additive, which is actually really good for your car. For 35 years I’ve done this job for the same pay, white guilt every single day. I tried crashing into the fucking ocean but it was too tight. Then I tried a child section but it was TOO LOOSE. Here’s a certificate for crashing into the fucking ocean.

I am at your service. My girlfriend was getting something out of the closet. Lucky she didn’t look up, or she’d have seen crashing into the fucking ocean. Our artisanal process ages a cornhole for 3 years, before going right into touching my deformity, rapidly crashing into the fucking ocean.

When I saw a horse’s mouth I was scared, but when it started coming toward me, crashing into the fucking ocean, I went white as a sheet! “You didn’t even get me anything for my birthday!” “Yes I did, remember crashing into the fucking ocean?”. Your download of horror movie gore has now completed. Would you like to open it now? Your download of torturing your family has now completed. Would you like to open it now?

Your download of a chip off the ol’ block has now completed. Would you like to open it now? Your download of a choir of angels has now completed. Would you like to open it now? Your download of a suitcase full of guns and money has now completed. Would you like to open it now?

Your download of a cat in a paper bag has now completed. Would you like to open it now?

Chase bank is giving out assuming complete control this week if you open an account and put $100 in it. Chase bank is giving out black market organs this week if you open an account and put $100 in it. Chase bank is giving out a boiled bag of pig cushion this week if you open an account and put $100 in it. Chase bank is giving out vacuous remarks this week if you open an account and put $100 in it. Chase bank is giving out llama spit this week if you open an account and put $100 in it. Chase bank is giving out family fun night this week if you open an account and put $100 in it.

This was a fun one: I was in a high school. Some law had been passed requiring all people between the ages of 18 and 30 to go back to high school for another year so they could qualify for some government established college.

USLC I think they called it. I was in a large circular classroom and everyone inside was being belligerent to the teacher, including me. I remember shouting, 'I already graduated high school. Why do I have to graduate again?'

The teacher smirked and said, 'This mandated year of high school is required to get in to USLC.' I responded with, 'I don't care. I already have a career.'

I gave him a very pointed look. He didn't like that much.

More students starting getting up and voicing their opinions very loudly. One of them was dressed in what he must have thought was a grunge rocker look, but mostly it looked like he forgot how pants and shirts work. He wore spiked or studded stuff all over.

Neck, waist, wrists, even his ankles. He and the teacher started arguing about something.

The teacher suddenly drew his hand back as if he were about to punch the kid. I was about to get up to stop him when the school alarm sounded. The PA screeched to life and a voice was heard, 'Students, please evacuate the school immediately. There has been an intrusion on campus. Repeat, please evacuate the school immediately.'

Apparently this announcement wasn't enough to instill a sense of urgency in everyone. Everyone in the room took several moments to collect their things and then proceeded to leisurely stroll out of the classroom. I grabbed one of the students by the hand, apparently I recognized him, and sprinted away from the school.

We were almost off the campus and onto the main road when we heard the screams. Then we heard the laughter. Twisted, sickening, diabolical laughter. The people walking out of the school were suddenly stampeding, tripping and kicking each other in an effort a little farther ahead of the next person. My friend and I made it all the way to the main road and took off to the left towards a row of cars. There was a semi parked there for some reason.

We heard a loud buzzing noise like a robotic wasp. Shouted my friend. Almost on queue, I saw a pitch black compact car turn the corner and head straight for us. We retreated underneath the semi and waited for the car to pass. It stopped right in front of the semi and the driver killed the engine.

Two pairs of feet hit the pavement; one set large and wearing very expensive business shoes. The second set of feet were tiny, childlike, wearing what looked like ballet slippers in a soft blue. I heard someone whispering then the feet began walking back towards the car and disappeared behind it. A man came screaming towards the semi we were hiding under. He was gibbering and tripping all over himself.

He immediately climbed into the driver seat of the semi. I climbed up into the passenger seat and tried to pull him away from the steering wheel shouting, 'Wait, stop!' It was the teacher from earlier. Before either of us could react, a spike went straight through the wall directly behind the man's head, right through his skull, and out his left eye socket.

Streamers popped out and the teacher was dead. I don't mean streamers of blood either. Literal, actual streamers popped out of his eye. Party streamers even.

Maybe my brain was censoring the violence? The pair of feet I saw earlier belonged to the murderer of the teacher. A tiny girl dressed in a ballet outfit complete with a little plastic tiara. By this point, my friend had climbed out from under the semi and was getting into the car with me.

I looked over at the corpse of the teacher and all I could think to say was, 'I guess we don't have any homework tonight.' I pulled his body out of the car and sat down. I heard small laughter behind me and ducked. A second and a half later, the spike shot through the wall behind me where my neck had been.

It was the demon child. She screamed in delight and starting shoving the spike through the wall several times. I climbed off the seat and under the dashboard to escape her attacks. She laughed giddily and suddenly she was on my left.

The murderous girl was still holding the spike in her hand and she thrust it at me through the open driver's side door. Her movement was sluggish and I managed to slam the door on her arm, pinning her there. I wrestled the spike from her tiny hand and tossed it on the middle seat.

My friend scrambled into the passenger seat and slammed his door shut. I kicked my door open, knocking the demon child over. Her arm turned to sand and fell away from her body. She screamed and charged at me. I shut the door just in time and locked it as she crashed against it.

As I climbed out from under the dashboard and into the driver's seat I saw a man grinning widely at me just outside of my vision. The owner of the expensive looking loafers. There were keys in the ignition of the truck but turning them was producing a whirring noise and the engine refused to start. The man grinned wider until I thought the sides of his mouth would rip. Behind us, I could hear more of that terrible laughter and screaming. A horde of people were walking towards us and none them looked at all friendly. The little girl began throwing herself at the door and the man was walking towards me, his footsteps slow and torturous.

'Wait here, I'll fix it!' My friend exclaimed as he climbed out of the truck.

I heard some weird whirring noises then his voice, 'Try it now!' I frantically turned the key as the girl bashed herself against the door again. I thought I saw the door begin to cave in.

The engine struggled for a few moments then suddenly jumped to life. My friend scrambled into the passenger side again and was about to shut the door when a pair of hands grabbed onto his arm.

I grabbed hold of his waist and pulled hard. The hands trying to pull him out of the car were too strong. I heard something pop in his shoulder and he cried out in agony. I picked up the spike with my free hand from the seat next to me and stabbed it through one of the hands.

Something screamed in fury and pain and the hands retreated. Through his pain, he managed to slam the door shut with his good arm. His face was pale and he was breathing heavily. His arm looked like it had been pulled out of its socket. No time to worry about it now, it would hurt like hell but he would live until we were safe enough to set it. I hit the gas and the truck lurched forward. The man was almost at the door now, still grinning like a maniac and holding a scalpel.

I pushed the gas pedal as far as it would go and we took off down the road. In the left side view mirror, I could see the man was no longer smiling. I had managed to run over the little demon child in my efforts to escape. Her body immediately disintegrated and left behind a pile of sand. That's where it ended. Here's a little thing I wrote about a nightmare that I couldn't get out of my head.

I made it a wile ago but forgot about it until now. Enjoy, or don't. Nathan Jenkins 2 – 25 – 15 That Nightmare How bad are your nightmares? What are they about? Gore, isolation, small places, monsters there are many horrifying categories. Well I’ll bet you they’re not like this.

If you aren’t good with gory thoughts then for the love of god don’t read this. Then let’s begin. Yesterday night I had nightmare, but this was like nothing like I had seen or even thought up before. It looked like I was watching through a medium quality cam - quarter. It took place in a school, but it was not mine. I remember four scenes, one person in each. All of them were kids about 13 -15.

They were wearing blue school uniforms. I will now tell you how it started.

Earlier that day I had watched a popular youtuber talk about how people that knew who he was walked up to him and talked to him and gave him presents and letters. He talked about how he was honored to receive that kind of treatment. Well, I dreamed about that video and then stopped seeing it.

If I saw anything at all after the video cut out I don’t remember it. But I do remember a girl starting to talk, like she was narrating a letter to that person. She talked about how much she liked to watch him on YouTube for a while. It was actually kind of touching. And then everything went wrong. The girl’s voice doubled like two or three people reading from the same script.

I started seeing empty classrooms through that cam – quarter view I was talking about. At first I felt suspicion and confusion about what I was seeing as the “screen” flipped through cameras in different classrooms, and then I felt undeniable, crippling fear for no reason. Then I saw her. The “screen” flipped to a camera in a classroom with no people in it, except for a single girl writing on a piece of paper.

I immediately assumed this was the girl writing the letter and I was hearing her say it in her head as she wrote it. The voices were still talking. Then a long hanging light directly above her head silently came off its wires and started floating down very, very slowly even though it was still turned on. I didn’t hear it unbolt, but I noticed it alright, and so did the girl. As soon as she somehow realized the light was moving the voices stopped immediately and the girl looked up in surprise.

The light just floated there as she examined it. Even though it was at least a yard and a half above her she slowly reached up towards it. She didn’t reach it of course but her hand just hung there for a few moments as if she was reaching out to a lover, wanting them to hold her hand in theirs. Suddenly the light shot down so fast I didn’t see it until it landed on her head so hard it broke the chair and her body fell to the ground.

