Call Of Duty 4 Promod 204 Download Google

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Call Of Duty 4 Promod 204 Download GoogleCall Of Duty 4 Promod 204 Download Google

0: Introduction This topic should help you in tweaking or creating your own config. Apart from explaining the general working of cfg files, it also servers as a small encyclopedia of the basic settings and commands. If you want to change something about the game but don't know the variable, or if you see a variable but don't know what it does, you can always find an answer here (ctrl+f is your friend). And if you don't find your answer, don't be a afraid to ask in a post! This topic should become as complete as possible. 1: The Basics Your config is located in either the main directory of Call Of Duty 4 (usually located in C:/Program Files/Activision/Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare) or in your Application Data (C:/Users/*username*/AppData/ Local/VirtualStore/ProgramFiles/Activions/Call Of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare). Inside this folder, go to Players, Profiles, and your profile name (note: if the Players folder is not available in vista/7, press Compatibility to find it).

You'll find a few files and folders here, among which are config.cfg and config_mp.cfg. The former is your config for singleplayer games, whereas the latter, confg_mp.cfg, is used for multiplayer - and this is the one we are going to modify. This config contains everything that defines your game. From keybinds, that tell the game what happens when you press a button on your keyboard, to settings that change your graphic experience (for example texture quality). Settings that you change ingame in the controls or options menu, like resolution, are actually just toggles that modify this very config file.

The types of settings in the config can roughly be divided into two categories: binds and variable settings. The former are located at the beginning of your config, and, as said before, literally bind the keys on your keyboard and mouse to a certain event. For example, the W button is bound to the event of your character moving forward, and the mouse1 key is bound to the event of your character shooting. Variable settings, however, are a bit more complicated. Every variable that is used ingame 'can' be changed, even things like gravity. Some variables, however, are defined by the server.

This means that they are locked. Logically, these settings won't appear in your config. Every clientside variable, i.e. Variables that can be defined by the client (you), can be found in your cfg. Commands You might not have seen it at first, but your cfg is made up of commands. The ' bind' you see in front of every keybinding is actually a command, and so is the ' seta' command in front of every variable definition. These 2 commands officially have the following syntax: Code: bind *Key* '*Command*'.

2: Variables that you should never change So yes, you can theoretically change each and every aspect of the game. But that doesn't mean you should!

Alot of variables should best be left alone until you're a bit more experienced in modifying configs. Also, some of these commands have nothing of value (like r_ingamevideo - it only has effect in singleplayer but it still has to be defined in the config for formality). Below, you will see all variables that shouldn't be changed, along with their standard (and advised) value. Also, if you want to build a cfg from scratch, it is possible you can start with these commands. Keynames The name of the keys are pretty straight-forward. For example, if you want to bind the W-key to an action, the command will be 'bind W *action*'. The same holds true for all the letters, as well as numbers and function keys ('F1').

The mouse-keys are normally MOUSE1 for the left mouse-button, MOUSE2 for the right mouse-button and MOUSE3 for clicking the scrolling wheel (if your mouse supports that). Most gaming mouses have more buttons, these are MOUSE4, MOUSE5, etc. The action of scrolling down or up with your scrolling wheel, is announced by MWHEELDOWN and MWHEELUP, respectively. Event keys like control, shift or tab are called upon by their names ('CTRL', 'SHIFT', 'TAB', 'ESCAPE', 'SPACE'). The keys in the keypad (the numbers on the right side of your keyboard, as well as the mathematical keys around it) are prefixed by 'KP_'.

However, the number-keys are named after the symbol on their key (KP_LEFTARROW or KP_END or KP_PGUP, etc.) with the exception of the 5-key. A full list of keynames for the keypad is found below: Code: Number Keys --------------- 1: KP_END 2: KP_DOWNARROW 3: KP_PGDN 4: KP_LEFTARROW 5: KP_5 6: KP_RIGHTARROW 7: KP_HOME 8: KP_UPARROW 9: KP_PGUP 0: KP_INS Other Keys ------------.: KP_DEL Enter: KP_ENTER +: KP_PLUS -: KP_MINUS *: KP_ASTERISK /: KP_SLASH.

