Air Cadet Rifle Drill Manual

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Air Cadet Rifle Drill Manual Average ratng: 6,0/10 3078votes

It’s interesting to wonder sometimes what Sears could have been if they had more aggressively pursued the outdoorsman market. The companies which dominate the space today, such as Cabelas, Gander, and Academy, have all struck major success within the past 20 years. Sears had plenty of opportunity to exploit this market, but for the past 25 years they have been screwing up at every turn.

Air Cadet Rifle Drill Manual

Nowadays their store is downright depressing to visit. I went there a few weeks ago to purchase a vacuum cleaner (they are the only major chain to carry bag filter vacuums) and there were literally more employees in the store than customers. If only they had continued targeting the sports and outdoors market, and not divested their financial subsidiaries, their fortunes might be much better at present.

I realize the thread is ancient but I couldn’t help but comment on Sears. To be honest, I have not set foot in a Sears in over 30 years. When I was a poor college kid right out of the service, my sister had given me a Sears gift card for Christmas which I promptly misplaced. I found it a week or so before the following Thanksgiving.

The 2014 Cadet. Joint Service Honor Guard Academy. Additionally, many community-based organizations such as the Army Cadet aspect of drill from. Air Force units will execute commands in accordance with their drill manual. Schools and cadets using M1 rifles will execute 'Present Arms' and 'Order Arms. Firing with a service rifle with blanked-out sights. For the M14, a “training rib” was created that did this and provided a shotgun-like “sight picture.

When I went to use it at Sears, the sales lady told me to come back the following week as they were having a big sale. I showed up the following week only to be told my card was expired by a few days and was worthless. I pleaded my case to the store manager and was promptly told to p*ss off with the obligatory condescending flick of the wrist. I have since bought 100’s of thousands of dollars worth of tools, appliances, and other wares and not a single dollar of it went to Sears! I have often wished I would have run into that same Sears manager from years back to show him and the thousands of others like him at Sears just exactly why their business is failing!

Karma, baby, KARMA! That was a very well done article, and summary. I own two 1903A3s and enjoy them very much. You did a good job on the history of the variants on the 1903 platform. Ironically, just this weekend, YouTube, for reasons known only to YouTube, featured a short video I made shooting the Garand and 1903 and it was a featured video on YouTube, attracting, so far nearly 120,000 views.

May I post some of your comments in the video description section? I’d link directly over here, but not sure how to do that in YouTube which is pretty hesitant about web address embedding. I might add an annotation to the video though pointing people here. Think I’ll do that. One more comment on 1903A3’s: During the height of WWII war production ramp-up, as an expediency measure to crank out more rifles in less time, 1903A3’s were made with two-groove barrels (as opposed to the original four grooves). I have a two-groove A3 and it shoots into an inch at 100 yards quite handily with modern sporting ammo.

The two groove barrels are favored by some cast bullet shooters over the four groove for reasons I won’t belabor here. Both the 1903/A3/A4 and Mauser 98 are worthwhile additions to anyone’s collection, and both make excellent starting points for high-end custom rifles. I have a 1943 Remington manufactured 03-A3 that I think is all original, it has a 4 groove barrel and is in excellent condition. I took it to the range once, placed 5 turkey steel silhouettes at 300 yards, hit 5 out of five and then said “no need to shoot this anymore, it’s too accurate”.

My friend has a 2 groove 03-A3, his father was a gunsmith who (unfortunately by today’s standards) sporterized dozens of 03’s and a quite a few 03-A3’s, who told me that nobody wanted 2 groove guns, but in reality, they were as accurate or more so than the standard 4 groove guns. I’ve only seen about 2 or 3 over the years, but I will say that you are lucky to have one. I have two 03-A3’s. One is a Remington and the other one is a Smith-Corona. I regularly hunt with my 03-A3. I shot a nilgai in Texas with the Remington.

I’ve also used the 03-A3 on countless jack rabbit hunts. It’s also a great rifle for shooting coyotes. These are great guns. The 2-stage trigger breaks cleanly and they balance nicely.

I’ve read that the front sight is one of the rifle’s weaknesses. Perhaps, but I’ve never had an issue with the front sight on either 03-A3.

Some say that the 2-groove barrels on most of the Remington rifles are not that accurate, but I can squeeze out a 2″ group at 100 yards with hand loaded ammunition. The P-17 Enfield is an incredibly tough and well-built battle rifle, but it is heavy and a bit on the ugly side (I have one made by Eddystone), but the 03 and the 03-A3 are truly handsome rifles. Thanks for the great article. I aquired a Springfield 1903 “Sporter” model.30-06, (NOT SPORTERIZED), years ago, for $35.00 at a garage sale.