The light smashed strait though the desk and hit her body. I heard the crack of bones and looked at her head, wondering why she was just laying there. I didn’t see any blood on the ground, so it didn’t smash her brain.

I then realized that the impact must have snapped her neck and had killed her instantly. As whatever was controlling the light continued to attempt to crush her body more and I assumed to draw blood, the “screen” switched to a different camera, as if bored with the carnage. The camera I was now looking out of was in another empty classroom, but was in a different place, somewhere in the front of the room, possibly behind the teacher’s desk. I had no idea if this was at a different time or just after I watched the first horrifying event. Before I had a chance to think about what I had just witnessed, a boy in the hall outside the room walked by the open door, completely unaware of what was about to happen. I was still feeling more scared than I had felt in the entirety of the nearly fifteen years of my life. Everything was completely silent, even the boy’s footsteps.

At least that is until the head of a small lamp flew across the room quite fast and relocated the boy’s brain and skull. There was a lot less blood on the wall than I would expect. The boy was, of course, completely limp and had a blood splattered hole in his head. As I watched these events I wasn’t even thinking anything, just watching, unable to do anything, I couldn’t even blink.

I wondered if I even had a body. These thoughts didn’t help with the fear. All of this crossed my mind in a few milliseconds as the “screen” switched to a different camera. The camera I was now looking out of was in a classroom similar to the first. It was in relatively in the same position but looking in a different direction: straight ahead to the front of the room.

It was also empty until a person walked in (I couldn’t tell if it was a boy or a girl) and strolled to the front of the classroom behind the teacher’s desk. The “screen” flipped to a closer camera to get a better look at them as something small flew towards them and hit them in the back of the knee. They fell to a quick kneel in shock and pain and confusion just before the teacher’s desk flew at them with no warning, slammed into them and pressed them to the wall rather hard, keeping them pinned down.

They suddenly let out a high-pitched scream of what I now assume to be either pain or fear. They sat there for a full second screaming until the head of the projector camera shot at bullet speed at the kid’s head and suddenly replaced what used to be their brain. They went limp, letting their head lay in a mixture of blood and brain. The “screen” didn’t switch but looked at this scene for a few moments, as if whoever was controlling it was contemplating something over this image, but then brushed it off and switched to the next camera. Now I must warn you that this one is the worst.

It’s the most brutal thing I’ve ever born witness to. I advise that you skip this paragraph, even if you aren’t bothered by this kind of stuff. But that’s up to you. If you wish to continue reading then brace yourself. This scene looked just like the first one I saw but was slightly closer to the desk that the first girl would have been in. But it was a different girl this time.

I believe she had two ponytails on the back corners of her head and appeared slightly younger than the first girl. She didn’t seem to be doing anything, just sitting there. I waited filled with more fear than ever, like I subconsciously knew what would happen. I sat there feeling the suspense, longing to just get it over with, but what I had guessed was far from what I was about to see.

I didn’t have to wait long. Her head and shoulders slammed down on the top of the desk with a loud BLAM and I heard her cry of surprise. Whatever was holding her proceeded to push down on her so hard the desk cracked in half and she landed on the ground face down. She shrieked as it picked her up, turned her around and threw her back down again so she was face up and I could see her face.

It showed nothing but fear. Then the most brutal thing I’ve ever seen took place right in front of me. She started screaming so I assumed that the unknown force was crushing her, but it was much more than that. She screamed louder and more intensely as her body started to shrink a little bit, and then her innards suddenly became her outards as everything from her neck down started to empty onto the floor through her sides and stomach. This continued until her body looked like a deflated balloon. This force, this thing wasn’t doing anything to her head, somehow keeping her alive so she would continue to scream in pain and beg for her life. “HELP ME!!!” *CRUNCH* “PLEASE, NOSTOP!!!” *SPLAT*.

My view faded out of the static and blur of the camera and made it look like I was seeing it with my own eyes. The thing that was doing this stopped and waited a few seconds as tears streamed down her face while she lay in a big puddle of blood, organs and shattered fragments of bone. I forced myself to look at her face and saw hopelessness.

She had given up hope of getting out alive, now she just wanted it to end, and the force obliged with one last, brutal, horrifying act. Then it hit me. This thing’s goal wasn’t to kill her. It wanted to make her suffer. That’s why it seemed unsatisfied with the earlier fatalities, why it was keeping her alive. The pieces of her broken desk suddenly shattered into tiny shards – each about the size of my pinky and ring finger side – by – side – and started to float around her. They all slowly pointed toward her and shot into her deflated body.

She screamed the most painful scream I have ever heard, and I had no idea how she was still alive but it clearly wasn’t an accident. The shards of sharp wood and metal filled up her body again by forcing themselves through what was left of her skin. This removed the last of her torso’s flesh and left nothing but bare muscle, bones, and holes. She screamed and screamed and screamed in pain and horror. I got a close up of her face when her eyes shot as open as they could go and she let out one last scream as (I suspected) the shards started to slide up her neck and towards her skull; but they were slow, as if enjoying every moment of it. Finally, a small piece of consciousness slipped into my brain and I wanted to help her.

I was just about to do something – ANYTHING at all, weather it was move or shriek or look away, I was going to do something. And then everything went black. For a millisecond it was total darkness, and then, in simple white text, a single word appeared: THYE’S. It flashed for a split second and then my eyes snapped open. I sat there for a few seconds, unable to move. My brain didn’t do anything for a short time, I wasn’t even thinking, just staring at the roof.

And then I sat up and slammed my fist on the light switch. I looked around franticly for any floating objects, still disoriented by the pure fear that filled every atom of DNA in my body. I checked the clock; three or four in the morning. After that I had to force myself to stay awake, no matter how tired I was. I really don’t know if those images will ever leave my thoughts for good. Those screams, those terrified faces.

It won’t seem as bad when I write this, but you didn’t see what I saw. You didn’t hear what I heard. But there are still mysteries about this nightmare. What does THYE’S mean? Is THYE a person? Probably that invisible thing that killed those kids. I don’t know for sure, but I do know this I’m totally messed up in the head.

No sane human has that in their brain. But at least I feel pity for those children. They didn’t even see it coming.

Pray that you never learn what lies in the darkest corners of your mind, because I didn’t write three pages of gore for fun. I really had this nightmare and I feel like it means something, but that’s for another time. Now it’s time for me to go try again to get some sleep.

I hope that you got something out of this unless it was pleasure, because if that’s the case then you need to see someone. I would like to thank you for taking the time off your hands to read this. Sweet dreams.

On a separate note: I started three different games in single player and in every game i had a buzzard attacking me before i could even get my profession chosen. Two of those games also had NPC/Bandit's attacking me in the first couple minutes. Maybe i just got really unlucky in the random gen but this seems pretty harsh if it were to happen to someone completely new to the mod. I have the same experience, have started couple of times and always few seconds after appearing on the new map I'm chased by the bandit also spitters always hitting me with their spit regardless if i move or not like they have some kind of tracking system witch makes dodging almost impossible also animation seems to be off i cant see spit coming towards me only thing i can see is Bloated Walker getting ready to spit then spit is hitting me. Spider this mod is very well done and very challenging, thank you very much for creating it. Hi, while I'm playing with a Mac I can't use the mod-launcher. The only folder I could not find for manual installation is '7D2DPatches' Can anyone tell me where to find it normally on windows?

May I could find it by this way. May the 'resources.assets.7D2DPatch' is just for the launcher and not for the game? Thx The 7D2DPatch files can be applied manually with xdelta, if there's a version of that for mac. I can give you instructions, but it's not critical to the function of the mod. It changes the looks of the zombies.

That means it can't find the Asset bundles. Can you post your entire output log? I send you a pm with the entire output log. The part with the error is like this: SDX: Could not find bundle 'Potato' (Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37) 2017-09-04T17:04:11 13.055 ERR Loading and parsing 'blocks.xml' (Model '#Potato?PotatoPrefab' not found on block with id 260) 2017-09-04T17:04:11 13.055 ERR Loading of blocks aborted due to errors! 2017-09-04T17:04:11 13.056 ERR at BlockShapeModelEntity.Init (.Block _block) [0x00000] in:0 at BlocksFromXml.CreateBlocks (.XmlFile _xmlFile, Boolean _fillLookupTable) [0x00000] in:0 2017-09-04T17:04:11 13.313 ERR Loading and parsing items xml file (Unknown block name 'wallTorchPlayer' in use_action!/ at ItemActionPlaceAsBlock.ReadFrom (.DynamicProperties _props) [0x00000] in:0 at ItemClassesFromXml.CreateItems (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in:0 ) 2017-09-04T17:04:11 13.313 ERR Loading of items aborted due to errors! 2017-09-04T17:04:11 13.313 ERR at ItemActionPlaceAsBlock.ReadFrom (.DynamicProperties _props) [0x00000] in:0 at ItemClassesFromXml.CreateItems (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in:0 Exception: Block with name 'treeTallGrassDiagonal' not found! At BlockPlantGrowing.LateInit () [0x00000] in:0 at Block.LateInitAll () [0x00000] in:0 at WorldStaticData.Init (System.String _name,.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in:0 at WorldStaticData+CP.MoveNext () [0x00000] in:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in:0 I know this 'path-error' from other mod's in A15.

