Biblia De Bosquejos Y Sermones Apocalipsis Pdf Merge

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Ademas de un bosquejo general para cada libro del Antiguo Testamento, los tomos de la serie desarrollan en cada pagina otras divisiones y bosquejos adicionales para cada pasaje biblico y cada versiculo. A todo esto se anade los estudios a fondo de terminos y conceptos fundamentales que enriquecen su conocimiento de la Parabra de Dios y lo ayudan no solo a entenderla mejor, sino a exponerla con mayor claridad. Publicada originalmente en ingles por el prestigioso Leadership Ministries Worldwide.

With more than 70,000 Spanish language copies in print, this series has become a favorite with Hispanic pastors and students of the Bible. Each volume provides detailed outlines and commentary on each verse and passage of the Bible.

The chapters are clearly laid out, with headers detailing the theme of the passage and commentary on how to apply the Scriptures to everyday life. An indispensable tool for the library of every Spanish language pastor, seminary, or Bible institute.

Published originally in English by Leadership Ministries Worldwide.

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