I thought it was sporterized, but upon disassembly, I noticed the barrel band was machined and fit around the lower stock and barrel perfectly. This rifle never had handguards. I got out some reference manuals and there was the picture of my rifle. It is VERY RARE. Only a few hundred made!

Back in the 1920s, if you wanted a Hunting Rifle in.30-06, this was your ONLY choice. EVERY PART in Her is Machined STEEL and Hand Fit. The magazine floor plate underside is Jeweled. Every part in the original Lyman sight is machined steel. The barrel has flaming bomb proof, dated 6-16. It is slicker and smoother than anything currently made. She still shoots great.

The Elderly man I bought it from, said his brother used it to shoot Grizzly Bears and camp meat in Alaska with it Durring Construction of the Alaskan Hwys, from ’20s-’50s. I believed him, as it only has 20% blue, but no pitting. It is a Great Rifle, and dont plan to part with it. The stuff they come out with now, and for the last 30 years ago is Junk(you pick the brand).

My rifle is a classic example of, “They Dont Make Things Like They Used To” Sad!!! My Dad was on the 3rd wave in the invaison on Okinawa. +30 days he found a 1903, in average condition. He kept the rifle, and later sportatized in 1950, an avid hunter he hunted on Fort Lewis and always carried the 1903. I was 14 when I shot my first buck on Fort Lewis.

I attended a local Military school for 3 years, and entered High School. That year was my first hunt in 3 years.

My Dad did’t have the 1903, he was shooting a Remington semi auto carbine, he had sold the 1903 to a retired buddy. I just knew I would inherit that 1903, but it didn’t happen.In 1970 I was on active duty in the 50th state. The territorial guard/National guard was selling off 1903’s I aquired one for the price of 36.00, a lower serial number example with the Hatcher hole in the receiver.

I own 3 1903’s and enjoy them very much. My son and I have inherited a Smith-Corona 03-a3 from his great grandfather. Initially, most of the info I needed to know what type of gun was obscured by the scope mount.

When further inspecting, found that it is a smith-corona o3a3 that has been sporterized with a fajen stock. I own several guns and would love to take this one to the range and fire it, but am concerned about whether it is safe to fire.

When operating the bolt action, it seems extremely “wiggly” when pulled back as far as it will go. Admittedly, i know little about mauser-style bolt actions and would like to know if this is fairly normal with these guns or there is cause for concern. Have you never heard of a trapdoor Springfield? Those were the rifle between the muzzle loaders and the Krag and there were plenty of trapdoors in Cuba! Name the court case between Mauser and the US govt Tired of looking yet? That’s because there never was one, the author just repeats wrong information. As mentioned above, the sling is attached to the stacking swivel, the proper sling swivel is missing.

I guess they did that to keep the upper band from falling off since it’s retaining screw is missing. I have an old 03-A3 Springfield, two groove that I received in 1978 with no wood or stock accessories. I promptly ordered a very plain (straight grained) blank stock from Brownell’s (I think) and went to work making a very attractive sporter. I had connections with Lassen Community College in Susanville, Calif. Since having been a student in the gunsmithing lab and was able to get the bolt “bent,” the barrell turned down smooth, the action drilled and tapped for scope base and blued to a near “Black” semi-gloss finish.

All that cost me probably a thousand dollars worth of tools, but they were old tools I no longer have use for. Download The Blob 1958 there. I fit, glassbedded, and finished the Walnut stock with twenty hand rubbed coats of “Tru Oil” which I hand rubbed with pumice and oil to bring out a really beautiful glassy smooth finish. Mounted with it’s 3-9 x 40 Nikon scope she is a pleasure to show and is on the mark at 150 yards.

I studied under Mr. John Wise in Susanville from 1965 to 1971 when I moved away.

All I ever took were the machineshop classes. One hell of a lot of fun!!! I am a country Gospel singer/songwriter, so my web page doesn’t reflect guns, however I am a huge proponent of or our 2nd amendment. I own 2 beautiful M-1 Garands, and just recently bought a 1903A3 ( which I have not had the privilege to shoot yet. The Garands are the sweetest rifles I have ever shot ( right on the money at 100 yards and probably more) from what I’ve read, it would appears I am in for an even sweeter treat with the 03 A3, can wait to fire that “Baby” “Keep your powder dry” and God Bless you and our country. Frank M Diehl.