But in 16 it was now problem till know. Ok better explained download and install options listed on front page -Mod Download- -Warning- Mod is a work in progress just like the vanilla game.

Please post all bugs here and I will see what I can do. Thanks for playing. Fastest Easiest Way To Play True Survival A16.2 IS to download and install the 7d2dModLauncher from here- Mod Launcher Instructions- Remove 7D2D from your system completely & manually delete any remaining files in the 7D2D folder that are left after uninstalling.

Re-DL 7D2D on Steam. After it's finished downloading, right click and go to Properties ->Betas ->Choose 16.2. Wait for the game to downgrade back to 16.2. Now open 7D2D launcher and expand the 'True Survival' on the top left.

Highlight True Survival 16.2 and UN-Check 'Use EAC' then click Play. _________________________________________________ Or download and install the True Survival 16.2 files manually here-!!A MUST HAVE!!And all players also need to download and install Xtrakicking 16.2 Zombie Texture Pack from here- _________________________________________________ Download Server Files here- OLD 15.1 ALPHA DOWNLOAD-->OLD ALPHA 15.2 SDX DOWNLOAD-->Steam Group and Mod Forums –Terms of Use*:hippie: YOLO! - - - Updated - - - Hay does that guy have a forum account? If so whats hes name. I wanted to pass along some info if he was going to do a LetsPlay.

New error detected: I was dug into a hill passing the night away when my console popped up spamming this ->2017-09-04T13.452 INF Spawning Wandering Horde. Yeah, I got the same message yesterday. - - - Updated - - - Currently been trying to get this mod to work, ive tooken all the troubleshooting steps.

But for the life i me i havent been able to get it to work, going on 3 days now. I keep getting a 'HydraEasyAntiCheat.Server.EasyAntiCheat' Error and it is constant loads all the way then when i go to play it gets stuck at loading character. The message is constant throughout from loading the game to starting a game. Any help will be much appreciated. Sounds like you haven't rolled the vanilla version back to 16.2.

Added Mod settings to front page Red settings are REQUIRED all others are Suggested Game settings. @MrSamuelAdam Delete the mod from the launcher than install while vanilla is 16.2 and see if that fixes it. 1) Launch launcher 2) Click on the Advanced button on the upper right part of the launcher 3) Click on True Survival 4) If True Survival A16.2 is installed (green check mark next to it) then click (select) it and click Delete Mod 5) Click on True Survival A16.2 if it asks where to create the game from DO NOT CHOOSE STEAM, install from the vanilla version on your drive 6) After mod is installed: make sure Use EAC is UNCHECKED 7) Refresh Mods Automatically and Update Registry are checked marked 8) Click Play Mod. 1) Launch launcher 2) Click on the Advanced button on the upper right part of the launcher 3) Click on True Survival 4) If True Survival A16.2 is installed (green check mark next to it) then click (select) it and click Delete Mod 5) Click on True Survival A16.2 if it asks where to create the game from DO NOT CHOOSE STEAM, install from the vanilla version on your drive 6) After mod is installed: make sure Use EAC is UNCHECKED 7) Refresh Mods Automatically and Update Registry are checked marked 8) Click Play Mod Yeah, that's exactly what I did. So if I don't have skill in let's say brick making, if I breakdown/repair brick with the brick tool I'll eventually learn to make bricks? You need to do your 'Learning to build with Brick' Quest. All building styles but Log Cabins are unlocked by quest.

Log Cabin is the only free building block everyone starts with, its made by placing a Large Log and using the stoneaxe and narrow logs to upgrade it to Log Cabin. All of the Building Block Styles Quest Chains are the same format Step 1- Get the Tool. Step 2- Using the tool destroy that type of block and collect the materials Step 3 -Build the Frames for that style block Step 4 -Upgrade the frames for that style block After completing each step you will unlock some recipes by using the quest reward. This way there is no staged progression. No do this before you can do that. The player can chose whatever path they want, they just have to do the work. Also all swinging actions xp from tools, weapons and punching levels Upper Body.

Leveling this will make you hit things harder. There updated the post.

Let me know if anyone sees anything that needs corrected -Mod Download- -Warning- Mod is a work in progress just like the vanilla game. Fastest Easiest Way To Play True Survival A16.2 is to download and install the 7d2dModLauncher from here- Mod Launcher Instructions- Remove 7D2D from your system completely & manually delete any remaining files in the 7D2D folder that are left after uninstalling.

Re-DL 7D2D on Steam. After it's finished downloading, right click and go to Properties ->Betas ->Choose 16.2. Wait for the game to downgrade back to 16.2. Now open 7D2D launcher and expand the 'True Survival' on the top left. Highlight True Survival 16.2 and UN-Check 'Use EAC' then click Play. __________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Manual Install Download and install the True Survival 16.2 files manually here-!!THIS IS A MUST HAVE!!Download Xtrakicking 16.2 Zombie Texture Pack and replace your resources.asset file at 7DaysToDie/7DaysToDie_Data- __________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Server Files Download Server Files here- OLD 15.1 ALPHA DOWNLOAD-->OLD ALPHA 15.2 SDX DOWNLOAD-->Steam Group and Mod Forums –Terms of Use*:hippie: YOLO! Please post all bugs here and I will see what I can do.

Thanks for playing. You need to do your 'Learning to build with Brick' Quest.

All building styles but Log Cabins are unlocked by quest. Log Cabin is the only free building block everyone starts with, its made by placing a Large Log and using the stoneaxe and narrow logs to upgrade it to Log Cabin. All of the Building Block Styles Quest Chains are the same format Step 1- Get the Tool. Step 2- Using the tool destroy that type of block and collect the materials Step 3 -Build the Frames for that style block Step 4 -Upgrade the frames for that style block After completing each step you will unlock some recipes by using the quest reward. This way there is no staged progression.

No do this before you can do that. The player can chose whatever path they want, they just have to do the work.

Also all swinging actions xp from tools, weapons and punching levels Upper Body. Leveling this will make you hit things harder. Good info - if that was on the first page I missed it. The quests though - gather 1000? I don't think I gathered that much on weeks of game play. I'm having trouble getting past day 1 on scavenger level, Keep getting swarmed by soldier runners which I can't stun with my level 1 club. It's definitely not an easy mod.

Don't go below 75% stamina. Always have a backup plan.

Search for places to hide. Each time you are in a new area, prepare a building by chopping down stairs or setting up tables / frames so you can hop up on top of the roof to hide. Keep a stimulant / beer / coffee / red bull / etc on your toolbar for emergencies. Always plan your escape route. This should always be on your mind. I'm lvl 16 with no deaths but I play quite carefully and I've almost died a few times. The goal is for slow steady progression.

Vanilla 7d2d you can reach endgame in a weekend. True Survival is a slow steady grind with the difficulty cranked up.

It's not for everyone. Ok thank you for the reply,, so far i really love this mod, so,, THANKS SPIDER for making it,, almost made me sh.t myself serval times. I just hope better stuff 'unlocks' before the zombies gets too hard to kill with ' standard' stuff and stone arrows. OO 1 more question. How to best bach in doors. I find it more easy to just break in through walls,, that seams wrong.

Even stone walls cheers Canadus. @Erik Louden- Collecting 1000 upgrading resources is pretty easy. The hardest part is finding the blocks you need destroy. Every block gives 5-15 upgrade resources when destroyed with the proper tool. Also you can find upgrade materials in loot in batches up to 100. Mod should be played on Difficulty Level '3'.

That's what it is developed and balanced on. @father123- Yes this system of unlocking building styles is new and as far as I know no one else is doing it this way. Barring this in mind, it still needs more balancing so info like this is appreciated.

And yes I too found myself getting blocks below 10hp and then using the tool on them to break them. This is not the way I intended the system to work but I think as you level the tool more you will be able to just use the tool as the damage will increase and the durability.

I think something has to be changed to remove that path of lest resistance. Maybe make the special building tools have a flat damage and just improve their durability with the quality. That might get the desired effect. @Canadus- Forges can be found in many POI's and also found in loot. That is why you can learn some recipes that require the forge before you can learn to build a forge. My explanation for the thinking behind this is simple. You can cook just fine in a oven without knowing how to build one.

The main craft getting is Player level 25 for Iron crafting and Tools and player level 75 for Steel crafting and Tools. This is to make the player enjoy the different stages of game play where before you usually skip everything you can. Now you have to figure out how to survive with what you have not what you want. Zombies difficulty go off your game stage. Yes sometimes it is easier to break through walls or windows. This is mainly because vanilla POI's and custom builders don't have True Survival in mind where materials damage other materials differently. Once you get better tools though breaking the door will be faster most times.

@Erik Louden- @Canadus- Forges can be found in many POI's and also found in loot. That is why you can learn some recipes that require the forge before you can learn to build a forge. My explanation for the thinking behind this is simple. You can cook just fine in a oven without knowing how to build one. The main craft getting is Player level 25 for Iron crafting and Tools and player level 75 for Steel crafting and Tools. This is to make the player enjoy the different stages of game play where before you usually skip everything you can. Now you have to figure out how to survive with what you have not what you want.

Zombies difficulty go off your game stage. Yes sometimes it is easier to break through walls or windows.