Actions Now that you know all the keynames, you can start mapping them to a particular command or action. Alot of actions have a '-' or '+' in front of them. This is to announce the start and stop of a particular action.

For example, the 'forward' action, used for moving the player forward (usually mapped to W), has a '+action' command for starting to move forward, and a '-action' for ending it. Usually, when a keybind has finished, the action will automatically stop. Therefore, it is not necessary to put 'bind W '+forward;-forward' in the cfg rather than just 'bind W +forward'. In fact, the former would cause the player to move forward for less than 1 ms and then stop. Below is a list of the general actions in cod4.

Code: Moving the player: ------------------ +forward -forward +back -back +moveleft -moveleft +moveright -moveright +leanright -leanright +leanleft -leanleft +stance -stance raisestance // raise stance by 1 level, i.e. From prone to crouch lowerstance +prone -prone gocrouch goprone toggleprone togglecrouch +breath_sprint -breath_sprint +gostand // i.e.

Jump/stand up, autoclimb -gostand Moving the vision of the player (simulating mousemovement): ----------------------------------------------------------- +lookup -lookup +lookdown -lookdown +left -left +right -right Attacking: ---------- +attack -attack +reload -reload +smoke -smoke +frag -frag +melee -melee +actionslot X // where X is either 2, 3 or 4 -actionslot X Interacting: ------------ +activate // Pick up weapons, plant/defuse, etc. -activate +toggleads_throw // zoom in on iron sights, red-dot sight, etc. The Chat Box The chat box is normally located on the left side below the mini-map. It contains everything said by players or the console. Position Code: seta cg_hudChatPosition '5 204' seta cg_hudChatIntermissionPosition '5 110' These variables contain a 2D vector. The first is the number of pixels the chatbox is located from the left of the screen (so with '5', there will be 5 pixels between the left border of your screen and the chat box).

The second is the number of pixels the chatbox is located from the top of the screen. The InterMissionPosition variable determines where your chatbox will move to during an 'intermission' - for example when you hit TAB to show the scorelist. Other Properties Code: seta cg_chatHeight '8' seta cg_chatTime '12000' seta cg_teamChatsOnly '0' chatHeight determines the maximum number of 'sentences' your chatbox will show.

A sentence is normally equal to 1 player saying something. ChatTime determines the time for a sentence to dissappear. Typically, players use this variable to remove the chat entirely when they are tired of the spam, by assigning a value of 0.

TeamChatsOnly should speak for itself. When enabled ('1'), it will only show the teamchat of your team and ignore everything else. The Grenade Icon Your grenade icon has its own set of variables, and can be tweaked to size and speed.

First off, the following variables should actually be enabled at all time, giving you a major advantage. Enable/Disable vars Code: seta cg_hudGrenadeIconEnabledFlash '1' seta cg_hudGrenadeIconInScope '1' The first variable will show a flash-grenade symbol when flash grenades land near you (similar to the grenade icon), and the second will show a grenade/flash icon when you are zooming in with a sniper rifle. Grenade Icon Position Code: seta cg_hudGrenadeIconHeight '25' seta cg_hudGrenadeIconWidth '25' seta cg_hudGrenadeIconOffset '50' The first and second variables determine the height and width of the grenade icon. The last variable will determine the distance between the center of the screen and the grenade icon. Pointer Position Code: seta cg_hudGrenadePointerHeight '12' seta cg_hudGrenadePointerWidth '25' seta cg_hudGrenadePointerPivot '12 27' Similar to the grenadeicon-variables, the first and second variable determine the height and width of the pointer. The final variable, although I am unsure of its exact usage, seems to change the distance between the grenade icon and the pointer. The Scorelist The scorelist is the list you see when you press TAB (normally).

Alot can be changed with the scorelist. We'll start with the layout.

Position Code: seta cg_scoreboardBannerHeight '35' seta cg_scoreboardHeight '435' seta cg_scoreboardWidth '500' seta cg_scoreboardScrollStep '3' The BannerHeight determines the distance between the top of the scoreboard and the top screen. The Height and Width determine the height and width of the scorelist. The difference between Height and BannerHeight is that BannerHeight determines where scorelist should start on the screen, and the Height determines how long/tall your scorelist actually is.