So, I’m a History Education major, and consider myself an milsurp enthusiast but by no means an expert and I would like to ask a question to people that probably know more about this rifles wonderful history than I do. I am reading a text book for the class I am helping out, and in the book there is a diagram that shows a American WWI soldiers’ equipment, and of course the rifle was the ’03. They had a comment I have never heard before and I’m fairly certain that it is dead wrong but thought I would give this due diligence. On the rifle there is a text box and it says this word for word: “the appearance of the Springfield rifles fooled the Germans into thinking that the Americans had machine guns”. Now my assumption is whoever wrote this specific part of the book was getting the ’03 mixed up with an M1 Garand, but like I said before, just wanted to see what everyone else had to say about this. Yes I know a millennial that is into guns!

Shocker right? (No I’m not feeling the Bern by any means) Thanks!

Zack; There is on way in H— anyone could mistake a 03 for a machine gun, certainly not the Germans. Your assumption can only be correct. I own 2 03-A3s, 2 M1 Garands and 2 M1 carbines, I can reload my M1 Garand in about 2.5 sec. And that is slow, but I am 74 years old. At the beginning WW-2 most countries were using and trained on bolt action rifles and you can see why the M1 could have been mistaking for a machine gun but not the 03.

I am glad to see that you have joined us old guys in the ownership of guns. I will not hold it against you for being a millennial, you can not help when you were you born, Please don’t join the college students in a CRY IN, just joking. Young people make fun of us old ones but when we were their age we had real problems to think about.

The Draft, 4 years in the army, the Cuba/USSR problem, the death of JFK, keeping a job to stay in school ( No Student Loans ), and don’t forget Vietnam. A few things the article gets VERY wrong. The Marines did NOT “wade ashore on Wake island with 1903 rifles”. Wake Island was a refueling base for the trans Pacific “PanAm” clipper flying boats and US territory. The USMC was stationed on Wake in the summer of 1941 BEFORE the attack on Pearl Harbor to defend it in case of war. Like the rest of the US armed forces in the summer of 1941 they were armed with WW1 rifles, machineguns, and artillery.

The production of the 1903 rifle DID NOT cease in 1941. It was built with an ever increasing number of stamped parts until sometime in 1942 by Remington. When it was gradually phased out as parts on hand were used up. NO ONE has any idea when production stopped for the M1903 or what the last serial number was, or when the first 1903A3 came off the line. Springfield Armory rebuilt M-1903 rifles to “as new” specification until sometime in late 1944 or early 1945. New parts were manufactured for the M-1903 rifle by Springfield and Remington as well as Smith Caronia and hundreds of subcontractors until 1945. M-1903 and M1903A3 rifles were still issued to some units of the Alaska National Guard, as well as some US Navy ships, as late as 1970.

Making it the longest serving rifle in US military history.

The performs the rifle inspection routine in front of spectators seated in the Reviewing Stands during the Battle Colors Ceremony held at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, California. A drill team can be one of four different entities: [ ] • A military drill team is a marching unit that performs routines based on.

Military drill teams perform either armed or unarmed. • A creates routines based on precision dance movements rather than military drill.

These teams usually do not carry anything, but may use props in field production numbers. They may perform to recorded music, or the live music of an accompanying marching band. • A team that execute routines carrying either one or multiple flags or pom-poms. This team's movements are also based in dance and may also have a heavy influence of gymnastics as well. These teams also may perform to music, either live or recorded. • A team that is mounted (horse, motorcycle, etc.) or advances some type of mobile object (library carts, lawn chairs, or even garbage bins). May also include teams of dogs and handlers.

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Military drill team [ ] A military drill team is a marching unit that performs routines based on military drill. These teams often perfect their proficiency and then choose to compete against other programs. These competitions are generally called 'drill meets', and are held all across the world. The top American bladed (bayonet-only) independent drill meet was Pro America and the top American independent armed drill meet is the Isis World Drill Championships for post high school professional exhibition drillers in the nation. There is also the National High School Drill Team Championships held in Daytona Beach, Florida for high school students where schools from across the US descend on Daytona Beach and the Ocean Center for a wonderful weekend of competition and camaraderie.

There are two divisions for competing, Unarmed, and Armed. During the summers, most drill teams go to drill camps to hone their skills. Also see high school 'military' drill teams in high school.