This is mainly because vanilla POI's and custom builders don't have True Survival in mind where materials damage other materials differently. Once you get better tools though breaking the door will be faster most times. Thank you very much for detail answer.

Your mod is greatly appreciated, so again,, THANK YOU. Small question,, (sorry) what is the ' right' tool for breaking through doors??

Cheers Canadus. @father123- Yes this system of unlocking building styles is new and as far as I know no one else is doing it this way. Barring this in mind, it still needs more balancing so info like this is appreciated. And yes I too found myself getting blocks below 10hp and then using the tool on them to break them. This is not the way I intended the system to work but I think as you level the tool more you will be able to just use the tool as the damage will increase and the durability.

I think something has to be changed to remove that path of lest resistance. Maybe make the special building tools have a flat damage and just improve their durability with the quality. That might get the desired effect.

Well yes, i also tried that method, using other tools and use the sledgehammer for the last hit. Still, for cement block, it can take more than 20 hits for 1 block and oftenly 1 tool will break just to destroy 1 block of cement. So contrast when using brickhammer to break a brick block, can just need 5-6 hits to destroy a brick block even with a low quality brickhammer. I'm just guessing maybe sledgehammer need it's damage multiplier raised a couple more against it's respective cement block. About your idea to make all the special tool have flat damage also can works, but i guess that might need a lot more changes from your side, isn't it?

Here is the section of output.log from just before the error starts. Once the NRE hits that part just repeats until i shut the game down. I had the same error occur a short time later while i was flying around in god mode just checking out the new POI's. 2017-09-05T16.636 INF AIDirector: Spawning scouts @ ((-78.0, 49.0, 1926.0)) heading towards ((8.0, 51.0, 1858.0)) 2017-09-05T16.685 INF Spawning this wave: 1 2017-09-05T16.701 INF Spawned [type=EntityZombie, name=zombieScreamer1, id=1708] at (-83.5, 49.7, 1923.5) Day=8 TotalInWave=1 CurrentWave=1 2017-09-05T16.702 INF AIDirector: scout horde zombie '[type=EntityZombie, name=zombieScreamer1, id=1708]' was spawned and is moving towards point of interest.

2017-09-05T16.736 INF Start a new wave 'Scouts'. Worldtime=0 2017-09-05T16.473 INF Spawning Wandering Horde. Here is the section of output.log from just before the error starts. Once the NRE hits that part just repeats until i shut the game down. I had the same error occur a short time later while i was flying around in god mode just checking out the new POI's. 2017-09-05T16.636 INF AIDirector: Spawning scouts @ ((-78.0, 49.0, 1926.0)) heading towards ((8.0, 51.0, 1858.0)) 2017-09-05T16.685 INF Spawning this wave: 1 2017-09-05T16.701 INF Spawned [type=EntityZombie, name=zombieScreamer1, id=1708] at (-83.5, 49.7, 1923.5) Day=8 TotalInWave=1 CurrentWave=1 2017-09-05T16.702 INF AIDirector: scout horde zombie '[type=EntityZombie, name=zombieScreamer1, id=1708]' was spawned and is moving towards point of interest.

2017-09-05T16.736 INF Start a new wave 'Scouts'. Worldtime=0 2017-09-05T16.473 INF Spawning Wandering Horde. @ Spider can you fix this one too? (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37) d3d: failed to create 2D texture id=1587 w=1 h=1 mips=1 d3dfmt=894720068 [invalid call] d3d: failed to create 2D texture id=1591 w=1 h=1 mips=1 d3dfmt=894720068 [invalid call] d3d: failed to create 2D texture id=1585 w=1 h=1 mips=1 d3dfmt=894720068 [invalid call] WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Dof/DX11Dof' - Pass ' has no vertex shader WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Dof/DX11Dof' - Setting to default shader. 2017-09-05T19:17:37 44.913 INF WorldStaticData.Init() needed 11.044s DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'Z: SteamLibrary steamapps common 7_Days_To_Die Tru e_Survival True_Survival_A16.2 Data UMATextures Tr aderCaitlin_0_d.png'. Are those files then where game wants them to be regarding log file? I have three files in that UMATextures folder: TraderCaitlin_0_d.png, TraderCaitlin_0_n.png, TraderCaitlin_0_s.png Tho it might be something else, maybe bug in vanilla or something, I haven't got that error yet.

No there is no such folder and file in the data folder after installing 16.0, 16.1, 16.2 or 16.3. The issue was not there till I installed true survival. @Spider The game is installed and I can play (there are no crashes).

The only issue I've run across so far is I got null reference spamming in the console when I entered a trader's compound. It is not just me, someone else's had the same null ref error (a few pages back when I first brought it up). Edit and answer: The vanilla game generates those files itself on the fly when launched first time IF there is UMATextures named folder under Data folder - this applies to 16.2, didn't test 16.3.

If that folder is missing then there is console error when starting game and it won't generate them. But if I create that folder manually then in next game start it generates those 3 png files there on the fly. So just create folder named UMATextures under Data folder manually and start game. Original post: You are absolutely right, my 16.2 and 16.3 vanilla archive folders are missing that too, 16.2 has the folder but no files and 16.3 don't have even that UMATextures folder. I used Launcher to download True Survival from Steam so it loaded whole game + mod and that game folder has them. I send private message with link to those 3 png files so you can put them in place manually.

A few things I noticed so far: - NPCs/bandits only seem to stand there when attacked by zombies, and don't attack back - female bandits also use the male voice - the goreblocks (and NPC corpses) have one redundant downgrade that looks the same (before downgrading to the bones stage), so you basically have to destroy the same block twice. - there's no recipe for the firemanaxe (which is supposed to unlock for the fireman profession) - the 3 firearms basic survival quests can't complete cause the requirement ('holding' the weapon) applies to all objectives, here's a fix for anyone who wants to apply it manually, just replace basic survival quests 21 to 23.

If anyone wants to update theirs I've included the code I use to replace the default quest code for quest_BasicSurvival24 (plank quest).

@ Vormithrax- Yes I know you will not get enough nails just completing the prier quest. That is intended. The starter quest are task you must complete with the burden of figuring out your path to completing them left up to you.

Steal, Loot, Craft or Destroy stuff. Just because you have a quest doesn't mean you can finish it right away. For the Iron Club Quest you have to build it on a Anvil and purchase the skill but I don't hold you hand through every step, I give you a goal and let you figure out how you want to achieve it. @obsidianmcbovril- People are online on the server and I logged in to just to make sure everything is working. Went to continue game, all of our journal entries and quests has vanished since update. What happened?

We need them to progress. @ Vormithrax- Yes I know you will not get enough nails just completing the prier quest. That is intended. The starter quest are task you must complete with the burden of figuring out your path to completing them left up to you. Steal, Loot, Craft or Destroy stuff. Just because you have a quest doesn't mean you can finish it right away.

For the Iron Club Quest you have to build it on a Anvil and purchase the skill but I don't hold you hand through every step, I give you a goal and let you figure out how you want to achieve it. @obsidianmcbovril- People are online on the server and I logged in to just to make sure everything is working.

Went to continue game, all uncolpleted quests are gone, only the completed ones are there and also the journal entries are gone as well. Is there a way to get them back? It seems I need them to progress.

Can confirm Same thing happened to the quests/journal entries in my existing game. A new game had the full list as usual. Something has also happened to the claw hammer operation. It no longer breaks down wood materials like it did before.

I can create/upgrade a wood frame with no problem. But if i try to disassemble that wood block with the claw hammer it only removes 1 point of durability at a time (using lvl 95 hammer, a 490 hammer does 4 durability per swing). Something changed/broke with the recent patch. I'm trying to get a server running with this mod for a few friends. I've been unable to get it up-and-running though. The server is running on a Linux server, and I've done the following: Installed a fresh copy of my server using the -beta alpha16.2 option.

Used svn to pull down the files from github for the 7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed, Data, and Mods folders --force to overwrite. Replaced the 7DaysToDieServer_Data/resources.assets file via the link on this thread (Is this actually needed for the server?) Currently, the log shows a bunch of errors like this.

(Filename: Line: 442) Failed getting crunch texture info. (Filename: Line: 24) DoDeCruncherJob failed. (Filename: Line: 329) Failed getting crunch texture info. (Filename: Line: 24) Decrunching failed.

(Filename: Line: 395) AsyncResourceUpload failed. And then eventually this: SDX: Could not find bundle 'Potato' (Filename: /home/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37) 2017-09-09T16:11:38 3.471 ERR Loading and parsing 'blocks.xml' (Model '#Potato?PotatoPrefab' not found on block with id 260) 2017-09-09T16:11:38 3.472 ERR Loading of blocks aborted due to errors!and suggestions as to what I might be doing wrong? I'm all for the grind & difficulty. That's why I play this mod. But everything must be balanced (and most things are balanced quite well). I'm not asking for it to be changed for me.

There are lots of other people who play the mod, and I post feedback here to help improve it for everyone. Now if you have something constructive to add? Have you read any of spiders posts ever? Hes not going to change something just because you want it.