The ScrollStep determines how many lines or names will be scrolled down when using the mousewheel. Playernames Code: seta cg_scoreboardItemHeight '18' seta cg_scoreboardFont '0' seta cg_scoreboardTextOffset '0.5' The ItemHeight determines the size of the icons next to the playernames (the icon for a player being dead, for example). The Font determines the text-font of the names. Typically, 0, 5 or 6 are used. The TextOffset changes the distance between the color bar (brown and blue, standardly) and the name. For example, setting the TextOffset to two will move the name downwards, out of the colorbar.

Size and Color Code: seta cg_scoreboardHeaderFontScale '0.35' seta cg_scoreboardRankFontScale '0.25' seta cg_scoreboardMyColor '0 1 1 1' The HeaderFontScale determines the size of the small text at the top of the scorelist ('Score', 'Kills', 'Assists', etc.). The RankFontScale has the same property, except it changes the size of the rank (lvl. 55 etc) next to the player names. MyColor determines the color of your name in the scorelist (this is an RGBA value). Scoreboard Color Code: seta g_scorescolor_allies '0.74902 0.4 0 0.901961' seta g_scorescolor_axis '0.501961 0 1 0.501961' seta g_scorescolor_Spectator '0.25098 0.25098 0.25098 0' seta g_scorescolor_EnemyTeam '0.690196 0.0705882 0.0509804 1' seta g_scorescolor_Free '0.760784 0.780392 0.101961 0' seta g_scorescolor_MyTeam '0.25098 0.721569 0.25098 1' These settings can't be found in your cfg, and should also not be determined seperately. This is because these variables will constantly reset.

To avoid letting changes go to waste, players typically bind these variable settings to TAB along with +scores. This way, the settings will be loaded each time you bring up the scorelist. For example, this is the bind currently in my cfg: Code: bind TAB '+scores; g_scorescolor_allies 0.75 0.4 0 0.9; g_scorescolor_axis 0.5 0 1 0.5' Logically, the allies and axis determine the color of the allies and axis (.). The spectator variable should also be straightforward. Contabilidade Basica Ricardo J Ferreira Pdf Writer there. I'm unsure, however, what the final 3 variables do exactly. For enemyteam and myteam, they probably determine the color of your team and the enemy (the difference with allies/axis being that with myteam, the allies and axis colors switch when changing a team). I don't really know what determines the priority, though (if anyone could help out, that'd be great).

For help concerning picking and tweaking your own color, scroll down to chapter 6. Ping Text and Graph Code: seta cg_scoreboardPingText '1' seta cg_scoreboardPingGraph '0' seta cg_scoreboardPingHeight '0.7' seta cg_scoreboardPingWidth '0.036' seta cg_ScoresPing_BgColor '0.25098 0.25098 0.25098 0.501961' seta cg_ScoresPing_HighColor '0.8 0 0 1' seta cg_ScoresPing_MedColor '0.8 0.8 0 1' seta cg_ScoresPing_LowColor '0 0.74902 0 1' seta cg_ScoresPing_Interval '100' seta cg_ScoresPing_MaxBars '4' The PingText and PinGraph variables determine whether the textular and graphical ping values should be shown. The PingText is the actual ping-number that you see normally behind a player's name, while the PingGraph is a small graph showing a graphical representation of the ping (i.e. Several bars, the better the ping the more bars are filled). All of the other variables only have effect when PingGraph is set to 1.

PingHeight and PingWidth determine the height and width of the bars. Then, BgColor determines the background color (normally grayish) and HighColor, MedColor and LowColor determine what color the bars should have when the ping is subsequently good, middle, and bad. All of these 4 variables are RGBA values. Interval determines the time in ms each bar represents. As an example, if you have 4 bars (standard) and 100 ms interval, this means that 4 bars will be filled when having a ping under 100 ms, 3 bars will be filled if you have a ping between 100 and 200, 2 bars will be filled if you have a ping between 200 and 300, and only 1 bar will be filled if you have more than 300 ms. Logically, MaxBars determines the number of bars each pinggraph will have.

Team Colors Team colors work exactly the same as scoreboard colors. These variables apply to the names in the bottom-left corner, where are the recent kills are shown.