Washington, Idaho, California. United States [ ]. 's elite senior drill platoon,, performing their signature combination of Prussian high-step and German close-order drill All of the military service branches have an official drill team part of their respective service. The have drill teams, as well as many college and university (Reserve Officer Training Corps) and high school (Junior ROTC) units. Additionally, many community-based organizations such as the Army Cadet Corps,,, and maintain military drill teams. Formerly, some of these units were called Crack Squads. Canada [ ] The Canadians have the Canadian Cadet Organization.

The organization consists of the,, and. All three branches of the organization have drill competitions throughout the year.

Some of these competitions are hosted by the Regional Cadet Support Units. Canadian drill competitions consist of the following: • Fall in • Drill Team dress and deportment • Drill Team Commander’s dress and deportment • Compulsory drill procedures at the halt • Compulsory drill procedures on the march • Drill performance in a precision routine (optional) Norway [ ] The Norwegian military consist of only one single company sized drill team, consisting of a band and a drill platoon. The team is one of five infantry companies that are assigned the mission to protect His Majesty the King of Norway and the royal family, as well as guarding the Royal Palace.

The 3rd company, HMKG are also used to represent the Norwegian armed forces at state-related matters such as state-visits, ceremonies, national festivities, and were also prominent in the Winter World Cup 2010 as guards. As of 2012, His Majesty the King's Guard is also responsible for the safety and defence of the city of Oslo, in case of a national crisis. A total of six companies make up His Majesty The King's Guard (), and is a part of the Norwegian army. The band is hand picked through interviews and playing tests prior to the draft date. The band consists of signal horns, a drumline, a pit and the main band. Most of the members year goes to practising and basic military training as the year is a part of their military service. The band is probably the only troop that almost never have 'green' duty (as in field duty).

Also, the band never stand guard at the castle nor the other guarding posts around Oslo, neither does the drill platoon. The drill platoon consists of 32–40, first-year servicing soldiers. These are all hand picked through a rigorous selection process that lasts from their drafting at the start of October till December.

The soldiers go through basic military training as well as having to learn how to march, weapons drill, and how to perform synchronically. Throughout the selection process, the soldiers have to prove themselves worthy a spot on the drill team, as these soldiers will be representing not only the King's guard, but also the Norwegian military and the Norwegian state both national and internationally. Everything in their daily duty from the bed, room, facilities, closets, uniforms, and physique needs to be at excellent standards 24/7. These men strive for perfection in all that they do and are often seen running around the various woods nearby the base as well as working out at the gym.

Every year, these soldiers finish their service with one of the highest average physical results in the army. Their uniforms are spotless and wrinkleless, in addition their boots are so well polished that you can literally reflect yourself in them. As opposed to what one might think, these soldiers draft year have been compared to as even harder than what the first-year service in the special forces is. Though most likely not as hard physically, the mentality and the pressure in being the best of the best puts these soldiers under a tremendous amount of pressure every hour of every day, every day of the year. Their rigorous training results in being one of the best drill teams in the world. The band and drill platoon (3rd company) is the only drill team that have been invited to the legendary nine times, 2012 being the most recent. The drill meet [ ] A drill meet is a competition for military-style drill teams.

The units have drill teams; however, they do not compete against each other in a drill meet such as this. The only exception to this is Pro America where individuals compete, but not the full drill teams. US high school and college teams often compete against each other. Phases [ ] Each meet has different phases: Many drill meets differ regarding what events are offered and what divisions of competition are presented. Drill meets generally include both an armed and unarmed divisions. Events offered generally include several different phases: inspection, color guard regulation drill, and, in addition, (drill based on a service's drill manual) an in which they march intricate maneuvers along with manipulating equipment including, sometimes with fixed.

Musicians of the His Majesty the King Guard band and drill team (Norway) • Inspection (I): Each team goes through a standard military inspection for an up-close critique of their bearing, knowledge and overall appearance. • (RD): A fixed list of verbal commands, armed or unarmed from a service’s drill and ceremonies manual (see also ), given by a single cadet commander. This cadet commander must memorize these commands at most every meet and the team must perform these movements as per regulations. • (XD): XD is based in RD, but is then infused with a Driller’s imagination. XD has different categories: • Solo/one-man (A single driller) • Tandem/two-man (2 drillers) • Small team (4–8 drillers) (Note: this category replaces tetrad and squad) • Platoon/flight (9–26 Drillers) • regulation drill (CGR): The military color guard is not to be confused with a marching band’s color guard (see for more information), although music-related color guards have their roots in the military version.