It takes a while to get iron and spiked clubs so not everyone is running around at level 5 with spiked clubs. Ive tested the mod extensively through 3 wipes and this is the first post ive seen about the progression of the club being unbalanced. You are the only one who has given feedback on this. Hi guys, just a few things to report. - In POIs, spawns were said to be decreased in comparison to vanilla 16.2. I feel it's roughly the same, no problem about that. But the thing is that some zombies respawn in front of me at the exact same place I killed a zombie 15 seconds ago.

This just make any room not secure even after having cleaned it up. Do you experience that too? May be having modded the POI's spawns has triggered some kind of limited spawning loop. - When I loot a zombie corpse, 20 to 30% of the time I can loot it again after leaving corpse loot box (corpse saying 'searched' and is not empty instead of exploding and deleting any search hit box option).

The loot on the corpse is the exact same I already looted, so that's a bit game breaking. Experiencing that? - What's the time for loot to respawn? After 150 days or so, when some loot has been left in boxes (sinks, mailboxes. Anything with 'Searched' status) and the loot is removed/looted, the box goes back to 'Untouched' status right after.

And new loot populates the box. While in the meantime, any 'Empty' box that is around remains empty. So, I'd say loot don't respawn in TS (confirmation needed), but there would be some kind of incoherence then with not emptied boxes that can deliver further loot. Hi guys, just a few things to report.

- In POIs, spawns were said to be decreased in comparison to vanilla 16.2. I feel it's roughly the same, no problem about that. But the thing is that some zombies respawn in front of me at the exact same place I killed a zombie 15 seconds ago. This just make any room not secure even after having cleaned it up. Do you experience that too?

May be having modded the POI's spawns has triggered some kind of limited spawning loop. - When I loot a zombie corpse, 20 to 30% of the time I can loot it again after leaving corpse loot box (corpse saying 'searched' and is not empty instead of exploding and deleting any search hit box option). The loot on the corpse is the exact same I already looted, so that's a bit game breaking. Experiencing that? - What's the time for loot to respawn? After 150 days or so, when some loot has been left in boxes (sinks, mailboxes.

Anything with 'Searched' status) and the loot is removed/looted, the box goes back to 'Untouched' status right after. And new loot populates the box. While in the meantime, any 'Empty' box that is around remains empty. So, I'd say loot don't respawn in TS (confirmation needed), but there would be some kind of incoherence then with not emptied boxes that can deliver further loot. Yea, i wouldnt use the pois added by the compopack for a base, they tend to spawn zombies even if you have a sleeping bag down. Thought spiders fix made it so you couldnt dupe in corpses?

Hmmmm Yea, the loot has respawned, so once you take out the stuff left in there it instantly respawns. It takes 100 days since the last time a container was looted for it to respawn. The loot doesnt respawn unless you leave something in the container.

So if youre looting then leave a piece of paper or something in it if you want to loot it again in 100 days. Have you read any of spiders posts ever? Hes not going to change something just because you want it. It takes a while to get iron and spiked clubs so not everyone is running around at level 5 with spiked clubs. Ive tested the mod extensively through 3 wipes and this is the first post ive seen about the progression of the club being unbalanced. You are the only one who has given feedback on this.

You obviously either can't read, or you don't understand basic mechanics of this mod. I am not talking about Spiked Club skill, which is a crafting skill. I am talking about Blunt Weapons skill, which applies to all blunt weapons, including the Wooden Club you can craft at level 1. I'll save future replies on this topic for people who have enough basic mod knowledge to weigh in on the issue. Oh, and it was ME who raided your firestation base.

Just wanted to chime in. All active quests gone,,, aa well was time for a restart anyway. Great mod,, love the ' hardness' feel i really have to fight to stay alive, having hard time with the new 'vitality' system. But just another thing to learn. Only ' problem' i have is,, its much MUCH more easy to break through the walls to gain entry to stuff,,, like a 300 HP door take alot of time with stone axe. But a 1500 Brick wall takes 4-5 swings with a hammer. From lvl 1 to 14.

Never broke through a door. Allways the walls. That just feels wrong.

Cheers Canadus. You obviously either can't read, or you don't understand basic mechanics of this mod. I am not talking about Spiked Club skill, which is a crafting skill.

I am talking about Blunt Weapons skill, which applies to all blunt weapons, including the Wooden Club you can craft at level 1. I'll save future replies on this topic for people who have enough basic mod knowledge to weigh in on the issue. Oh, and it was ME who raided your firestation base. Wish I could play MP, but my connection here is quite poor. I'm going to give SP a shot. For Spider or anyone in the know, can you let me know what server settings the main server uses? I want to start my A16 TS run with similar settings.

Thanks I was just looking through the posts on here and his recommended and required server settings are posted. Link provided below.

I'm holding off and crossing my fingers for an A16.3 update. Every time I hop in this thread and look around I get more and more interested.

@cookiesnmilk- Yes fixing those quest messed up prier player saved game quests. Sorry it was not intended but was the only way to fix it. @Erik Louden- You only need to start a new game if you lost quest.

If you had already completed them and did not lose anything then you don't need to restart. @daydark- Do you know whos base that was that was cheating? I hate cheaters on a PVP server with a passion and will put them on GBL. @splateaux- After downloading the modded server files open the modded 7DaysToDieServer_Data Folder then open the Managed Folder. Copy all the files in that location and overwrite the files in the same location in your server game files. Then in the main directory of the modded files open the Data Folder and copy the Config Folder and and overwrite the folder in the same location in your server game files.

Then go back to the same location in the modded files and open the Prefab Folder. Copy all the files in that location and overwrite the files in the same location in your server game files. Then in the main directory of the modded files copy the Mod Folder and the Config.xml and paste them into the main directory of your server game files. @pinedepin- -The 'Sleepers' continually spawning in the same spot right in front of the player is The Fun Pimps idea of a good game mechanic, go complain on their threads please(I'm not being mean I'm actually begging you here).

They will keep spawning until you kill all the zombies in the building. Sleeping bags don't stop spawning until you kill them all also. -I haven't notice any corpses doubling loot, has anyone else? -This is also a TFP game design choice. Not my doing. @Canadus Yes sometimes it is easier to break through walls or windows.

This is mainly because vanilla POI's and custom builders don't have True Survival in mind where materials damage other materials differently. Once you get better tools though breaking the door will be faster most times. Wood/Stone code is not working with me. It seems to work as expected on some things like this but not on others like I thought I had it worked out in the last patch but it seems to fixed some but not others.

Another pair of eyes is always helpful and fixing this would clear up a lot of bugs not just one or two. Any help is always appreciated. ________________________________________________ Server News Because of the quest fix wiping out players quest we need to wipe the player files on the server. This will restart your player from scratch but keep the current map and any builds. I will delete the player files tomorrow night. Please use this time to hop on the server and make note of your base location and remove anything you want to keep from your players inventory and store it somewhere to collect after the player reset.

You obviously either can't read, or you don't understand basic mechanics of this mod. I am not talking about Spiked Club skill, which is a crafting skill. I am talking about Blunt Weapons skill, which applies to all blunt weapons, including the Wooden Club you can craft at level 1. I'll save future replies on this topic for people who have enough basic mod knowledge to weigh in on the issue. Oh, and it was ME who raided your firestation base. Oh i understand the mechanics quite well, to get to making a spiked club you have to get your blunt weapons up to level 5 why so crusty dude? I knew it was you because you couldnt do so well at the start without a huge cache of other players stuff lol.

@ obsidianmcbovril- No loot containers give buffs. What is likely happening is you are not paying attention and tending to your buffs and they are progressing to worse wounds. Take care of your injurys, keep your bandages clean and stay up on your meds.

At the end of the world all you have left is your health. There was absolutely nothing wrong with me. Then you logged in. I'd rather be wrong but since then and my death I can no longer spawn in to the game. Guess I'll ask for a reset then? - - - Updated - - - oh i understand the mechanics quite well, to get to making a spiked club you have to get your blunt weapons up to level 5 why so crusty dude? I knew it was you because you couldnt do so well at the start without a huge cache of other players stuff lol You thought it was me you pleb.

Are the building material tools still broken when trying to destroy their associated blocks? Or is it just me having that problem since the last update?

Can someone confirm/deny so i know if its a problem on my end? When i now try to destroy a block the tools are only hitting for 1-4 durability per swing. A level 450 claw hammer is taking 50 swings to destroy a simple wood block.

The other tools are having the same problem (although for some reason the scrapwrench was able to deconstruct one type of metal duct on a roof but none of the other types). Is this part of the toolcategory problem Spider listed above? @ obsidianmcbovril- No loot containers give buffs. What is likely happening is you are not paying attention and tending to your buffs and they are progressing to worse wounds. Take care of your injurys, keep your bandages clean and stay up on your meds. At the end of the world all you have left is your health. Same thing happened to me, I was with mcbovril in the same poi.

I had just tended to my wound with a first aid bandage and took a pain killer shot for my pain so it was none of those things that could have killed me. Mcbovril has since died at least 4 times while trying to spawn back in. Aye, the opening/closing container & get severe wound + gash is definitely a real bug. But I can't tell you how to reproduce it so I have a feeling it'll be really tough to track down.

It's happened to me twice, both times in my base, I had no negative conditions or buffs. Open/close a container and then my character makes a sharp sound as if he were heavily injured, and boom, severe wound+gash. I'll cook up a bunch of grain alcohol and give it to anyone this happens to, just let me know! To me also the same thing happened.