Code: seta g_teamcolor_allies '0 0.501961 0.501961 1' seta g_teamcolor_axis '0.501961 0 1 1' seta g_teamcolor_Spectator '0.25098 0.25098 0.25098 0' seta g_teamcolor_EnemyTeam '1 0.45098 0.501961 0' seta g_teamcolor_Free '0.74902 0.25098 0.25098 1' seta g_teamcolor_MyTeam '0.701961 1 0 1' In this case, MyTeam and EnemyTeam refer to the colors of the floating names ingame (the names that appear when you go over them with your crosshair). I have no idea what the Free variable does. As for binding it, players often bind it to the W-key, along with +forward. In this case, everytime you move forward, the colorschemes will be applied. The Full Map While playing, two different maps are available for viewing.

The Full Map is the map you see when pressing Escape, the mini-map is the map shown at the top-left corner while in-game. Each of these maps can be configured separately. We will discuss the Full Map first. Icon Sizes Code: seta cg_hudMapFriendlyHeight '15' seta cg_hudMapFriendlyWidth '15' seta cg_hudMapPlayerHeight '20' seta cg_hudMapPlayerWidth '20' seta compassObjectiveIconHeight '16' seta compassObjectiveIconWidth '16' These variables determine the height and width of variable icons.

FriendlyHeight/Width refers to the green and yellow icons that represent friendly players and you. PlayerHeight/Width refers to the red dots that represent all enemy players, and ObjectiveHeight/Width refer to the icons that represent objective, like flags or bombs. Other Properties Code: seta cg_hudMapBorderWidth '2' seta cg_hudMapRadarLineThickness '0.15'` MapBorderWidth is the width of the border around the map.

RadarLineThickness is the width of each circular radar-line when a UAV is in effect. The Mini-Map The Mini map is the small map at the topleft corner while playing. Similar to the full map, you can adjust height and width for the icons, but the mini-map has a few more options. Properties Code: seta compassRotation '1' seta compassSize '1' When compassRotation is enabled, the compass will rotate along with your movement. CompassSize is normally set to 1, any bigger number will increase the size.

Icon Sizes Code: seta compassObjectiveHeight '20' seta compassObjectiveWidth '20' seta compassFriendlyHeight '18.75' seta compassFriendlyWidth '18.75' seta compassPlayerHeight '18.75' seta compassPlayerWidth '18.75' seta compassObjectiveNumRings '10' seta compassObjectiveRingSize '80' seta compassObjectiveRingTime '10000' The first 6 variable are similar to the full map variables. ObjectiveNumRings determine the number of rings that will pulsate when a new objective appears (I think). RingSize and RingTime respectively determine the size of the rings, and the time each ring will take to fade out. The Floating Names These variables refer to the appearance of names when you target an enemy or friend. First off, some enabling/disabling variables. Enable/Disable Vars Code: seta cg_drawFriendlyNames '1' seta cg_drawCrosshairNames '1' These should be straightforward. When FriendlyNames is enabled, names of friendly players will always show, even when you are not targetting them with your crosshair.

CrossHairNames determines whether a name should appear after targetting them with your crosshair. FadeIn/Out and Sizes Code: seta cg_friendlyNameFadeIn '0' seta cg_friendlyNameFadeOut '1500' seta cg_enemyNameFadeIn '250' seta cg_enemyNameFadeOut '250' seta cg_overheadIconSize '0.7' seta cg_overheadNamesMaxDist '10000' seta cg_overheadNamesSize '0.5' seta cg_overheadRankSize '0.5' FadeIn and FadeOut variables determine the time it takes for friendly or enemy names to fade in/out after they leave your crosshair or dissappear behind an object (when drawFriendlyNames is enabled). OverheadIconSize refers to the size of the rank-icons next to the playernames. MaxDist is the maximum distance to show a player name. NamesSize and RankSize determine the size of the playernames and their rank, respectively. HUD Messages In-game, you will encounter alot of text-messages. Examples are the voting system, but also the 'you killed X' and 'you were killed by X' messages.