This is similar to the drill team RD phase in that there is a fixed list of commands from a service’s drill and ceremonies manual that the cadet commander must memorize and execute with his/her color guard unit. Units are often required to 'case' (commands required to cover the colors for transport/storage), and/or 'uncase' (commands required to uncover the colors for competition/display) as a part of the competition. Weapons [ ] Each of the above phases can be marched by an armed (with a military,, or ) or unarmed team. NOTE: Many drill meets allow the use of a sword in the unarmed division, but never a rifle of any kind. All drill teams can march a.

• Standard drill team rifles in the United States are the,, or the. Armed teams usually use a or a facsimile, which may be light-weight for spinning (such as for marching show band use). • Unarmed teams concentrate on varied body and arm movements with intricate steps. Armed teams then add manipulation of the equipment, known as ' in regulation drill events. Judging [ ] The current system used almost all military drill competitions includes multiple military judges each looking at the unit as a whole while they are competing at differing angles.

These judges then grade every aspect of the performance on their own score sheets. This grading is based strictly on the military drill manuals in use for the meet (i.e., Army TC 3-21.5, Marine Corps Order P-5060.20, Air Force Manual 36-2203, etc.) Using this evaluating technique closely parallels what most of these individuals have done throughout their military careers at various levels throughout their training (most of these evaluators come from military training facilities and/or base honor guards).

Judges score teams within ranges from POOR, to AVERAGE, to EXCEPTIONAL. Most meets using this system have a 'Judge's Notes' section where judges are either encouraged or required (depending on the meet) to write some candid notes for the team to utilize to interpret the numerical scores delivered on the score sheets. Dance and semi-military teams [ ] Texas [ ] Dance drill teams evolved from early pep squads and military-style drum and bugle corps that performed in the stands and/or during halftimes at football games., from, created a pep squad at in, Texas in 1929. The team was called the 'Flaming Flashes', and they performed at every. During Miss Davis’ ten years at Greenville, the team evolved from just simple marching, stunts, and holding up letters, to twirling batons, performing basic dance steps, and eventually, with some help from the band director at Port Arthur High School in southeast Texas, becoming a precision drum and bugle corps., a high school cheerleader in the Rio Grande Valley during the early 1930s, had an idea of forming a team from the girls who were not selected for cheerleader.

After graduating from college, Kay returned to to teach physical education and to direct the Sergeanettes in 1936. They marched on the field with a “military swing” style, and eventually evolved into an acclaimed precision dance group. Crawford is equally noted with Gussie Nell Davis as having started the 'drill team' concept, but it was Crawford who later started the national dance competition industry. In 1939, the president of, Dean B.E.

Masters, contacted Gussie Nell Davis about coming to, Texas, to start a group that would “be interesting and keep the folks in their seats at half-time.” They also needed to recruit women to the school since the enrollment was primarily made up of men who were seeking to learn more about the oil business. Masters was not quite sure what he wanted, but he knew he did not want a traditional drum and bugle corps. He wanted something new, something that did not yet exist, and left the decisions up to Miss Davis.

Miss Davis created the “' to perform at Kilgore College football game halftimes. The Rangerettes almost immediately became the gold standard for all teams, both high school and college, and almost all Texas drill teams now consist of a line of performers with the officers in front of the team leading them in at every game. In, Texas, just 30 miles from Kilgore, the second college drill team to be created in Texas was the in 1947. A fierce but friendly rivalry between the Apache Belles and the Rangerettes developed quickly, and continues to this day. Much like Miss Davis, Barbara Tidwell, a former Kilgore College Rangerette, was recruited by Southwest Texas State University (now ) in 1960 to create the “Strutters”, the first drill team at a four-year college. There are over a thousand high school drill teams in the state of Texas today with over 30,000 students participating every year. The traditional uniform for these teams usually consists of a white hat with white boots.

The officers of the teams also typically wear an all white uniform, while the line members wear school colors. Teams perform visual routines at football games, both in the stands during the game, and on the field at halftime.

During the spring, teams often perform at basketball game halftimes, and compete in many different dance styles at competitions sponsored by dance and drill team companies. Traditionally, Texas high school drill teams have been all female, but males have auditioned and been selected to teams in recent years.

California [ ] The first dance-drill teams in were school affiliated. Teams in now typically identify as either a pep squad, drill team, dance team, dance-drill team, or dance company.