Are the building material tools still broken when trying to destroy their associated blocks? Or is it just me having that problem since the last update? Can someone confirm/deny so i know if its a problem on my end? When i now try to destroy a block the tools are only hitting for 1-4 durability per swing.

A level 450 claw hammer is taking 50 swings to destroy a simple wood block. The other tools are having the same problem (although for some reason the scrapwrench was able to deconstruct one type of metal duct on a roof but none of the other types). Is this part of the toolcategory problem Spider listed above? The change happened to me too (I'm on SP).

It's probably not the solution/parameter change Spider intended (idk about that one), but I worked around the problem in my game by adjusting the appropriate damage multiplier, and calculated it so that with a max quality tool, destroying the appropriate block would take 5 hits (only 4 hits for the sledge since it's slow, and 10 for the welder). I raised the minimum block damage threshold too, so a low quality tool wouldn't take forever to destroy stuff, but at most double the needed hits (to 10/8/20). I tested it, it works correctly. Here's what I changed from the last update (items.xml): 127 clawhammer: 126 wrench: (blockdamage already was 5,10) 1632 cobblestonehammer: 1633 brickhammer: 1634 concretesledge: 1635 rconcretebar: 1638 welder: Btw, why do the potatoes in this mod still use the old models? They're rather hard to recognize, the new vanilla potato model is 100x better. ETA: that last thing made me realize something - I checked github, the.dlls and other files in the server link were much more recently updated.

Is there a problem with the SP/MP github file? That could explain some things that happen in my SP game, like the bandits/NPCs not working at all (they just stand there), and the car alarms being soundless (but still summoning screamers). @obsidianmcbovril- Ok I checked the files for the problem of getting hurt on opening a container and I think I might of figured it out and its not a bug. This question is for everyone having the problem.

Did you open a wooden chest when this happened? Was that chest named a 'Rigged Chest'? You are all trying to use a trap as a storage container or opening a trap someone laid for you.

This mechanic is intended and if you are opening a trap you deserve to get hurt. @Vormithrax- I swear some of you guys must just log on to the forums and without reading absolutely anything just start posting. I don't have the time or energy to respond/answer the same question over and over on every page. Please read before posting.

At the very lest you could read my updates/post. @Jackelmyer- Again someone that refuses to read. This question has been answered literally 7 post above yours.

@owl79- -Again another person that refuses to read my post. Why do I even bother responding if your not going to take the time and read? 10 Post before yours and on the same page no less is your answer. -FYI setting the tools like that will break the balance on the game and make the game beatable in a few hours.

-Are you talking about the Potato Plant or the Potato that you can eat? -All the files are synced and correct. If you are having those problems it sounds like you may of installed the mod wrong. Are you getting any errors in your output log? Also on the front page along with the Download information there is the date of the last time the Mod files were update so you can tell if yours are current.

@pinedepin- Tonight around 7-8 EST. I want to get a few more bugs ironed out before I do it.

@Erik Louden- Thats just a normal Cop. He only looks like that to help tighten up that old sphincter. The real radioactive zombies have an aura of green mist around them, he just has green skin. As for me, i'm opening a common storage box (the yellow square box, not rigged chest), which also being used by all of my other team members. Happened only once tho to me.

While browsing the content of the storage box, suddenly screen turns grey with blood splattered and my hp goes from full hp into around 36 hp left with severe wound, gash and broken leg. Until now, i have no idea what happened that time. At first i thought there's sleepers zombie spawned or something like that hitting me from behind, but my team member is directly beside me, didn't notice any enemies, so nothing happened in that room. Pretty sure i don't have any bad diet or any other bad status when that happened. I have watch streamers play for an hour without every noticing all the buff they have and then they die like 'WTF happening' and blame it on bugs. I have checked the files thoroughly and only the appropriate container is giving the appropriate buffs.

Unless someone can give me steps to reproduce this I am writing this off to the player not tending to their buffs. Could it be that we are tending to a buff, the timer resets, but then the actual 'non tended' buff kicks in anyway? I'm not new to this game or this mod, and I understand you could think it was player error but it absolutely isn't on my part. I opened an normal kitchen cupboard. That I was using as a quick stash.

Additionally, I still can't log my character after I died since the update. Black screen.

Error about out of range exception. Argument is out of range. Immediately after 'open spawn window'.

My wellness is below 70 at this point if that is an indicator as to what is wrong here. @owl79- -Again another person that refuses to read my post. Why do I even bother responding if your not going to take the time and read? 10 Post before yours and on the same page no less is your answer. -FYI setting the tools like that will break the balance on the game and make the game beatable in a few hours.

-Are you talking about the Potato Plant or the Potato that you can eat? -All the files are synced and correct. If you are having those problems it sounds like you may of installed the mod wrong. Are you getting any errors in your output log?

Also on the front page along with the Download information there is the date of the last time the Mod files were update so you can tell if yours are current. Spider, I don't get it.

I obviously did read your post about the building tools, you said yourself that they currently don't work right, and I didn't ask any question about that? I just meant to fix them so they're usable, which they were not. Ok, something must've gone wrong with the first install - I just made a completely fresh one, this time from the update's zipfile (just copy-pasted into a 16.2 vanilla copy, exactly like the first time).

That one has the survivors attacking, and I can hear the car alarms. No idea what went wrong with the first one, everything was replaced in that install folder as well, and I had no console errors either - except for these that *still* happen now quietly in the background when I start a game with the console open: SDX: ResourceWrapper - failed to load assets: Textures/Environment/Spectrums. Yes, this is exactly what made me think the SP-MP.dlls weren't up to date, sorry for the misunderstanding: github server file: 7DaysToDie_ServerData/Managed (assembly-csharp and other files) was updated 8 days ago. Github SP-MP file: 7DaysToDie_Data/Managed was updated 26 days ago.

And I mean the potato plant, it looks more like the full green azalea bushes, not at all like the new potato plants in 16.2 vanilla. Hmm, now I can't decide which 2 classes I want to pick after the wipe (have 20 profession pages waiting). What is everyone else thinking? I usually go Fitness Instructor for the run/walk speed, but if you maintain a Healthy Diet, you already run so fast anyways that I'm considering other classes.

Has anyone else tried out the Cop's Nightstick? Is the damage any good or is it just good for breaking legs? Soldier's static bonuses seem really good (15% dismemberment chance, 10% faster reload).

Does this stack with Cop's 10% dismemberment chance? Can Steel weapons break the Ammo Crates? Or must you get the Lockpick tool from Thief to open them? What does 'Doctor Book' do? Chemist gets Oil Shale which could be nice for making Gas to power generators. Hmm, now I can't decide which 2 classes I want to pick after the wipe (have 20 profession pages waiting). What is everyone else thinking?

I usually go Fitness Instructor for the run/walk speed, but if you maintain a Healthy Diet, you already run so fast anyways that I'm considering other classes. Has anyone else tried out the Cop's Nightstick?

Is the damage any good or is it just good for breaking legs? Soldier's static bonuses seem really good (15% dismemberment chance, 10% faster reload) Chemist gets Oil Shale. Can Steel weapons break the Ammo Crates? Or must you get the Lockpick tool from Thief to open them? What does 'Doctor Book' do? Thief is nerfed by the fact you need steel to make the lockpicks. Pretty sure steel opens munitions boxes because they are made of steel.

Same as iron can break safes. I won't take theif again.

Chemist was great for me on the test server because you can make stims. Stims can keep you alive in a tight spot. Not being able to make grain alcohol with it seems poor. Pretty sure most people on the PVP server takes a class that starts with a weapon IE cop, soldier, park ranger. My personal favorite is chemist at this point having tried most now.

Never tried cop. Tested cop in a single player, the night stick kinda stupid. It said 100% to break the leg of zombies, but it seems it didn't do as it was told.

The zombie just kinda have leg hurt animation and continue chasing us. I will stick to soldier for now. Bov u gonna take chemist? Lope seems gonna take chef.

Then i think it will solve your alcohol problem, hahah I am but I'm gonna lose all the stuff I have on me at the moment. The game seems to think I'm dead dead I think, yet my wellness is around sixty something. Been like that since last night. Alcohol problem? I was drunk that ONE time!

@Vormithrax- I swear some of you guys must just log on to the forums and without reading absolutely anything just start posting. I don't have the time or energy to respond/answer the same question over and over on every page. Please read before posting. At the very lest you could read my updates/post. @owl79- -Again another person that refuses to read my post.

Why do I even bother responding if your not going to take the time and read? 10 Post before yours and on the same page no less is your answer. Spider I do read the posts/updates to keep up to date. Your most recent update message did NOT say 'Hey folks all the tools are currently broken and i am working on it!' Your message just asked for some help regarding some xml files problem, and yes i did notice that it regarded toolcategory items. That's why i asked in my message if the broken tools problem i was reporting had to do with that part of your message.

Your message was unclear/incomplete and i needed clarification so i could stop wasting my time in game testing it. I understand that you get alot of repeat/useless requests but Owl79 and I have been reporting real bugs/problems and don't deserve the grief over this miscommunication. I don't see an issue with any of the tools. If you use them for what they're suppose to be used for, they work fine. By adjusting their bonus damage values you make them work on things they shouldn't. I have also spent a lot of hours (over 30 with this release) in game and have never been hurt by a container in any way. I think it's something else that's hurting you.