You can tweak some settings for these messages, although they are pretty limited. Code: seta cg_drawBreathHint '1' seta cg_hudProneY '-160' seta cg_hudStanceHintPrints '0' seta cg_hudVotePosition '5 220' seta hud_deathQuoteFadeTime '1000' When DrawBreathHint is enabled, a message will pop up every time you zoom in with a sniper rifle saying 'Press. To hold breath'. HudProneY determines the difference between the bottom of the screen and the 'Prone Blocked' message (when you want to go prone but can't).

When HudStanceHintPrints is enabled, apparently a message will appear telling you which button to press to change position, although I've never seen it or I can't remember. HudVotePosition is a 2D vector similar to the chatbox-variables, determining where the voting process should be shown.

Finally, DeathQuoteFadeTime determines the time in ms for the 'you were killed by X' message to dissappear. Console Colors The console consists of 2 different parts: the input box and the output box. The former is shown when you just press tilde (~), while the latter is the large box shown when you press shift+tilde. You can change the background colors of these parts by using the following commands: Code: seta con_inputBoxColor '0.25 0.25 0.2 1' seta con_inputHintBoxColor '0.4 0.4 0.35 1' seta con_outputBarColor '1 1 0.95 0.6' seta con_outputSliderColor '0.15 0.15 0.1 0.6' seta con_outputWindowColor '0.35 0.35 0.3 0.75' All of these variables contain RGBA values. InputBoxColor refers to the main box where you type your commands, inputHintBoxColor refers to the hint box when searching for different variables. OutPutSliderColor and OutputBarColor refer to the slider and bar to the right of the output box.

With 'bar', they mean the (normally) black bar behind the (normally) white-grayish slider. OutputWindowColor refers to the main output window. Miscellaneous The following settings do not belong to any of the above categories, but are pretty handy anyway: Code: seta cg_drawLagometer '0' seta cg_drawFPS 'Off' seta cg_fov '65' seta cl_maxpackets '30' seta com_maxfps '85' seta cg_youInKillCamSize '6' seta cg_mapLocationSelectionCursorSpeed '0.6' (airstrike map sensitivity) DrawLagometer shows a small box with a graphical representation of the clientside and serverside ping/lag, when enabled. DrawFPS shows some text in the top-right corner with your current FPS, when enabled. FOV determines the Field of View. It's hard to explain what this does technically, so just try it out for yourself. Cl_maxpackets determines the maximum number of 'packets' that the client will send to the server.

This, and maxFPS (determines the maximum FPS you will have), can be sweetspotted to jump higher or further. For more information, see the 'sweetspotting' chapter below. YouInKillCamSize determines the size of the large red 'you' icon during killcam mode. MapLocationSelectCursorSpeed determines the sensitivity of your mouse when choosing an airstrike location (although I'm not sure). Code: seta name ' seta cl_yawspeed '140' seta g_sensitivity '5' Logically, name determines which name you have in-game. YawSpeed determines how quick the screen will move when using a joystick. Also, this command is used to determine the speed when using commands like +lookup, +lookdown, etc.

Finally, Sensitivity determines the sensitivity of your mouse. 6: RGBA Colors Alot of variables that we came across contain a so-called RGBA value, which is basically a 4D vector. The first value determines the intensity of Red, while the second and third determine the intensity of respectively green and blue. The final value determines the transparency.

However, the transparency rarely has any noticeable effect. As alot of people are having problems to start off with colours at first, I will give a few examples to start you off. Code: '1 0 0 0.5' - completely red '0 1 0 0.5' - completely green '0 0 1 0.5' - completely blue '0 0 0 0.5' - Black '1 1 1 0.5' - White '0.5 0 0.5 0.5' - Purple '1 0 1 0.5' - Pink '1 1 0 0.5' - Yellow '1 0.5 0 0.5' - Orange '0 0.5 1 0.5' - Lighter blue '0.5 0 1 0.5' - Darker purple '0.25 0.25 0.25 0.5' - gray '0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5' - lighter gray '0.75 0.4 0 0.9' - Fragkings orange ^_^ A good way to start off with making your own colors is to take one of these preset colors and then slowly increase/decrease the various values to get the desired effect. 7: Sweetspotting There are 2 commands that, when given the right value, allow you to jump slightly higher or further.

These commands are cl_maxpackets and com_maxFPS. Sweetspotting these variables is essential in advanced jumps. I won't give any details into why these sweetspots exist (primarily because I don't know ^^), but I will tell you several known sweetspots and their usage.