But these affiliations began to widen greatly as parks & recreation programs, independent performing arts programs, and dance studios opened across the state in the late 1980s and developed their own dance-related programs. More traditional drill teams march in parades with school marching bands during the fall/winter, perform field shows (halftime shows) at athletic events, and compete at indoor dance/drill competitions during the late-winter and/or spring seasons.

After moving from to following her collegiate studies, drill team founder Dr. Eventually started the world's first national precision dance-drill team competition in 1967: (aka U.S. Nationals & Pageant, MDDTUSA). In 1981, Crawford also created the world's first international dance competition: Miss Dance Drill Team International. National dance competition and world championships are now held annually in Southern. But there are now numerous drill team & dance team competition circuits in California (i.e., Varsity/USA/UDA, CADTD, etc.).

Koshis Setial Title Song there. And while most current school-affiliated teams do not compete on the festival level, those that do are consistently adjudicated in the following areas as developed by Dr. (Different competition circuits place different point/percentage weight on the importance of each of the following three areas in determining a final score): • Routine choreography • Technical execution • Showmanship There are also quite a variety of categories in which a team can compete. Examples are as follows: • Jazz • Lyrical • Contemporary • Military • Kick • Hip Hop • Pom/songleader • Character • Novelty • Prop • Dance-drill • Co-ed dance • Show production Unlike other states where schools are placed in separate divisions based on their school attendance size (as associated with state-organized athletic organizations), no such affiliation currently exists in California because dance is not considered an athletic sport. As a result, competition divisions are sub-divided into size of the performance group in a given routine, with teams allowed to compete in as many sizes as they wish: • Small • Medium • Intermediate • Large All teams are adjudicated on a point system, with total points deciding ordinal rankings in determining winners. Washington [ ] In Washington state, the phrase 'drill team' usually refers to high school performance/spirit teams that compete in the 'drill' and/or 'military' category at local, regional and statewide 'dance/drill' competitions. Drill routines (sometimes referred to as 'drills') typically entail (indeed some argue should entail): • highly regimented procedures for entering and exiting the stage; • precise symmetry and/or spacing in the team's formations (a.k.a.

Line straightness); • precise transitions between formations that do not compromise line straightness; • perfect or near-perfect synchronization and sharpness in the teams' marching and other bodily movements; and • interesting music selection. • (Many drill teams incorporate into their routines; many other successful drill routines have been accomplished without them.) Judging is currently known as ordinal judging and ratings categorized by superior, exceptional, excellent, and good. The WIAA Dance/Drill competition is the annual championship event for qualified dance and drill teams held annually in the last weekend of March. A Washington drill team member, or 'driller', is not a dancer, but a dancer can be a driller.

Since the foci of drill are presentation and spatial precision, drillers do not necessarily need attributes typically ascribed to dancers, such as a high level of flexibility (although this is a large portion of what many teams exhibit in their routines and part of their score) or an aptitude for expressing emotions with the body. This generally allows for larger team sizes, with most teams having about 20 or more members.

Utah [ ] In Utah, most 3A, 4A, and 5A schools have a drill team. This sport is incredibly competitive in this state, probably due to the high number of dancers. Tryouts are normally held during the months of April and May the school year before the season.

The reason for this is because most teams work on their technique, go to camps, and perfect their smaller routines over the summer for the performances they do at the beginning of the school year. The summer preparation gives teams more time to perfect their main routines for the winter competition season.

Teams usually compete at 3–4 competitions before taking their routines to their school's regional competition. The teams that usually place in the top four at regionals go to the state competition to compete against the top teams from other regions. The dance styles include lyrical, hip hop, officers, and camp dances, which are the smaller routines performed at school functions and are optional at competitions. Dance, military, and kick are the required styles at regional and state competitions, and are the only routines performed.

• Dance - These routines features flexibility, grace, leaps, pirouettes, a la secondes, fouettes, and many other skills. Good technique, a visual routine, and a performance face (projection) is required to receive high scores. • Military - The style and technique of a military routine is very different, and often surprising when seen for the first time. They have intricate formations, walking patterns, arm sequences, kicks, drop splits, and up until a recent ban, also included headstands.

These performances require the team to appear as one person, with every move incredibly precise and crisp. Faces are typically 'hard' or neutral, and the music is usually instrumental. It is typically part of a marching ensemble (marching band). • Kick - A kick routine is all about legs. The majority of the routine is kicking, either in a kickline or alone. Scores are based on the number of kicks in the routine, how high the kicks are, how straight and pointed the legs and feet are, and if the entire team is kicking as one. See also [ ] • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Notes [ ].