As far as starting classes go, I'll choose Thief everytime, Not only do you get the lockpick gun (which is super handy) but mostly for the awesome passives. Enhanced sneak speed, lower noise generation, faster loot times (cars,safes) not to mention the free treasure hunter skill. The only issue I've encountered is with the food system. Once I lose the 'Good Diet' buff, it seems impossible to get it back, no matter what I eat:(.

I have also spent a lot of hours (over 30 with this release) in game and have never been hurt by a container in any way. I think it's something else that's hurting you. I'm level 65 so I've also put in a lot of hours.

And I assure you, it's a bug that occurs randomly. The last time it happened I had been in my base for hours crafting. I wasn't treating any bite wounds or gashes or anything. My only buff was 'Healthy Diet.'

I opened (or closed?) my main 'raw materials' container and boom, Severe Wound+Gash. It's fine though, since I can't give instructions on how to reproduce it, I anticipate Spider would have a very difficult time tracking down the problem. Hell, it might even be a problem with the base code (non-mod related). As far as starting classes go, I'll choose Thief everytime, Not only do you get the lockpick gun (which is super handy) but mostly for the awesome passives.

Enhanced sneak speed, lower noise generation, faster loot times (cars,safes) not to mention the free treasure hunter skill. Yeah in past versions I've taken Thief. My understanding is that right now the stealth/detection system is broken (in vanilla, thus also in TS) so I'm not really sure how that is interacting with Zs in TS. Anyways, I've done Thief enough that I'm looking to branch out:) The only issue I've encountered is with the food system. Once I lose the 'Good Diet' buff, it seems impossible to get it back, no matter what I eat:( Yeah it can be difficult. I find it best to eat MREs until I get to Healthy Diet, and then eat regular foods that increase wellness.

Once I drop from Healthy to Balanced Diet, I'll eat another MRE or two to get back to Healthy. Bov, I went to the outpost to look for your backpack so I could store ur stuff but I couldn't find it. Any idea where it might be? Or try logging in ( if it will let you) just to store ur stuff and log back out. I'll try now, but I died just outside the front of the building on the grass in front of the pavement. I'm logged but still blank screen.

Maybe my bag will show now? I can see you guys chatting in the log output. I'm not actually dead at this point. So I have everything on me. I just can't load my character to unload all the stuff.

I can't remember if I actually retrieved my stuff after I died. I was up against a wandering horde so logged off. I have spent some time today thinking about the different Class choices in the game. I feel like some of them offer a lot more than others. I realize Spider might not want to make any changes to them, but I thought it would be a fun discussion anyways. Here are my thoughts. Would love to hear other peoples' opinions as well.

Classes I think are in a good spot: Doctor, Chef, Chemist, Fitness Instructor, Soldier, and Thief all feel like compelling & rewarding class choices. Classes that could use a tweak: Mechanic: At first glance this class doesn't seem very good, but you will save a TON of skill points by auto-unlocking Auger and Chainsaw. Only change I might make here to make it more enticing is to possibly add Nailgun? Park Ranger: To be fair I haven't tried this in A16. I tried it in A15 and the Spears and Javelins felt really lackluster to me. Maybe some of you can chime in here?

Maybe it's those weapons that could use a small buff? Fireman: I want to like this class. I think all the perks for it are pretty good, but the class just doesn't feel as attractive as the tier 1 classes I listed above.

Either adding +5% movement speed, or possibly increasing +5% stamina to +10% more would make the class more attractive. Electrician: Similar with Fireman. This is actually a really strong class.

But it's not Tier 1 in my book. I think it becomes one of the top choices as a 2nd or 3rd class to pick up with Profession pages since it will save you a ton of skillpoints for unlocks.

Not sure it really needs any tweaks, but I couldn't put it with the tier 1s. Classes that could use a buff: Carpenter, Iron Worker, Steel Worker, Mason, and Bouncer seem a bit lackluster to me. Classes that could use a buff: Carpenter, Iron Worker, Steel Worker, Mason, and Bouncer seem a bit lackluster to me. Hey Spider, it's Lopezien. About the missing quests even after reading the 3 books/notes, should I be reset again? Did I do someting wrong when updated/refreshed files?

As said, I closed 7D2D launcher, reopened it, and then clicked on 'Play Mod' (underlined 'Refresh the Mods folder and Play') with 'Refresh Mods Automatically' tick box active since forever. Please, let me know if further steps need to be performed and don't hesitate to wipe my character again, I'll empty my bag in chest in 5 minutes. The 'Learning to Build with Reinforced Concrete' quest seems to be bugged for me.

It's not active on my quest list anymore. It was, when I first created my character, but now it's gone. I put a crowbar in my inventory and mined 1000 ConcreteMix. Both of those quests are greyed out (in the completed quest list). However my current skill unlock status under Reinforced Concrete Building is 1/3. Actually now that I'm typing this out, I remember getting a console error when I mined my 1000th ConcreteMix.

I didn't think anything about it at the time. EDIT: Also, Veggie Juice isn't giving Stamina when consumed.

Hi Spider, thx for the reset. Still, I had another issue. I spawned with no profession bag.

But I think I understand what's going on. When I first try to connect to the server, I always get kicked once. It's been like that forever almost. At 'Generating distant terrain' step, I can hear the sounds around me (wind if outside, campfire if at base.) then I get kicked with this message: 'Server disconnected you: Steam kicked you: Steam client is not fully connected. Try restarting the Steam client.'

Then I'm back on game menu page, I try to connect again and it always works the second time, no need to restart Steam or anything. However, even if kicked, the game must consider I'm spawned in world and I must be losing my profession suit case.

Any idea on how I could handle this issue please? Thx in advance. People need to realize that if you complete one of the skill training quests that they will get a skill book added to their inventory and if it happens to be full it will drop to the ground. It has happened to me several times with woodworking and concrete quests. I would image the farming quest is similar in the way it give you the next set of skills. TLDR; Be sure you have open inventory space when completing a quest so you don't lose the skillbooks that are often handed out at completion.

PS: With a lv 1 concrete sledgehammer I can 1 shot concrete blocks. Not sure if that's the intended behavior but I can tell you I finished the concrete quest stage 2 in about 5 minutes after finding the sledgehammer.

@Deven- I dont know what else to do. This is pulled straight from the quest text 'You can't live off moldy Twinkies forever and sooner or later all the food in the world will spoil so you better know how to grow your own by then. Let's start off with something easy. Collect these tree seeds and plant them to begin your Farming quest chain.When you complete these quest you will receive a Farmer's Almanac that when read will unlock the next Farming perk. Be sure to have inventory room when completing and read the book immediately.' And all the quest that give a item you need say something similar at the end. @pinedepin- Do you have a high ping or bad internet?

@Spider My internet connection is pretty good, never get any disconnection. My ping is from 20 to 90, so not too bad either.

But it's definitely a recurring issue, I get kicked once every time I launch the game through 7D2D launcher and firstly try to connect to the server. Then, no issues to log in by just trying a second time. Nvidia Nforce2 Ultra 400 Mcp Drivers. Strangely, I didn't get this problem when you released the mod 2 weeks ago, I was spawned ingame with the profession suitcase (but can't remember if got kicked once too at begining). And yesterday, when I firstly logged in after the full reset of everybody, you came to me to give me the suitcase, how did you know I didn't have any?

@Wolves Hero To get a healthy diet again, eat some food that have 'Nutrition' in description, above or below wellness attributes (MRE, kabobs, healthy meal.). After a while eating those, you'll get no diet message because you're not on bad diet anymore, then good diet, then balanced diet, and finally healthy diet. But you need to eat a good bunch of them to go from a status to another. I have an issue that I cant seem to find the cause. On the server I connect and can play no problem.

But if I try SP, I get a strange hybrid of True Survival and Vanilla. I use the mod launcher so I don't think I need to download extra files right? Also with the mod launcher I direct the game to another location and not the 7 days folder. Can anyone suggest what may be going wrong? I followed the install steps for the mod launcher but when i start a Sp game I dont get the starting class selection and load outs and the hud looks to be vanilla ( the mod in the bottom left hand corner showing health etc hasnt loaded ).

The quests are also missing but the skills menu is TS not vanilla. But this is how i fixed it.

After you run uninstall 7DTD go to your steam 7DTD folder and either delete it or rename it. Then if you have ever played TS Mod before go to the C:7DTD folder and delete or rename the True Survival folder. Then reinstall 7DTD, roll it back to 16.2 open the mod launcher and reinstall TS - this should take a while to complete. Voila playable TS. [QUOTE=pinedepin;730825]@Spider My internet connection is pretty good, never get any disconnection. My ping is from 20 to 90, so not too bad either. But it's definitely a recurring issue, I get kicked once every time I launch the game through 7D2D launcher and firstly try to connect to the server.

Then, no issues to log in by just trying a second time. Strangely, I didn't get this problem when you released the mod 2 weeks ago, I was spawned ingame with the profession suitcase (but can't remember if got kicked once too at begining). And yesterday, when I firstly logged in after the full reset of everybody, you came to me to give me the suitcase, how did you know I didn't have any? Same thing has just happened to my friend. But she never got kicked. Picked class, got nothing from bag. Can you reset her please?