First off, you should know that the maxFPS does not 'lock' your fps to a certain value. For example, you might give com_maxFPS the value of 125, but if your PC can only get 40 fps, it won't have any difference. Sweetspotting your FPS is quite easy.

All sweetspots are in fact division of a 1000. The most-used sweetspots are 1/8 * 1000 = 125 FPS, 1/4 * 1000 = 250 FPS, and 1/3 * 1000 = 333 FPS. In theory, 500 FPS and 1000 FPS itself are also sweetspots, but most computer can't reach these numbers, and they have very little benefits over the aforementioned 125, 250 and 333. Cl_maxpackets should be determined according to your com_maxFPS value. With 125 fps, cl_maxpackets should be set to 63 (half of 125). With 250 and 333 FPS the maxpackets should optimally be 125 and 167, however your maxpackets value is always capped to 100, so use that instead.

So which one should you use when? Well, for starters, 333 FPS normally gives you optimal results in bouncing. During jumps with 333FPS, you jump higher but less far (in my experience). With 125 FPS you jump further but lower, and 250 FPS is a balance of both.

(Please correct me if I'm wrong). A small note when doing jumping maps: alot of bounces require you to use 125 and 250 fps when performing the jump (this has to do with the angle you have to hit to bounce), after which you should quickly change too 333 FPS to bounce higher. You can use a toggle for this.

An example toggle can be found in chapter 9. Life Fitness 9500 Treadmill Review. Also note that in promod, cl_maxpackets is locked to 100 and the highest maxFPS is 250. If you go beyond these limits you'll get an error. For more information, see the 'Promod' chapter. 8: Actionslot, MP_QuickMessage and OpenScriptMenu Apart from basic actions and commands, cod4 houses a few more intricate menu-option features.

First off, the mp_QuickMessage action is the easiest. Binding this to a key (normally to B) will open up the quick menu. In nomod, this menu consists of sound-chats only ('Positive', 'Attack Left Flank', etc.). In Promod, the menu is expanded with a few extra options, like enabling filmtweaks, dropping the bomb, committing suicide, etc.

Actionslots are mainly used in nomod. Binding the action +actionslot to a key requires an additional number to be given behind it. As far as I know, the only available actionslots in nomod are 2, 3, and 4. Normally, these are bound to the following keys: Code: bind 5 '+actionslot 3' bind 6 '+actionslot 4' bind 7 '+actionslot 2' Actionslot 3 houses everything from the first perklist in create-a-class, so claymores, c4, grenade launcher, etc. Actionslot 4 activates UAV, Airstrike and Helicopter.

Actionslot 2 is always empty (I think). Actionslot 1 and 2 are mainly for mods. OpenScriptMenu Finally, the openscriptmenu action is the most difficult and advanced feature, but it has alot of options. Basically, openscriptmenu calls upon a scripted menu and cycles through it via numbers. To clarify, I'll give a simple example in nomod. When you press B and then 1, you will go to the 'commands' menu. Then, if you press 2, you will call the action 'Move In!'

Instead of actually typing B, 1, 2, you can bind the action of saying 'Move In!' Directly to one key. This is done with the openscriptmenu action. The syntax is as follows: Code: Bind X 'OpenScriptMenu [menu_name] [action_slot]' In the above example, the menu_name is 'quickcommands', and our action_slot is, as we know, 2. So, to bind the action of saying 'Move In!' To a single key, this becomes our command: Code: Bind X 'OpenScriptMenu quickcommands 2' Where X is the desired key.

You can call any action from the quickcommands menu simply by changing '2' into the appropriate number. To call actions from the other menus, Statements and Responses, you need menu_names of quickstatements and quickresponses, respectively. The full possibility list is seen below: Code: bind X 'openScriptMenu quickcommands 1' // On Me!

Bind X 'openScriptMenu quickcommands 2' // Move In! Bind X 'openScriptMenu quickcommands 3' // Fall Back! Bind X 'openScriptMenu quickcommands 4' // Base of Fire! Bind X 'openScriptMenu quickcommands 5' // Attack Left Flank!

Bind X 'openScriptMenu quickcommands 6' // Attack Right Flank! Bind X 'openScriptMenu quickcommands 7' // Hold this Position! Bind X 'openScriptMenu quickcommands 8' // Regroup! Bind X 'openScriptMenu quickstatements 1' // Contact!

Bind X 'openScriptMenu quickstatements 2' // Multiple Contacts! Bind X 'openScriptMenu quickstatements 3' // I'm in Position bind X 'openScriptMenu quickstatements 4' // Area Secure! Bind X 'openScriptMenu quickstatements 5' // Watch Your Six! Bind X 'openScriptMenu quickstatements 6' // Sniper! Bind X 'openScriptMenu quickstatements 7' // Need Reinforcements! Bind X 'openScriptMenu quickresponses 1' // Roger. Bind X 'openScriptMenu quickresponses 2' // Negative.

Bind X 'openScriptMenu quickresponses 3' // Moving. Bind X 'openScriptMenu quickresponses 4' // Sorry! Bind X 'openScriptMenu quickresponses 5' // Nice Shot! Bind X 'openScriptMenu quickresponses 6' // Come On!

Where X is the desired key. As far as I know, these binds will also work in promod. In promod, the openscriptmenu has alot more possibilities to the added quickpromod menu.

In fact, the examples above are just a shimmer of what openscriptmenu can truly do, especially in combination with macros, but I won't explain that here (yet). 9: Popular Binds and Examples This section contains alot of binds that are commonly found in configs. Code: bind 1 'toggle com_maxfps 125 250' bind 2 'com_maxfps 333' I personally like to set 333 FPS separately, instead of having to press 1 twice if I want to go from 125 to 333. This is because you have to switch to 333 FPS in midair alot in some codjumper maps. Code: bind 1 'toggle com_maxfps 125 250 333; toggle cl_maxpackets 63 100 100' This bind will cycle through the 3 sweetspots for FPS and change the maxpackets accordingly. Code: bind 3 'toggle cg_drawfps 1 0; toggle cg_drawlagometer 1 0' This bind will enable or disable the FPS and lagometer simultaneously.

Code: bind A '+moveleft;pb_sleep 500; sv_clientsidebullets 0;pb_security 0;pb_writecfg' This bind helps reduce lag caused by punkbuster, it will execute everytime you move left (i.e. Credits to Braindead (although I'm sure he got it from somewhere else =D) Code: bind F10 'record' bind F11 'stoprecord' bind F12 'screenshotJPEG' Code: bind 1 'toggle cg_chatTime 12000 0 12000; toggle cg_teamChatsOnly 0 0 1' This bind will cycle through enabled chat, no chat, and teamchat only.

Enabling and using Filmtweaks Filmtweaks are graphical adjustments that can greatly improve your vision, or are just for eyecandy. First off, enabling them can be done through the Promod menu by pressing B, 5, 2, or by using r_filmtweakenable 1. After enabling them, the following variables can be used to change the visuals. Behind the variables, I will list the default values.

Code: r_filmTweakBrightness '0' r_filmTweakContrast '1.4' r_filmTweakLightTint '1.1 1.05 0.85' r_filmTweakDarkTint '0.7 0.85 1' r_filmTweakDesaturation '0.2' Each map has it's own color scheme, i.o.w. Colors that are most frequent in the map. For example, Crash has a somewhat blue color-scheme while vacant is more greenish. Therefore, optimal filmtweaks will require different tweaks for every map. Considering this to be commands only effective in Promod, we will only discuss the maps currently used in most promod servers (crash, crossfire, strike, vacant, district and backlot). Often, two maps can use the same filmtweaks. Strike and Vacant often use the same tweaks, as well as crash and backlot.

This makes for four different binds, typically assigned to the arrows next to the keypad. OpenScriptMenu in combination with QuickPromod Earlier, we've seen openscriptmenu in combination with the basic menu's (quickcommands, quickstatements and quickresponses). Promod adds a new quickmenu by the name of quickpromod. With quickpromod, we can add alot of automatic features to a keys. The first basic feature one can use is changing your class or certain properties in your class.