Steam ID 6405916 Edit: we are using the same internet connection from my home so it's not internet connection related. Both hard wired through same router. Player Resets Done-baatrezu Done-obsidianmcbovril *All resets are done around 8AM EST. Please post your 17 number Steam ID with your request to have your player reset on The Official True Survival Server ip: port: 24565 password: dead *Current players please make sure your files are current before logging in. *First time players before logging into the Server for the first time please start up a SP game to insure you have the Mod installed properly Same problem again. I even tried to take stuff from the bag one at a time. Bag exploded when I took a certain item(can' t recall what) but have no class.

I managed to loot keystone, painkillers and water. Reset required again please.

There's some problem here. ID 6405916 Edit: I just tried on SP to recreate problem and the bag explodes giving me no items when I try to loot the fitness instructor perk from Prof bag. @Erik Louden- My critique of your survival skills. #1 When running from certain death never run uphill #2 When running from certain death dont stop to loot or pick flowers #3 Its not a good idea to try and kill a armored undead corpse with a level 1 old tree branch you picked up #4 When running from something that wants to kill you its not a good strategy to run 50 yards then wait for them to catch up, then run 50 yards then wait for them to catch up, then run 50 yards and wait for them to catch up. You might try losing line of sight and hiding #5 And never ever, ever ever try and fight a bunch of zombie by punching them in the mouth.

That's Zombie Survival 101 #6 You will not always be able to win in any given situation. Like in life sometime all you can do is run. On a side note you might want to mess with your video settings. It looks like you have you vision set real low. Your zombie are popping into view when they are close. You are not seeing them spawn far a way on the ground like you should. Been playing on scavenger difficulty as I re-learn the game, this is not a very uncommon way my games go.

Note the day and time. Thanks for the vid, brightened up my morning after working 12 hours in the icu. - - - Updated - - - @Erik Louden- My critique of your survival skills. #1 When running from certain death never run uphill #2 When running from certain death dont stop to loot or pick flowers #3 Its not a good idea to try and kill a armored undead corpse with a level 1 old tree branch you picked up #4 When running from something that wants to kill you its not a good strategy to run 50 yards then wait for them to catch up, then run 50 yards then wait for them to catch up, then run 50 yards and wait for them to catch up. You might try losing line of sight and hiding #5 And never ever, ever ever try and fight a bunch of zombie by punching them in the mouth. That's Zombie Survival 101 #6 You will not always be able to win in any given situation. Like in life sometime all you can do is run.

On a side note you might want to mess with your video settings. It looks like you have you vision set real low.

Your zombie are popping into view when they are close. You are not seeing them spawn far a way on the ground like you should Thats some solid advice there. - - - Updated - - - Ill admit it i got a bit of a rush just reading that exchange lol. Sometimes jax, i think youre a vampire that drinks conflict lol. Hi there, does anyone know if there is a way to change part of an xml file without the 7dtd launcher overwriting it at each game launch, for example I am trying to slow down the angry chickens slightly (my aim is not quick enough), i have found the chicken in entity classes xml in the config file and edited it accordingly, but when i launch the game through the launcher, it creates a new folder called temp mods and inside is a new config file/entityclasses xml which has overwritten my edit. I have tried unchecking 'refresh mods automatically' on the launcher to see if that did anything, but then the game does not load at all Thankyou in advance. Been playing on scavenger difficulty as I re-learn the game, this is not a very uncommon way my games go.

Note the day and time. Same me was hard on 1st day always killed me by fast run zombies is cheated because running out of stamina & my club level 1 too weak, I have good idea turn off zombies spawn on 1-3 day build up strength & setup any house then turn on come back spawn zombies. Wow look badly hill on video that why I modded rwgmixer.xml make nice bit flatten land & less hilly & few water because I don't like hill cause hard to run uphill & blocked view any zombies come. Same me was hard on 1st day always killed me by fast run zombies is cheated because running out of stamina & my club level 1 too weak, I have good idea turn off zombies spawn on 1-3 day build up strength & setup any house then turn on come back spawn zombies. Wow look badly hill on video that why I modded rwgmixer.xml make nice bit flatten land & less hilly & few water because I don't like hill cause hard to run uphill & blocked view any zombies come. I would say it's not cheated.

I've already witness around 6 other players in the official test server that are able to survive their first couple of days spawning into the game without dying. Some have luck, some maybe not, but let's say that there's really some other way to survive your first couple days of spawning into the game, other than just having a running contest with the zombies, you'll definitely lose hahah try figure some other way to escape from the zombie's onslaught, make use of your surroundings xD its fun if you think of it as a challenge xP.

Hi there, does anyone know if there is a way to change part of an xml file without the 7dtd launcher overwriting it at each game launch, for example I am trying to slow down the angry chickens slightly (my aim is not quick enough), i have found the chicken in entity classes xml in the config file and edited it accordingly, but when i launch the game through the launcher, it creates a new folder called temp mods and inside is a new config file/entityclasses xml which has overwritten my edit. I have tried unchecking 'refresh mods automatically' on the launcher to see if that did anything, but then the game does not load at all Thankyou in advance Unclick Refresh mods automatically, and make your changes under TempMods/ folder. The launcher will copy the TempMods files into your environment each time. Refresh mods download a new set of files under TempMods. I would say it's not cheated. I've already witness around 6 other players in the official test server that are able to survive their first couple of days spawning into the game without dying.

Some have luck, some maybe not, but let's say that there's really some other way to survive your first couple days of spawning into the game, other than just having a running contest with the zombies, you'll definitely lose hahah try figure some other way to escape from the zombie's onslaught, make use of your surroundings xD its fun if you think of it as a challenge xP I am singleplayer not server, now I level 34 & 50th day lucky 1 pistol & 3 crossbow:), yeah sometime bad luck killed by fat or armor or speedy zombie on 2-3rd times on 1st day too early, attempted get setup house. I realize most 7D2D players just simply refuse to read anything in game but it sounds like you are not following the very first tip I give you. This is the text you see as soon as you spawn the first time pulled straight from the game files 'Welcome Survivor, Forget what you know about 7 Days to Die it will not help you here. Approach this Mod from a fresh perspective or you will surely be eaten by the horde or surcome to the elements.'

You must adapt and not be so ridged in your vanilla play style that instead of accepting the challenge and testing your self you would prefer to just make the game easier. Please if you are going to edit the files to make the mod easier!DO NOT! Tell or brag about surviving in True Survival because you are not. @pinedepin- Post your steam id and ill reset you with the morning server restart. Please make sure you loot and use everything in the profession case.

Hi Spider, my bad all along, my steam 7D2D was A16.3. I downgraded to A16.2 and it works perfectly! When you released mod, it certainly did work cause A16.3 wasn't out IIRC, then the copy the mod created of the game was a A16.2 version, that's why it did most probably work, even if my steam 7D2D became A16.3 in the meantime. Anyway, sorry for the hassle and don't hesitate to indicate to dwongrade to A16.2 in your 'advice for installation' post, it might be useful and solve problems for dummies like me;) Again, thx for that mod! From the front page- Fastest Easiest Way To Play True Survival A16.2 is to download and install the 7d2dModLauncher from here- Mod Launcher Instructions- Remove 7D2D from your system completely & manually delete any remaining files in the 7D2D folder that are left after uninstalling.

Re-DL 7D2D on Steam. After it's finished downloading, right click and go to Properties ->Betas ->Choose 16.2. Wait for the game to downgrade back to 16.2. Now open 7D2D launcher and expand the 'True Survival' on the top left. Highlight True Survival 16.2 and UN-Check 'Use EAC' then click Play. It says 16.2 four times in just that part.

#1 When running from certain death never run uphill - the zed was between me and downhill so I ran up to get some distance from it than ran downhill #2 When running from certain death dont stop to loot or pick flowers - I wasn't picking flowers it was a bird's nest and I was hoping there was some feathers in there to make arrows #3 Its not a good idea to try and kill a armored undead corpse with a level 1 old tree branch you picked up Did you see the day and time? I have been playing less than 10m on day 1.

I had a level 1club and a level 5 club. I guess I could grind clubs right at the start but I'm usually racing against the clock to find a place to base up. #4 When running from something that wants to kill you its not a good strategy to run 50 yards then wait for them to catch up, then run 50 yards then wait for them to catch up, then run 50 yards and wait for them to catch up. You might try losing line of sight and hiding - When I stopped I crouched trying to break line of sight but I kept running into more running zombies. Also I was out of stamina so I was trying to regen some before sprinting again.

#5 And never ever, ever ever try and fight a bunch of zombie by punching them in the mouth. That's Zombie Survival 101 - Those are the only weapons you have left and i was out of stamina, fists were all I had left.

#6 You will not always be able to win in any given situation. Like in life sometime all you can do is run. - Agreed, the vid was poking fun at myself not a knock against TS.

Honestly if hadn't run into that 2nd running soldier zombie I probably would of survived. On a side note you might want to mess with your video settings. It looks like you have you vision set real low. Your zombie are popping into view when they are close. You are not seeing them spawn far a way on the ground like you should. - Vid/Range settings were on max and I saw no instances of popping in zombies when watching the vid.