Code: bind X 'openscriptmenu quickpromod sniper' bind X 'openscriptmenu quickpromod specops' bind X 'openscriptmenu quickpromod assault' bind X 'openscriptmenu quickpromod demolitions' bind X 'openscriptmenu quickpromod silencer' bind X 'openscriptmenu quickpromod grenade' bind X 'openscriptmenu quickpromod X' The first four binds will change your class. The next two are built-in toggles - enabling/disabling silencer and toggling between flash and smoke grenades. Finally, quickpromod X will skip to the weapon selection screen after pressing the binded key. Code: bind X 'openscriptmenu quickpromod 1 // Timeout bind X 'openscriptmenu quickpromod 2 // Drop Bomb bind X 'openscriptmenu quickpromod 3 // Suicide Quickpromod in combination with standard numbers, as seen above, will activate the options of the 'controls' submenu.

Code: bind X 'openscriptmenu quickpromodgfx 1 // Lighting Off/Stock/1.2 bind X 'openscriptmenu quickpromodgfx 2 // Film Tweaks On/Off bind X 'openscriptmenu quickpromodgfx 3 // Texture Filtering On/Off bind X 'openscriptmenu quickpromodgfx 4 // Normal Map: Flat/Unchanged bind X 'openscriptmenu quickpromodgfx 5 // FOV Scale: 1/1.125 bind X 'openscriptmenu quickpromodgfx 6 // Screen Blur: 0/0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8/1 quickpromodgfx refers to the graphical quickmenu, i.e. Pressing B, 5. Limited or Locked variables in Promod 2.11 The following is a list of variables that are either locked on a single variable, or limited to a range. Do not ever, EVER, change these values or go beyond the range if you plan to play promod anytime soon. Code: dynent_active 0 rate 25000 cg_nopredict 0 sm_enable 0 r_dlightLimit 0 r_lodscalerigid 1 r_lodscaleskinned 1 r_filmtweakInvert 0 r_zfeather 0 cg_viewzsmoothingmin 1 cg_viewzsmoothingmax 16 cg_viewzsmoothingtime 0.1 cg_huddamageiconheight 64 cg_huddamageiconwidth 128 cg_huddamageiconinscope 0 cg_huddamageiconoffset 128 cg_huddamageicontime 2000 developer 0 phys_gravity -800 com_maxfps 40 – 250 cl_maxpackets 60 – 100 compassplayerwidth EQUAL TO compassplayerheight compassfriendlywidth EQUAL TO compassfriendlyheight. [~HAEN~]jimderonde wrote: cannot be arsed with all the threads where people ask 'will my new PC reach 250 or not?'

I will make it basic for you, so everyone can understand. - Every PC with a i7 or i5 will reach 250. Alltho you need a graphics card that's >/= 8800GT / hd 3850 and >/=2GB of ram. - Every PC with a Phenom Quad or high end AMD Dualcore will reach 250 with a graphics card higher than 9600GT / hd 4770. Systems that will REACH 250, but will not be stable are systems that are like this E7200/E6750/E6600/Q6600 2GB RAM HD 4770 Systems that will REACH 250 and will be proper stable with the right settings E8400/E8500/Q8400/Q9300 4GB RAM HD 4770 / 8800GTS / 9800GTS Systems that will NOT reach 250. I'll sure you'll pull out a proper 125 stable.

Lmao, if your gpu can handle 500fps, it dropps for 50 fps and you lock it to 250, ofcourse you wont notice any fps drops. Unlock fps, com_maxfps 0 and go to same map same spot with specular on and off.

You'll notice that with on you will have, lets say 400 fps and with off 430-50. Numbers are hypothetic ofcourse. It doesn't mean anything to you with high end cards, but when 40fps is almost third of my total fps that my card can reach, it means a lot.

Lets not go to offtopic too much, would ruin this useful thread. Posts: 6866 Joined: 28 Oct 2009, 21:02 Country: •.

Dec 24 2013 Server Original promodlive v2.16 re-modded v2.16B TDS - remove scr_motd messages - added ANTICAMP SYSTEM - added promod scorebot PUB - added player spawn messages. Promodlive v2.16b tds server No files were found matching the criteria specified. We suggest you try the with no filter applied, to browse all available. And help us achieve our mission of showcasing the best content from all developers. To share your own content, we welcome creators and consumers alike and look forward to your comments.